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Después de verlo Acadio se abalanzo sobre Simón comenzándolo a golpear.

Noe podía escuchar a su padre maldecir, mientras su tío suplicaba, pero extrañamente sus voces cada vez se oían más lejanas, todo el ruido a su alrededor desaparecía y quizás fue por el miedo, la impresión, o el sobre esfuerzo que había cargado su cuerpo el que provoco que Noe perdiera el conocimiento.

Cuando despertó se encontraba en casa y justo frente a él sentado en la orilla de su cama sentado dándole la espalda se encontraba su padre, y aun lado su madre, la cual con un trapo húmedo limpiaba su frente, esta al verlo despierto comenzó a llorar y abrazo a Noe con fuerza. 

Abrazo que duro solo un breve momento, pues el padre de Noe, le pidió a su esposa que los dejara solos, pues quería hablar en privado con él. Ella acaricio la cara de su hijo y le susurro un “no te preocupes, todo va estar bien” mientras salía del cuarto y cerraba la puerta tras de ella.

El padre de Noe gruño ligeramente, lo cual hizo que el cuerpo de Noe se estremeciera de miedo, mientras su mente imaginaba toda clase de castigos que le esperaban. 

De pronto los pensamientos de Noe fueron interrumpidos por la voz de Acadio, “¿Desde cuándo hacían eso?” pregunto sin siquiera voltear a ver a Noe, el cual sentía orinarse encima, al escuchar aquella pregunta, la cual no sabía cómo responder. 

Entonces Acadio hizo otra pregunta aún peor, “¿Aparte de Simón y Mateo con quien más lo hizo?", los dientes de Noe comenzaron a castañear, mientras se orinaba encima, "a...apa...apa yo...", "NO ME VUELVAS A LLAMAR ASI!" interrumpió Acadio levantando la voz, "Yo no tengo hijos", sentencio Acadio.

Las lágrimas de Noe comenzaron a caer "apa, lo siento apa", decía entre gimoteos. 

Un fuerte golpe en la pared lo hizo levantar la cara y ver a su padre, “con cuantos, ¿¡CON CUANTOS!?", grito Acadio. "s-solo ellos apa" dijo Noe entre sollozos, "pero con Mateo solo nos tocamos apa, mi tío, mi tío fue el único que me hizo...", "CALLATE!", grito nuevamente Acadio, "Tu nunca tuviste nada con tu tío, ¿¡entendiste!?", Noe aun llorando y sin levantar la cabeza asintió.

"Ahora vístase, y vaya con el abuelo a los plantíos, ayúdele a buscar a su tío y tenga mucho cuidado con lo que diga" dijo Acadio mientras salía de la habitación, dejando entrar nuevamente a la madre de Noe quien lo abrazo.

"Voy a la granja de los Meléndez, a ver si tu hermano no está allá, vigila que Noe se vaya directo con tu apa”, dijo Acadio, ¿¡“Estas loco!?” respondió su mujer, “Lo golpearon y lo dejaron tirado en el campo, ¿¡y tú quieres que vaya así en su condición!?", Acadio resoplo lanzándole una mirada asesina a su mujer, "Bien, que no salga de casa entonces, si lo veo fuera, tú me las pagaras" dijo Acadio mientras azotaba la puerta.

La madre de Noe le miro a la cara, este había dejado de llorar, pero su rostro se veía pálido, y su vista se veía perdida, lo cual la asusto e hizo que agitara al muchacho preguntándole que le pasaba, Noe la volteo a ver y entre un balbuceo casi inaudible Noe dijo "M-Mateo, mi apa va por Mateo", la madre de Noe no entendía a que se refería, pero Noe...


After seeing him Acadio pounced on Simón beginning to hit him.

Noe could hear his father cursing, while his uncle begged, but strangely their voices were heard more and more distant, all the noise around him disappeared and perhaps it was because of fear, impression, or the overexertion that his body had loaded. the one that caused Noah to lose consciousness.

When he woke up he was at home and right in front of him sitting on the edge of his bed sitting with his back to him was his father, and next to his mother, who wiped his forehead with a damp cloth, when she saw him awake she began to cry and hug Noe tightly.

Hug that lasted only a brief moment, because Noe's father asked his wife to leave them alone, because he wanted to talk privately with him. She caressed his son's face and whispered "don't worry, everything will be fine" as he left the room and closed the door behind her.

Noe's father growled lightly, which made Noe's body tremble with fear, while his mind imagined all kinds of punishments that awaited him.

Suddenly Noe's thoughts were interrupted by Acadio's voice, "Since when did they do that?" he asked without even turning to see Noe, who felt like he was peeing on himself, hearing that question, which he didn't know how to answer.

Then Acadio asked another even worse question, "Apart from Simón and Mateo, who else did it with him?", Noe's teeth began to chatter, while he urinated on himself, "a...apa...apa I... ", "DON'T CALL ME THAT AGAIN!" Acadio interrupted raising his voice, "I don't have children", Acadio sentenced.

Noe's tears began to fall "apa, sorry apa", he said between whimpers.

A strong blow on the wall made him raise his face and see his father, "how many, HOW MANY!?" Acadio shouted. "Nobody apa, I n Mateo only touch us, but my uncle, my uncle was the only one who made me...", "SHUT UP!", Acadio shouted again, "You never had anything with your uncle, do you understand!?", Noe still crying and without getting up the head nodded.

"Now get dressed, and go with your grandfather to the plantations, help him look for his uncle and be very careful what you say" said Acadio as he left the room, letting Noe's mother enter again who hugged him.

"I'm going to the Meléndez farm, to see if your brother isn't there, make sure Noe goes straight to your father", said Acadio, "Are you crazy!?" replied his wife, “They beat him and left him lying in the field, and you want him to go like this in his condition!?” if I see him outside, you will pay me" Acadio said as he slammed the door.

Noe's mother looked at his face, he had stopped crying, but his face looked pale, and his sight was lost, which scared her and made her shake the boy asking him what was wrong, Noe turned to see and between an almost inaudible babble Noe said "M-Mateo, my father goes for Mateo", Noe's mother didn't understand what he meant, but Noe...



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