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Oh, buddy, I'm sorry. 3x16 was definitely the episode everyone was waiting for you to see and watch. Your reaction to it was perfect. Honestly, I have nothing else to say. I mean ... I do, but I don't at the same time. All I can say is the actor who plays Jimmy Edwards should've won a freaking Emmy or Golden Globe for this episode. And I know other people have mentioned it, Jimmy was in the pilot episode, and I think they wanted us—I guess—to "forget" he was around similar to the characters forgetting. To make a bigger impact or something like or this was just something they thought of later on. I don't know. I know there was some BTS stuff for part of the episode, but I don't want to get into that until you've finished the show. I promise you that the show is worth finishing. Well, that's all I got. Can't wait for the next upload (I knew there was a chance you watched this when you wrote "all felt a bit heavy lately" in your Light Hearted Content POLL post). All right, again, can't wait for the next upload!!! 😀


3x16 is one of the toughest episodes to watch in the series and it always gets to me. The fact that we still have to deal with situations like this nearly twenty years later is beyond ridiculous and frustrating. But yeah, your ending thoughts are pretty much exactly how I felt the first time watching this.