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As Pyra and Nia awoke from their sudden slumber, they awoke hooked up to strange machinery, both missing their clothing. Last they recalled, they got separated from Rex and the others, then a mysterious force knocked them both out.

As Nia yelled her usual catgirl language in the empty room to no answer, the machines suddenly started to vibrate to life. Nia's curses soon turns to moans as her chest started to feel weird, a shaping pain in her nipples and as if something was pulling at her skin. Looking down, the Welsh feline's eyes widened at the sight of her boobs (What little there were) growing and expanding. In no time, she match's Pyra's cup size but the changes kept going beyond! By the time her breasts stopped grown, they were humongous! The poor cat cried, no way she wanted a bust like Pyra's, nevermind THIS BIG!

As Pyra looked stunned at her friend's transformation, her own began. Feeling the same pains as Nia, the Aegis was horrified to watch her own breasts shrinking! The once impressive bust shrunk to more regular sizes, then something more akin to puberty, then flat as an ironing board like Nia, but the change refused to stop there, going even flatter than Nia's original size! Tiny perky nipples and an almost flat surface, Pyra cried at the lose her her big bouncy breasts.

As the two captives hung on the machinery forever changed, the machines started up again. What on earth would they do to them next?

..........so note to self, DO NOT do GIFs this big for New Character Sunday! XD Yeah, this really took so long for the Pyra addition, so I'm very sorry this took forever and to date, the longest New Character Sunday sketch to do. Let's go back to single images shall we for next Sunday? ^^;

And yes, I had ideas for other variations, but let's save it for whenever I colour this shall we? Got a schedule to retain back.... T.T 



leoryff Studios

Pyra must have had some highly condensed titty mass.