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  “Come on come, open already!”
 Breath fogging up the shop window, fingers hooked on the shop gutters, and teeth forced down so hard they could snap. This was Ash Ketchum. A Pokemon trainer aiming, or at least was aiming to be a Pokemon Master. Normally, he would be perusing the next step towards his goal, whether that be taking part in a Gym Challenge, travelling a region with friends, or training for the next big Pokemon League. This young teenage boy had the normal traits of a trainer who really loves Pokemon.   
 That was a month ago.   
 Today, Ash stood outside a local continence store in the bitter cold at really nine am, really anxious for the store to open. If this were a Gym, that would be normal behaviour for him, but this was your everyday store with nothing so special about it. For at least an hour, he stood out there, yelling and making weird sounds and poses that made onlookers heading for work stare and walk away quickly. Even more alien to him was he had the bare minimum of Pokemon on him, just the odd few to battle wild encounters and get to places, even Pikachu was left at Professor Oak's after the Electric Mouse showed some concern over his strange behaviour, the one Pokemon he spend the most time with was not there to council him.       
 As the young boy got down on his knees in tears, a man holding a breakfast burrito in one hand and a set of keys walked towards the door before putting a key into the lock.   
  “If you're waiting for the Anabel and Greta signing, its been moved to the Saffron Colosseum!” the disinterested man opened the door with a sigh.
  “Is it here?!?” Ash storming into the store after the man. “Do you have it?!?”
  “Have what exactly?” the man asked with another sigh. Just what he needed, a crazy customer at the start of the day.   
  “The Special Edition of Lingerie Kink magazine!” Ash's heart beating so hard, hoping the answer was yes. He was die right there if the answer was no.   
  “Magazine shelf, top rack.” the man walked over to his counter to sit down for the day and press the button under the counter to raise the shutters. Ash meanwhile ran over to the Magazine rack. His eyes scrolling a million miles a minute for the very magazine he waited so badly for.   
 There she was. White front cover, her long silver hair and emerald eyes looking back at him, her sweet rosy cheeks and smile like she was delighted to see him, a naughty red number she was wearing, containing those perfectly large breasts of hers while presenting her deep cleavage to the readers, sat on her side in such a sexy pose as if to say “Read me! See so much more of me!”. It was her alight, the Special Scarlett Stardust edition of Lingerie Kink, a hundred pages devoted to her and her alone.   
 After a drop of sweat ran down his face, Ash grabbed the magazine and ran back to the counter. This was too good for him to be reading like it was a book store, this had to be brought now and brought back to his room at the Pokemon Centre.   
  “Its much too early for the weirdos...” the man muttered to himself as he went to reach for the magazine to scan the barcode. Ash got one look at the man's greesey fingers and he grabbed the magaine away from the man, holding it close to his chest like a child and looking at the man with disgust like “If you even touch my child, I will have my Charizard roast you into nothingness!”.   
  “Whatever, that'll be seven dolla...” The man was interrupted by Ash slamming a twenty dollar bill on the counter and running out the store like a shoplifter. The picked up the note to put in the register. “If I knew I was gonna keep the change, I could of ordered the extra large.....”     


As promised, Fanfic Previews are back! And hopefully, here to stay.

And also mentioned, this is the start of my new idea that I'm pretty excited for. What has happened to Ash? Why is he going gaga for a lingerie model? Will the store owner get his extra large breakfast? So much to explore.

Regarding Rocket Corruption and Boxed In, I will get back to those shortly. Not after completing this story, but real soon. