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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons...

I know this PrincessVille Geisha Comic Page has been taking a tad longer than usual... :-s

Working on this comic page has brought to light (to me), that Not Every Style-Theme is going to have a suitable Story within the PrincessVille Community. As this PrincessVille Geisha Comic strip was a real struggle and stretch in the story-scenario department. While I'm Very Happy with the Final Script & Story, I'm not sure I will have another adequately on-Topic 'Geisha-Related PrincessVille story'. 

So with that in mind for the future, I may have to label the Style-Themes in some way, (possibly at the beginning of the poll, or as an ongoing poll is in its latter stages, such as here with this post), so when you are all voting for the Style-Themes you will have more of an informed choice as to which Style-Themes I can see working as either as a *Pin-Up,* OR a *PrincessVille Comic Sequence* OR *Are Suitable for BOTH Formats.

Although part of the reason I haven't labelled them in the past, has been because sometimes after a particularly gruelling pin-up or comic page image, being able to switch to drawing a different type of page-format can be a big motivational rejuvenating factor... As well allowing for the possibility that at the last minute I may come up with a Comic Story Scenario out of nowhere, or a Fun Outfit idea for a Pin-Up.

So with that said for the Next Image ( After the PrincessVille SiSSY GEiSHA Comic Page ), Here's how I personally view each of the Image options from the Currently ongoing BiMBO STYLE-THEME POLL::



Astronaut / Sci-Fi / Space-Girl - (PiN-UP)

Chav / Tart - (Either a PiN-UP or PRiNCESSViLLE)

Japanese Harajuku - (PiN-UP)

Beautician / HairDresser - (PRiNCESSViLLE)

Human-Pet Bunny - (Either a PiN-UP or PRiNCESSViLLE)

Bachelorette Party - (Either a PiN-UP or PRiNCESSViLLE)



If anyone still hasn't voted or would like to change their vote upon learning this information, you have until I post the Finished PrincessVille Geisha Comic Page.

Pink & Fluffiness

K@T ^^



In that case Francesco, make sure you cast your vote. :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/bimbo-style-poll-26514492 . It's an image I'm looking forward to drawing at somepoint, as well. :)

Green Sea

honesty as long as the quality meets your stander and your happy making it flip flop if you to I don't think anyone will complain that much.


I think you are limiting yourself by pigeonhole a theme to a particular format. I would suggest you give yourself a fair chance of coming up with a story at later time. I think it's problematic if you are hung up on the story aspects when the main focus of your Patreon is your art. What I am saying is the Geisha theme could've been a pin-up first, then maybe inspired a Princessville comic strip. You could do an Astronaut pin-up and then down the road you could do a comic strip if only you feel satisfied with telling a Princessville story about the Astronaut. So like pin-up can serve as epilogue to the story, assuming you might someday tell the Princessville story of the said pin-up. You can go even further and keep the pin-ups under wraps until you are ready to tell the Princessville story first. So you can post the comic first, then the pin-up. Yep I'm suggesting you do both, but I don't think every pin-up you do needs a Princessville storyline. I think the gist of the problem is you are on seasaw for almost every project regarding the format, whether it's pin-up or comic. So make it easier on yourself do Pin-ups first, let the inspiration come to you to do the comic strip later, instead of forcing yourself to write a story you aren't all that comfortable with. I get that you want variance in your projects, but the theme and styles should be enough to differ from one project to another. Writing stories is HARD! even harder to make it short comic strip. I think you can do Princessville justice with just pin-ups. Have your backgrounds clearly show the BiMBO/SiSSY is in Princessville. I think when you are feeling inspired, you'll be more satisfied with your writing.


I agree in parts with what you're saying Send the Love, and I can understand where you are coming from... As per usual, I think I've managed to make things sound far more complicated than they actually are and this somewhat rambled post probably won't help too much either. :-s Usually as I'm coming to the end of image I try to come up with possible PrincessVille Scenario's for the Style-Themes, should I decide to go with a Comic Page instead of a Pin-Up... However that's NOT to say for example that future 'Astronaut Style-Theme' won't have a PrincessVille Scenario the next time it's in the style-theme poll, it's just that at the moment, I don't have a solid concept in mind. I have the beginning of an Astronaut scenario, but No middle or end. However without going into too many long rambled and confusing details, the current Style-Theme poll Format for the PrincessVille Pages came-about because I haven't been able to figure out a way to mix in the 'original suggestion format' I wanted to use for the PrincessVille pages and their scenario's... As my original PrincessVille suggestion-format idea required me having to commit, way, way ahead of time that the Next Image I'd be working on, would definitely be a PrincessVille Comic Page. At least this way I'm in the latter half of the current image, I'm working on... I'm pretty content with the next image being either another PrincessVille Page or Pin-Up Image. I just essentially cannot repeat what has happened with this page, in regards to the 8 frame script having taken me 1.5 - 2 weeks to write. :-s The thing is, I know some patrons are waiting for a PrincessVille *BiMBO* Scenario, so by posting which ones I will be considering as PrincessVille pages and which ones I'm considering for Pin-Ups hopefully it will help patrons choose what type of page/ image they would ultimately prefer. I will definitely have to refine this process in some-way moving forward, though, STL