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First of all a huge welcome to all my new patrons, seriously thank you for your support.

Now, this Poll is for the pairings of our protagonist in A Strange Old World. Bella and Fleur will definitely be in, I've decided. I've already planned a solid plotline for their relationship with Harry, so that won't change. The three remaining options are Lily (If you guys want incest), Nymph Tonks, and Apolline Delacour (Fleur's mom) ;)

You'll notice there's no one from his own age group. While he'll definitely have some casual fun with Hogwart's witches, any serious relationship will be difficult to write due to obvious reasons.

Pls don't forget to vote, cause I'd really like to know my patrons preferrence. See ya !


Lord Shiva

I already know that all three of them are gonna win, but I still voted for Lily and Apolline in hope. A fools hope. But still hope.


Lol yeah. That Nymph/Apolline option was a last minute addition. To see it leading was completely out of my expectations.

Alan Loo

Omg please no incest 😂 that would be terrible!


Feels like Lily and Appoline is the only interesting part of this. Lots of Tonks stories, nothing interesting there imo, especially since Harry is older than Tonks mentally and even as an adult she was still a bit immature vs Appoline/Lily being more interesting Lily also poses some interesting questions of how that would break the potters up which just adds more drama and since we suspect Jacob is the seventh horcrux and harrys aid he'd destroy it no matter what....yeah....


I mean most of these leads are like 2-3 votes a piece, i'm sure some will readjust their votes later if they come back and see their vote was a waste/had no impact on some areas


Lily/Appoline would be cool. Plus, be a nice bit of drama seeing how you’d resolve the Potter split and reactions to the incestuous relationship. Plus Lily is a milf so thumbs up for that. The incest is weird because although Lily is Harry’s mother she isn’t our Harry’s mother so biological incest but metaphysically not? Tonks would be a nice older sister figure. There’s so much Tonks/Harry stuff it would be nice to get a break from that.


Don't worry, I'll make it work without it feeling forced or creepy. But if it still makes you uncomfortable, just think of Lily as not his actual mother ;)