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Hello there Sweet Mortals! ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

Just a Heads up, that next Posts gonna have a slight delay (´ヘ`;)
(Don´t hit me please)
But as you can see, there are 2 Highlights coming up and more (●o’∪`o)ノ―♪`*.+

Kaine Chan from Nier
Lobelia aka Bluebelia from the DoAXVV

Please be Patient and Stay Tuned, just wanna make the next Posts Special hehe


Wish you all a Super Special Awesome Weekend,
Stay Healthy, Bluebelicious, Kainelicious and Beautiful Mortals! (ʃƪ¬‿¬)




We could wait Infinite years for you, don't worry 💜


Ooh boy those WIPs look amazing! Really hyped to see Kaine and the sexy Bluebelia debut in the Maiden Show! Take as much time as you need Maiden, in the end the wait is always worth it. BLUEBERRIES!!! <3


Thank You so much Butler Senpai <3 Yeah, had to Anim Kaine. I´ve been waiting so long for her and Bluebelia was a must ლ(`∀´ლ)


Maiden, as always you don’t need to apologize for any delay in posting your completed works. You are one of the hardest working artists out there, and we all know that you always do your best to deliver the best possible content every single time. We are all totally ok with you taking some extra time whenever you need it, and it is always worth the wait for us ❤️ The previews you posted here already look amazing! And I have no doubt that they will definitely be special when you post the finished works 🙏