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This film has one of my favourite musical score ever!


let’s gooooo 😭✨


Ooooh nice!!!!

Tessa Noble

I haven’t seen this one yet either! Been meaning to watch it for a long time so I can’t wait to watch this. Who doesn’t love dragons? 🐉

Kyra Brown

Yesss can't wait to watch this masterpiece of a film with you as soon I get home I can 100% confirm you're gonna love it and hopefully maybe you get can get the chance to do the 2nd and 3rd movies as well they're just as amazing 👏 🤩 😊

Charles Gerena

This made my day! Thanks Michael :D you should definitely watch the 2nd and 3rd too, the whole trilogy is a masterpiece

Cheyenne Talbot

I clicked so fast, lol. So glad you loved it so much. Can't wait for you to watch 2 and 3. This is my favorite animated series

rose hannah

I love these movies so so much, 2 and 3 are very definitely worth watching!


i honestly LOVE the sequels to this movie!!! they are just as heartwarming and humorous as this. i definitely hope you continue on with the series!!


God I love this series so much! It seriously is one of a kind, unique, beautiful story about friendship, family, love, acceptance, tolerance & understanding one another. Hiccup and Toothless are just iconic. Both of them being kind of the outsiders/lone wolves, finding their way to each other and becoming brothers... it's beautiful. I really like that they weren't scared to make Hiccup not come of out the battle without an injury, and that also made both him and his bestie handicapped in a similar way - Toothless supporting Hiccup when he woke up was a perfect metaphor for how they both need each other (similarly how Toothless can't really fly without Hiccup riding on him). The score is also one of my all time favorites! I also love how they managed to make the dragons both scary and cute at the same time. You were so spot on with how people who have a deep connection to their pets will love this movie: I mean, my cat has pretty much EXACTLY Toothless' eyes, and I could definitely see all the similarities in the behavior. I'm happy to tell you that the sequels are just as good as this one! I'd definitely love to watch them with you. I'd say there's even more action, more humor, and of course, more of all the great characters from the first movie. I watched all three of them in a movie theatre and it was definitely an experience. The animation is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.


Oh, also! There's an iconic short video of Kit Harington (Jon Snow from Game of Thrones) on a set with Toothless, you can give it a watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXCpc2Bcirs

Jenny D

So happy you got to see this! I knew you'd really enjoy it. And yes! The 2nd and 3rd movies are also really good.


Oh my god literally seeing this at a club rn but I CANT WAIT to watch it


Ohhhhh I need to watch this ASAP!!


Aaahhh you are watching HTTYD!!! This trilogy (together with "Your Name") makes my favorite animation movies. And the 2nd and 3rd ones are also great and worth watching. I cry everytime I see these movies. If you decide continuing watching it I am so ready and excited to see them again with you.


Honestly all three movies are worth watching! It just builds on itself and you’ll be watching through tears again!!


I love the 3 movies, they're so good and full of heart. It's been a while since I rewatched them so this was a wonderful treat

Jenna Antonelli

I was very VERY lucky to see a preview of their first bonding seen at my college (art school) and fell in love immediately. I saw it that March when it released in 3D. It was absolutely fantastic and I truly wish they would re-release these movies in theaters so that everyone can get a chance to see it in 3D on a big screen. This was one of the first movies that Dreamworks made with 3D as a full part of the production process. So that meant it looked DAMN good. The flight scenes took your breath away. Anyways.. I really look forward you checking out the next movie (my favorite of the three) They are all amazing. Perfect triology!


toothless is too cute and always makes me think of my rescue dog that just needed a little patience and love (and snacks)


Top 10 movie scores in my personal opinion 💜💜💜 I never get tired of hearing it or of this movie. Toothless is one of my favorite dragons and this movie is so awesome

hails rose

I don't come on here and comment a lot, honestly I'm not sure I ever have, but I have to tell you that the HTTYD movies are some of the best things I've seen. It truly has it all. I hope you choose to watch them all through, they are fantastic and thrilling. You'll be on the edge of your seat every second– whether it's from the anticipation, the bombshells, or the affliction you'll feel. I personally find myself going back to them like any other comfort show/movie, and I know it's the same for dozens. You won't regret a single second, this I promise you.


