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💋 Something a little different in flavor...not a soft...a little rougher around the edges.

💋 All I know is...I need your hoodie...

💋 Smells so good.

💋 Mine now!

Script by livejoker
Editing and sound design by Rush

Looking for something in particular...look HERE for the AirTable

SFW YouTube early-access fxm tsundere 

(if you listen to this and would like to add all the fun tags to help others find things, leave me a comment my studious darling)




My promise is my bond


Guess I’m away to buy a hoodie so it can be stolen now. Thank you for the audio Miss Wendy, I hesitate to call it comforting but it was certainly relaxing.


That was a rollercoaster. From sweet to spooky back to semi-sweet. Bit hesitant on the manipulative part, but could warm up to something if done right and redemptive. I do like the idea of having something of someone's because of the memories, but... just let me wear it again so it can get the smell back, it's simple. Thank you Miss Wendy, for being such a good rollercoaster tycoon.

Chino Nuñez

Loved this one to death, great work


Was fun to play with a different kind of character for sure...glad you enjoyed her with me.


Soft Yandere.... I like it.


So you're telling me that I should have had a stash even if I don't wear them? It's the basic things you get wrong. 😂