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*) (NEW iNFO) This Poll is ONLY for the 'SiSSY CHARACTER'... (NOT The Bimbo Character)!

*) (NEW iNFO) The 80's Cartoon Character Inspired Pin-Up, will NOT be the Character themselves, but an Outfit/ Look Based on an 80's Cartoon Character Suggested by you Wonderful Patrons. :)  

Should  The 80's Cartoon Character Inspired Look, WiN... Then I will Put the 'Suggestions you've all made up in a separate Poll for you all to choose your 80's favourite, for the SiSSY PiN-UP.

The 80's Cartoon Character Suggestions can be 'Male or Female'! :)

*) The Top 2 Highest Voted Themes will be  MERGED TOGETHER. :)

*) Vote for as MANY or as FEW Choices as you would like to see!

*) DEADLINE:: The POLL CLOSES - 28th July 'Midnight-UK Time'

*) In the event that 3 or more choices have an equal number of votes, I will choose my personal favourite Style-Theme from those winning choices.

After you've cast your vote/'s, please do feel free to leave a sentence or two regarding what you perhaps LiKE or LOVE about a potential Clothing Outfit or Concept... 

You never know, it may end up appearing in a Pin-Up if that particular style theme is Chosen. ;D 


Pink & Fluffi Happy Voting. :D

K@T ^^



i absolutely think a sissy boi in a humiliating onepiece like a baby girl would wear is perfect, as to a prom dress, something so frilly that the sissy is forced into to date the captain of the football team, and as to ballet, I always tought that super pink ballet, with ballet boots in pink patent to force sissy to be on pointe at all times.


Thank you for your idea's Jamison. :) I agree, there's always so many Wonderfully 'Prissy' and 'Humiliating' Sissy attire idea's, especially for Prom Dresses... As for the Ballet, it's not a theme I have ever drawn before (well not in a kinky way ^^), So it will be an interesting Style-Theme to research. :)


I had to look up the word Chola to figure out what the theme it is, Well I definitely wouldn't mind seeing some Latina sissies with thug tats. Red lips and thin eyebrows.


As for ballet, I would use Black Swan film as source of inspiration. Just give it little fetish twist with ballet heels.


It would certainly be one of the more interesting Style-Themes, I'm not sure I've ever seen a 'Chola-Styled Sissy' before. ^^


I had completely forgotten about the Black Swan, Thank you for the reminder Send the Love. :)


Well I think you can use Tupac Shakur as reference for gangster style tattoos. Chola are tough girls so you probably can borrow some anatomy inspiration from WWII posters that showcased women doing manual labor or maybe use roller derby girls. They have thick legs and strong arms. As for hair, definitely 80's style with massive pompadours. The key would to have dark chocolate hair with minor highlights. Its going be very tough to color though. The red(pink?) bandana will help give it definition so you'll be alright.


ok Saterday morning cartoon, Thunder cats Cheetara, He-man she-ra, Evil-Lyn, GI joe ,baroness, cover girl, Jink, scarlett,


Went with Sporty Tom Boy and Beachwear. Would love to see them in some extremely skimpy micro bikinis.


It would be interesting to see what style this would be paired with if it won, as the Look of Chola-Styled Women is very recognisable. The World War II posters are a good idea. :) Its actually the Theme I personally would love to draw as it does have such a prominent pre-defined look to work from. :)


Thank you for your Suggestions Mr S, I'm happy someone said She-Ra. :D I will have to look into those G.I. Joe characters as they are ones I'm not familiar with. ^^ If it helps, the Characters don't just have to be Women, they Can be Men to, Especially if they have an Interesting Outfit. :D


With the time of year, working on some Summer-Suitable Beachwear & Tom-Boi Looks would certainly be Perfectly-fitting, Damansskin. :)


80 wise im thinking steelheart cheetarah or she ra. Plus. I love the of a sissy fire fighter


Thank you for your suggestions Candice. :) Steelheart is a character I'm unfamiliar with, but I will definitely look into... And if it helps, the suggestions can also be for 'Male Characters' as well, especially if they have interesting outfits. :D The Pink & Fluffi 'Fire Brigade' Style-Theme is one I've been hoping will eventually win, as I don't think I've ever seen an image of a Sissy FireFighter. :D


ok some male sissyfied characters. ok "COPS cartoon" Bulletproof, Buttons McBoomBoom he has machine guns in his chest you can see where im going with that. Rio From JEM. GI joe, snake eyes, Destro, Dr. mindbender, cobra commander. Thundercats Lion-o. Xmen animated series, Wolverine, Beast and Omega Red The other suggestions, all the female characters I was thinking that you could do sissyfied versions.


I hope you don't mix the themes, as I really had a hard time finding anything I liked. I had to make some serious concessions with options you provided. Absolutely not a fan of diapers or human-pet (particularly dogs, horses or cows). I would've been very happy to see Cheerleader and trailer trash by themselves.


Most definitely Thundercats (perfect excuse to draw human-pet cats!), She-Ra, Some GIJoe characters (already mentioned). Definitely want to see your take on Jem and Holograms. Which is a comic book and was at one time being drawn by the very talented Sophie Campbell (formerly known as Ross Campbell) reknown creator of indie comic Wet Moon. Sorry I'm going off on tangent here.


