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"Mark escucha yo... bueno la verdad es que sí, es cierto, siento algo por ti, agh!, si me gustas, mucho" responde Leo, mientras mira sonrojado hacia aun lado.

De pronto una gran carcajada rompe el silencio de la noche, Mark ríe y se acerca a Leo para darle una fuerte palmada en la espalda. "esa estuvo buena!" dice entre risas.

Leo se le queda mirando y no entiende que es lo que pasa, a que se refiere Mark.

"Vamos deja de bromear amigo, me estas matando" dice Mark aun riendo.

"Crees que... piensas que estoy bromeando?!", le responde Leo molesto, y quitándole la mano de su espalda este comienza a caminar furioso alejándose de él.

Mark lo mira sorprendido y camina tras de él. "Leo?, hey espera, ¿qué pasa?."

Leo le ignora, ¿” Leo?", insiste Mark, y al ver a su amigo tan enojado con él, por fin cae en cuenta, él no está bromeando, Leo está enamorado del!, se le acababa de confesar y el solo se rio, "Mierda" dice mientras sigue a leo mientras intenta hacer que este le mire.

Mientras tanto Leo sigue caminando molesto y a la vez avergonzado pensando, "que diablos hice, seguramente mañana le dirá a los demás y seré el hazme reír de todos, imbécil, imbécil, imbécil", se repetía mientras frotaba su pelo.

"Leo lo siento, pensé que estabas bromeando, ósea mírate como esperabas que alguien como tu..." dijo Mark.

"Alguien como yo que?, ¿fuera gay?" respondió molesto Leo sin parar de andar.

"No, no esperaba que alguien como tú se fijara en alguien como yo, ósea mírame, y mírate, tú eres aaaagh... mmmm... eres atractivo y tienes buen cuerpo, yo en cambio...", suspiro el tigre mientras seguía a Leo.

"Crees que soy atractivo?" pregunto Leo sonrojado, mientras se detenía dándole la espalda a Mark.

"No pienso repetirlo de acuerdo!" dijo Mark sonrojado, deteniéndose unos cuantos pasos detrás de Leo.

"Ma...Mark, te gusto?, respondió Leo.

"Claro que me gustas eres un gran amigo y compañero!", dijo Mark sonriendo.

"No me refiero a eso y lo sabes", Leo dio un gran suspiro y entonces le dijo, "escucha Mark me gustas, y no solo por ser mi amigo y compañero, me gusta tu forma de ser, además para mi eres muy atractivo, eres lindo Leo, y al verte solo puedo imaginar en lo increíble que sería despertar al lado tuyo cada mañana".

Los minutos pasaban y ninguno decía nada, Leo ya no tenía nada más por decir, en cuanto al pobre de Mark, el aun seguía sonrojado con la boca abierta y mirando la espalda de Leo, nunca le habían dicho cosas tan bonitas.

"Escucha Mark tu...


"Mark listens I... well the truth is that yes, it's true, I feel something for you, agh! I do like you, a lot" Leo responds, while he looks blushing to the side.

Suddenly a great laugh breaks the silence of the night, Mark laughs and approaches Leo to pat him hard on the back. "that was good!" he says between laughs.

Leo stares at him and doesn't understand what's going on, what Mark is referring to.

"Come on stop kidding me, you're killing me," says Mark still laughing.

"You think... you think I'm kidding?!", Leo replies annoyed, and taking his hand off his back, Leo begins to walk furiously away from him.

Mark looks at him surprised and walks after him. "Leo? Hey, wait, what's up?"

Leo ignores him, "Leo?" Mark insists, and seeing his friend so angry with him, he finally realizes, he's not kidding, Leo is in love with him!, he had just confessed to him and he just laughed, "Shit" he says as he follows Leo while trying to get him to look at him.

Meanwhile, Leo keeps walking upset and at the same time embarrassed thinking, "what the hell did I do, surely tomorrow he will tell the others and I will be the one to make everyone laugh, idiot, idiot, idiot", he repeated to himself while rubbing his hair.

"Leo I'm sorry, I thought you were joking, I mean look at yourself as you expected someone like you to..." Mark said.

"Someone like me who? I can't be gay?" Leo replied annoyed without stopping walking.

"No, I didn't expect someone like you to notice someone like me, I mean look at me, and look at yourself, you're aaagh... mmmm... you're attractive and you have a good body, me on the other hand...", the tiger sighed while following Leo.

"Do you think I'm attractive?" Leo asked blushing, as he stopped with his back to Mark.

"I'm not going to repeat it all right!" Mark said blushing, stopping a few steps behind Leo.

"M...Mark, do you like me?" Leo replied.

"Of course I like you, you are a great friend and colleague!" Mark said smiling.

"That's not what I mean and you know it", Leo gave a big sigh and then said, "listen Mark I like you, and not only because you're my friend and partner, I like the way you are, you're also very attractive to me You're cute Leo, and seeing you I can only imagine how amazing it would be to wake up next to you every morning."

The minutes passed and no one said anything, Leo no longer had anything else to say, as for poor Mark, he was still blushing with his mouth open and looking at Leo's back, they had never said such nice things to him.

"Listen Mark you...



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