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👠 Rayne is sleeping.

👠 The sound of the waves.

👠 Peace enveloping the cottage.

👠 So Wendy makes a call she knows needs to happen

👠 One she is nervous to make.

Written by ClockTowerScout  
Editing and Sound Design by Rush

Stray Boy Universe

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Tags: SFW early-access stray-boy 

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Wind me up you say....... I take no responsibility for my actions if throughly wound up :P

Robin Horn

I somehow completely forgot about all the other Peter Pan imagery surrounding Miss Wendy and got really excited by what was implied by Miss Wendy's sister being named Doctor Darling. After I suddenly remembered all the rest, the post I had started writing connecting the dots seems... unnecessary. You would think it would be hard to forget "Wendy's Lost Boys" and "Neverland", but I pulled it off *facepalm*

The One Of A Kind

Is Rayne gonna be okay with this?… Will Rayne be “that” affectionate to Wendy as a women or as family?… We’ll see.

Tom O

The discussion of teasing him, winding him up set something off in me. Wow. Thank you, Miss Wendy.


All the care you portray, definitely comes from a real place. Thank you Miss Wendy for having all that care and wellbeing inside you.