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Portia Crain

I really needed this today.... it's been a crazy week for my household!!!!

Desiree Mclaughlin

Moira Kelly knocked it out of the park in both of these episodes. When she takes that stuff to Dan and there’s that moment where she goes from rage to inconsolable sadness…ugh, it just gutted me! Can’t wait for the next reaction!


Loved, loved, loved this.... Just recently got out of the hospital from having emergency surgery and this totally made my day. THANK YOU!!! Just an FYI.... the house Dan saw the light on and stopped in wasn't Karen's house... It was Keith's. Karen was there packing up some of Keith's things. Also, you might be forgetting this... But Dan thinks it was Keith that tried to kill him. That's why Dan pulled the trigger. That's why he spit on Keith's grave saying, "You started this and I ended it..." I still hate that he killed Keith... But maybe that will give you a little insight as to what the writers were thinking. Again, Thank You! Love all you do.... Maybe someday I will get to see where those Harry Potter Posters ended up... LOL I'm still happy I sent them because they deserved to be hung to where they could be seen. I miss being on the requests tier. Don't see any McFly being requested. Their New album Power To Play is almost a Year Old already. Awesome Record and I definitely recommend it. Stay Safe, Be Happy and Keep on being the Awesome You!!! Because the Awesome you is what I'm hear for. Catch ya on the flip side my friend. 🥰😎🥰


i can't believe season 3 is almost over. as for these episodes, you can always count on whitey to bring the heart and when that man cries i want to cry. and i think we all think the pete thing is weird. even though music is a part of the show, it just feels like fan fiction. like it's so odd

Dani May

totally off topic from one tree hill but next time you do a TV show survey please consider adding normal people!! you will love it. It is only one season, 14 episodes. 20ish minute episodes and it is so damn good.


Ah, the aftermath of Keith's death. Definitely a rough & tough thing to go through. I absolutely love Whitey. He always knows what to say at the right time. OTH & Boy Meets World gave us two of the best educators in TV—Mr. Feeny and Whitey. Without them, who knows what these two shows would've been like? Anyway, 3x18 is such a fun episode! A must after all the heartbreaking moments in the last couple of episodes. And yeah, the whole Pete Wentz thing ... so weird LOL. But I guess they wanted to give Peyton some sort of "date a rocker" storyline and give her a little piece of happiness while all of her friends are coupled up. Not defending Dan by any means, but you have to remember he's been through a lot in the last year (majority of it his fault)—wife wanting a divorce, Nathan leaving the house, heart attack, Keith sleeping with Deb, thinking Keith tried to kill him, and sons basically want nothing to do with him. And while all of this is happening—Keith now quickly seems to have a great life (the one he could've had if he chose differently): Karen, Lucas, and happiness. And it all quickly unraveled for him at the moment and he did the one thing his brother "couldn't do" and that was kill. AGAIN, I'M NOT DEFENDING HIM. Because I, too, don't like him and think it was very very wrong & unnecessary for what he did. All right—I think that's it. Can't wait for the next upload. And I can't believe Season 3 is almost over, but I'm excited because Season 4 is one of my two favorite seasons (4 & 6) for obvious reasons.

Desiree Mclaughlin

Fan fiction is a perfect way to describe this...and knowing what we know about the creator of the show, it feels even grosser looking back and thinking about the fact that he wrote a story of this grown man hooking up with a high schooler. 🤢

Giorgia M

The Pete Wentz thing is definitely weird af. However, I sadly think this was kind of par for the course at the time. There was so many weird songs about young girls and relationships between band members and high school girls, particularly in the “scene” kid scene. Like I hear about another Warped tour band member being involved in some weird allegations like every other week. Inappropriate stuff was very normalised with young fans!! So the show treating it as cool is pretty accurate despite it being shocking. Anyway, I agree it’s very creepy and I’m not surprised the weirdo creator thought this was normal either. Besides that, it’s nice to see everyone happy. I always took what Brooke said to Peyton as “he loves you even though he’s IN LOVE with me” and that’s what I got from what Lucas said as well. It’s love in a different way. I was so upset and angry with Karen when she said “well sorry isn’t going to bring him back, is it?” I understand she’s hurt, vulnerable and angry but it just felt so un-Karen, I couldn’t understand it. She’s definitely going to a dark place. I also agree about Mouth and Rachel, I really don’t care about them! Like Bevin and Skills are always a treat on screen but the same doesn’t apply for the other two lol. I just want Dan to get out of my face but the show just can’t help itself!!!