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me and dizzy (girls rituals, her patreon is here: https://www.patreon.com/blacksquares) just released our first album as Black Dresses! this is a project we've put so much of ourselves into and we've been so so eager to release it. we're both hanging out in toronto right now working really hard and shooting music videos nonstop and being extremely cute and we hope to have more stuff for you real soon!!

the full album is attached to this post. thanks so much for supporting me, things have been so amazing lately. this is a really heavy album but i feel like i'm so much closer to where i need to be because of it and i could never have done it alone. please check out dizzy's music (https://blacksquares.bandcamp.com/) and support her on patreon, too!! shes amazing!!

more news on rook&nomie and sticky zeitgeist soon also! (and new solo music/games) thank you so so much i'm so full of love from everything happening recently <333


p.s we got a write-up on stereogum: https://www.stereogum.com/1991303/stream-black-dresses-wasteisolation/



Dave Cochran

Holy shit that's good. Chucking a bit extra on May's pledge because asdfAJFNSDSsdhfdsh that is awesome.


This is so great