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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons...

Thank you to Everyone for voting in the Cropped or Full Figure Poll, from the above outfit design samples its perhaps clear which version won, (The Full Figured Version Won ^^).

I kind-of wish I could create finished pin-ups for all 3 Versions of these characters & their Cutesy-Themed Outfits (Bunny | Pussy-Cat | Unicorn), as I adore All three looks. I will likely mix and match, although this is one of the first times where I'm not sure if I want to.

I hope everyone has a Super Pink & Fluffi Week.

K@T ^^



Sailor Bear Zodar

Oh my gosh, unicorn yeeessssss. (I have a couple of different unicorn cosplays myself.)


Unicorn's can be a Sissys (& a Bimbo's) Best Friend! ;-D unicorn cosplays sound like fun. :)


Kinda fond of the bunny


To Ben (who now appears to have removed your comment) regarding the 'Pink Fluffi Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows Link' you previously sent... FlufflePuff is Amazing & a few people I know even have that particular ring-tone set for me, when I call. ;D


They're all really cute in their own ways, and it will be really intersting to see just how many elements I can include in this pin-up. As some of these really Girly Over-the-top stylings can be such a hodge-podge of cute & different accessories. :D


If I decide to go with Bunny Ears, they'll definitely have to be longer and more fluffy. ^^


Fuck! These are great!!! I can't even eliminate any of them. Jeez K@T this is a Grant slam!! You gotta do all three!!

Green Sea

they're all so good looking


Don't mix them, do all three of them, they are all so good by themselves that it would be a crime to mix or eliminate any one of these. Have some fun K@T, do all three, don't bother with any story or speech balloons. These Harajuku Girls tell story all by themselves.


Seriously K@T pleeeeaassse do all three!


Any idiot can and does Bunny Bimbos, but have you ever seen a unicorn Bimbo?;)


Bunny's, Unicorns & PussyCat Bimbo's, I can say they are all pretty challenging looks to create an ensemble with. And even more challenging to create a finished look with, Ben. :)


Regrettably I wont be doing all 3, well not at once, STL, Sorry... But I do keep outfit designs on file, so should the Style-Theme pop-up again I have some prepared options to choose from. :)


Yes, but I don't think those mitsi ears were quite Fluffi-enough. More Pink & Fluffiness would be required. ^^


I beg of you to reconsider. If not all at once, do them individually. I don't think I could wait for this theme to pop up again, which would likely be two years from now! These outfits and that pose is too good to file them away for later. Oh Puuuleeeaaase do them all!


LOVE all three!! <3 <3 <3


I agree that there are elements of all three that I like, specifically the fur of the rabbit, the pasties of the cat, and the hair of the unicorn (also I realize that this sounds like the ingredients for a witch's potion).