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New commission info


12/15 updated

Commission closed

10/14 Updated

  • Commission form simplify
  • Price update in December

Commission Form Questions

  • E-mail
  • Your Name/Patreon ID/Twitter ID
  • Supporter(Yes/No)
  • Share this artwork for Patreon/Gumroad(Yes/No)
  • Art render type(Cel-shade/Full color)
  • Characters name(3 fields)
  • Your idea
  • Background

New Price in December(Cancelled)

  • Cel-shaded $150→180
  • Full color $190→220
  • Additional character $50→$60

Zheng's OC info

  • Zheng's OC info not visible in this form.
  • Futa, ball type can not change.
  • Chio shaved OK.
  • Pixiv can view OC art, use tags: 神谷みどり(Midori)、森本千緒(Chio)、オペラ・ブレスト(Opera)、カナバリア(Canavalia)、リズライル(Lizlyre)、水月ななみ(Nanami)




That's unfortunate, I'd love to get a commission, but unfortunately I am not in a position to do so.


Sorry, If all commission are finished I'll open again. Thanks.


Sad... every time I check I miss commission... slots... oh well. I will commission other artists and accept my fate. Hope I get lucky someday. I do like your style evolution since 2009 or so. (Maybe later) Thanks for opening the slots and doing all the cool


Sorry, let you down. Commission open after 12/25 or next january if I can finish all work faster.


Thanks for allowing commissions again Zheng, I think this will be a better system all around. I was often frustrated with the old system because it limited how many people could get a commission and I couldn't have been the only one that missed out month after month. Of course I'm bummed that the price went up again, but I feel that this brings you up to a price thats more in line with other artists so I can't be too upset about it. :)


I would like to request a commission. Do I just post here or by email? I dont see a link to the "form".


The form will be posted on the 28th at 9pm (GMT+8)


I had a question, what would be the price difference/addition for alternate versions: For example a girl with a pussy, a version with a cock, and cum versions?


Sorry, I have not do any variant version in commission now.


I am too late for the commission? I definitely want to do one