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Ey everyone! Been working on these the past little while after finishing those last 4 slimes and deciding to make a proper full adopt set of the format o/.

Meet, Slayer party!

Bombardier: Bugbear Harlequin with a magic toy-soldier style musket

"Dr." Spinetap: Harpy Doctor. (A new Caster Job!)

Rom: A wolf shifter Marauder. (New tank Job!)

Antonio: Troll Bard with a full scale standing harp as his carried instrument.

Since I'll be at Fur-Eh from the 14th to the 22/23rd this month, the set won't be dropping until late July and I'll announce it well ahead of time when It does.

For some basic info:
-Each adopt will be 75USD each, 1/person, first come first serve as past adopt sets have been done.
-An add on will be available for +40USD for a lined and flatted full scale portrait style bust. Only available at time of purchase.
-If you want to change the Job of the adopt after you get it, you may do so. So long as the character remains recognizable through permanent iterations.
-Info attached to the character (Name, backstory, stats) are free for you to change as you please.



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