Finishing the trilogy is a must!! ❤️


Oh, this movie is FIRE! … Okay, sorry, that was an AWFUL joke, but, like, for real. Really, really good for an animated “kids” movie, there’s a ton of depth to it. Remember seeing this as a child, absolutely loved it. Now loved it even more as an adult. Never had any problems with my parents, thankfully, but I’ve always found it difficult to fit in with the norm, so Hiccup’s story is very motivational (though thankfully that’s no longer a problem for me, I’ve come to embrace my difference from others. It’s not a bad thing at all!). Also, as you said, a very thought-provoking movie for pet owners as well. My family’s most recently owned cat, Vili, passed away about 1 year ago, and man, was he lovely. The cutest, kindest cat we’ve ever had. We’ve had multiple, and we loved all of them so very much, but there was something SO special about Vili – just like there is something special about Toothless in the movie’s universe! And speaking of Toothless and dragons, yeah, I agree that Toothless’ design is very lovable, and the Dragon Queen’s design is extremely menacing, but I feel like the other dragons don’t get nearly as much appreciation as they deserve! One of the things that drew me in as a kid was how UNIQUE all the dragons were. They weren’t “just” flying lizards that breathe fire, they had all kinds of unique abilities and designs! Two-headed dragons where the other head breathes gas and the other ignites it, dragons that set themselves on fire, dragons that use sound, acid, or boiling water as a weapon (mentioned in the book Hiccup was reading), those were all really badass! Kind of sand we couldn’t see (and hear!) the sound-based dragon in action, that one sounded especially interesting to me. Dragons commonly use fire, and some real-world animals shoot acid, but sound is an unusual weapon. Not only that, but its design also looked awesome in the book, too, with its giant, round mouth, and many teeth! Also about dragon designs, you mentioned that you liked how cool Toothless’ blue fire bolts look, and though I’ve personally always seen them as more purple than blue, I agree. Here’s a cool fact about them: blue-colored fire is hotter than other colors, which would imply that Toothless’ fire attacks are stronger than those of other dragons. I mean, with a name like “Night Fury,” it makes sense, but its still cool. Imagine if Toothless could breathe fire in the same way as the Dragon Queen, how powerful would he be then! Though in that case, he would have been able to obliterate the village, and the movie wouldn’t have happened, so maybe it’s a good thing he can only shoot small bolts of fire… And while on the topic of the Dragon Queen, you wondered why it never left the mountain to attack the village. Well, it’s never explicitly stated, but I personally feel like that’s because it never needed to. We see that it can break through the nest mountain and even fly, so it could have easily gone hunting by itself, but why should it expend any energy when it can force its thousands of dragon servants to bring food for it? Why should it put itself at risk when the lesser dragons can do the dangerous job of hunting and fighting humans, and it can just sit inside a hole and wait food to be given to it? And if someone doesn’t bring enough food, it can just eat the inefficient dragon (which we see happen once), because there’s so many that the death of one isn’t going to make a difference. Basically, the Dragon Queen was a lazy prick. That’s what I think, at least. Another little theory I have relates to how Hiccup lost his leg. Yes, it could have just been because of the massive damage from the fire and the fall, but I personally have always felt like Toothless purposefully didn’t shield the leg – Hiccup caused Toothless to lose a part of his tail when he shot him down, after all, and Toothless just made it even. Considering how mischievous he’s been during the entire movie, to me, at least, that feels like a very Toothless thing to do. I don't know whether there’s any evidence to back this theory up, though: its just what I’ve always thought. Also, about Toothless saving Hiccup: “there’s a part 2 so he has to survive.” Haha, gotta love that optimism! Lastly, you asked whether the second movie was worth watching. My honest opinion…I don’t remember. It’s been SO LONG since I’ve last seen it, I have practically no memory about what happens in it, so I’ve got no clue whether its good or bad. But regardless, if you do end up watching it, I’ll definitely try to make the time to watch your reaction!


How to train your dragon is a perfect movie and no. 2 is even better 🐉

signe !

so happy you enjoyed this film as much as i hoped you would, i watched this when it came out when i was a little kid and since then i've rewatched it probably thousands of times!!! i'm swedish so i've only ever seen it and preferred the swedish dub but it was so fun to see it now for the first time in another language! the second and third movie in this trilogy are SOOO very much worth your time, they're absolutely incredible as well. some people think the second or third one is even better than the first one! i think you should definitely give them a watch :)


HTTYD’s trilogy is the BEST! I KNEW you’d love it! So glad you did. Excited for you to see the other two! 🩵

America Flores

Please continue watching the rest of them. They are sooooo good

Trinity McDonald

The httyd trilogy are I think one of the best children’s trilogy movies out there! Highly recommend that you continue watching them!

Chanell Black

You have to watch the next one plus the third!!🤩🤩

Izzy Kelly

so happy u reacted to this, this movie has always had such a special place in my heart- definitely watch the next movies in the trilogy!