This time round, since I had already written it in the main post above, so I will honor it... BUT your comment has started me thinking that maybe the 2 themes work better on the 'Bimbo Characters' rather than the 'Sissy Characters'... I will definitely spend some time considering this, as there tends to feel like there is more to experiment and play with, in regards to the Sissy Images. :)


Thank you for your other suggestions Mr S. :) I had never even heard of the COPS cartoon before, another one for me to look into. :) Rio's JEM is a Good one. :D I'm sorry to say the X-Men sadly don't qualify in this section though, as I believe the X-Men first appeared in 1992, Sorry. :-s At this point I'm leaning more towards the concept of taking their whole looks and trying to re-work them into something New & Sissy, as if I was to create the characters themselves (even switched genders) then I would have to be careful to avoid potential copyright infringements. So its more a case of trying to 'Project Runway' their looks into something Sissy, Fun, New and Different. :D


Some good suggestions Send the Love. :) Although with 'Thundercats and Jem, are there specific characters, as should this theme be among the top 2 winners, then its only the actual 'Character Names' which will be placed in the poll and not the cartoons as a whole. I agree Sophie Campbells work on Gem is AMAZING! :D:D:D I re-watched the Original 80's Gem cartoon several months ago &amp; OMG it really is clearly from the 80's, I felt like I was watching an 80's Adult Drama, in the first episode there was kidnapping &amp; conspiracy to commit murder among other things! I cannot even imagine such topics in a cartoon aimed towards younger audiences now-a-days No Gem &amp; the Holograms topic is complete without the Theme... ^^ <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9MqmKXH-sA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9MqmKXH-sA</a>


The COPS cartoon theme is epic. Super corny but good


So many of them are sooo corny But SOOOO Catchy.. Gummi Bears Theme, the Cities of Gold Theme, Ducktales, WOOOoo! ;D


Wedding lingerie... and 80's cartoon: Jem! Would love a sissy 80's rock star in her slutty wedding lingerie about to get used on honeymoon night after a forced wedding!


Oooowww, 80's Jem Wedding Lingerie, That would be a Very interesting Look. :D

Jen Michelle

Haven’t wedding lingerie, air hostess &amp; secretary been done? I realize new patrons join &amp; may not have seen those sets, but I don’t think it’s fair to long time fans to see the same themes done over &amp; over. There should be some sort of policy, like if something has been done in the last, say 12 months, it isn’t up for voting again. Just my 2 cents.


Hi Jen, :) True the Wedding Lingerie, Air Hostess and Secretary have been drawn before. But if Voted for again then I will be aiming to go in a completely different direction with their looks. :) Additionally in the case where 2 themes are combined, it means placing together some combinations or outfit choices I've never even considered before... For example Stinkerbella made a comment previously, mentioning the possible combination of '80's Character Inspiration Jem and Wedding Lingerie... I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see that Look! :D <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6G_o1MYECg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6G_o1MYECg</a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibdcBNxBpwI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibdcBNxBpwI</a> In large part the lack of newer Style-Theme Options appearing has been my fault, my absence from social media previously for several months meant no-one-new was seeing my work and the numbers of potentially new watchers and new potential patrons visiting stalled, as did the style choice list... Now that I've started to post regularly on Social media again I'm very fortunate to be able to say new people are finding (and hopefully enjoying) my work again :) and there's been the addition of 2 new themes so far (Possibly 3 - fingers crossed). Also part of the reason I chose to do the Sissy &amp; Bimbo Style Theme Polls separate was to hopefully mix up the Style-Themes a Bit with each image. :) You may remember previously I was asking for peoples suggestions for Style-Themes they would perhaps like to see.... At the End of the Month I will be posting a Poll for patrons to vote for their favourite Style-Theme Suggestion. That theme will fill a previously empty slot and added to the Current Polls. :) I can confirm I do have a Policy in place, Once a Style-Theme has been chosen :) A Theme is Voted for &amp; I Create the Pin-Up... &gt; That Theme is then unavailable to be voted for, for the next 4 Voting Polls... &gt; If that theme is Voted for a Second Time, then its unavailable for the next 5 Voting Polls... &gt; If its voted for Again, then its Unavailable for the Next 6 Voting Polls... And so On. :) One thing I'm not 100% sure about yet, is whether to continue that Policy Spanning-Both the SiSSY &amp; BiMBO Style-Themes, now that I've Split up the two polls, OR just have it unavailable for (the above period of time) for either the 'one' 'SiSSY / BiMBO Pin-Up' it was chosen for. I hope some of this makes some sense Jen, as I know my tendency to ramble does make my explanations sound kind-of confusing at times. :-s :)


Spliting the genders into separate polls helps create more themes that benefits both patreon voters and KaT's creativity. Its hard to create a pinup of a SiSSY then do a BiMBO of exact same theme. Because there's a tendency to try up the ante while keeping it within the same theme. Mentally draining to have to draw the same theme twice. It's precursor to a creativity block. Seperate themes keeps it fresh and interesting.


Thank you SendTheLove for helping to break-down my Ramblings. :) Oddly enough though creating pin-ups wasn't too tricky, it was only really tricky on the themes of 'Wedding Dress &amp; Wedding Lingerie', as those 2 themes tend to work better with a more traditionally loose &amp; painterly style of artwork, where as mine is very tight and precise, which isn't ideal for the types of clothing which require subtly. ^^

Kairi Kawaii

a fun cartoon to base their character design on could be My Little Pony~ I'm not sure if it's actually from the 80's, but i think it'd be sufficiently girly and humiliating to any sissy to be a cute little pony-girl. which a cutie mark tattooed or branded into his thigh


My Little Pony is a good one Kairi, Although in the case of the 80's theme poll you have to mention a specific character/'s. :) But I completely agree with what you've said and I've been wanting to create a Cutie Mark Tattoo on a character for the longest time. :D

Kairi Kawaii

for a specific mlp character, i'd have to say Bow-Tie since she's got super pretty pink hair, yellow ribbons, and her cutie mark is butterflies! but Also i'd love to see your own cutie mark design and character hehehe i'm sure yours would be a bit more kinky~ &lt;3