Prem Parekh

Michael, this is my single FAVORITE movie ever! Tysm for doing this. Some Notes: A) This movie has a LOT of mirroring and foreshadowing and expertly uses pacing. It starts with the pests/pets parallel. Movie starts with "The only problems are the pests. You see, most places have mice or mosquitos. We have... dragons." and ends with "The only upsides are the pets. While other places have...ponies or parrots, we have... dragons." B) The shot of Hiccup getting up from bed and walking out the door at the end is beautiful because it shows both him and Toothless walking together both with their left lower limb missing, both caused by the other. C) The central plot item that leads to them defeating the queen was set up perfectly in the little terrible terror scene as a throwaway joke; this whole series does that really well D) Just a quick thing you missed while talking, The hat Stoic gave Hiccup was not a family heirloom. it is one half of his dead mother's breastplate, the other half being Stoic's hat (Weird, I know haha) E) This has got to be the best score of all time to be honest, but the flagship of that is the main song Test Drive, which plays when Hiccup finally figures out how to fly with Toothless. You mentioned multiple times about how intense that scene was, it was helped a lot by the score. There is a melodic tune that is introduced in a previous song that becomes the theme for Toothless, and there is a melodic tune from the first score that becomes the theme for Hiccup, and in this song, both interchange a couple of times depending on who is doing more work, and then after the dramatic build and fall, when they get back together, it plays both tunes on top of each other for the first time, as the two characters finally find their harmony. There are plenty of incredible musical moments like that in the movie. F) The section of the movie where Hiccup is finally doing well in dragon training is generally lauded in film schools as one of the best instances of parallelism feeding from one side to the other. G) I just noticed this today while watching the reaction, but when Gobber tells Hiccup about the dragon always going for the kill shot, Hiccup went to Toothless and asked, "So why didn't you?" Then near the end when Astrid tells Hiccup that any other Viking would have killed the dragon, she asks, "So why didn't you?" further drawing the parallels between Hiccup and Toothless. There is definitely way more, but it is 2am and I cannot think of it, but this is definitely my favorite movie, and I dare say the objective best animated trilogy of all time. Also the second and third film are a MUST watch, and since you are one of the rare creators that ventures into animated television, the Dragons Race to the Edge series is actually amazing for world building, character building, and for some really twist filled, great villain filled, fun plots! If you like the trilogy enough by the end, you have to add the show to the list eventually. Edit: One more quick thing in the animation 1) When Toothless first accepts Hiccup and puts his face into Hiccups palm, there is a hesitation before he does it, which was initially an animation glitch, but they loved it so they left it in.


HTTYD is one of my comfort movies, and the whole trilogy is amazing!! I'm glad you loved it so much and you should definitely watch parts 2 and 3! also as a cat person, I can confirm that Toothless reminds me a lot of cats and that just makes him extra cute to me 🥺

Alix Drifty

No matter how many times I watch it, the dragon fight scenes in this movie always have me at the edge of my seat. It's so well done. You called it with Toothless's cat-like movements. One of the animators put a piece of tape on the end of a black cat's tail and filmed their reaction - and that was what they based Toothless's movements on. But Toothless himself is definitely a blend of cat and dog, I always think of him as a blend of the most intelligent dog breeds with the mischievousness of a cat.

Madeline Traub

Okay, I'm late for work but I just finished this and I'm so happy you watched it! It is by far, one of my favorite go to comfort movies. One thing I wanna mention (I didn't read all of the comments so if i'm repeating, sorry) is how perfectly the dragons mirror the kids riding them. The twins with the two headed dragon, Astrid's is the smart, quick, light on her feet one and so on for each kid. So cute. I've only seen the second one once and while I do remember liking it, the reason I haven't seen it a million times is because they really overly feminize Astrid in the second one and it pisses me off to no end. She starts as this independent bad ass and in the second I just remember her being like so overly feminine and that was disappointing. But I believe I liked every other part of the second movie. I'll def watch your reaction to it because it's been so long since I've seen it. Glad you liked the film. Loved your reaction. Give your dog some love for us <3

Giu Bressani

this was my very first time watching it too and I can definitely understand why everyone loves this series so much! As someone with a physical disability, this one hit very close to home for many different reasons and it already holds a very special place in my heart. Hope you'll watch the next ones soon so I can continue on this journey as well!


soooo good! first time watching! can’t wait for pt. 2!

Andrea Kwong

Pretty pretty PLEASE watch/react to the rest of the trilogy ❤️


you loving this so much just made my day. i adore httyd so much all the movies are just amazing

Bangtan is life

Yes please watch the other two as well🙏🏼


I have been gone for some time. So fine to be back in this safe place. Happy that you loved one of my favorite stories. Lovely welcome for me!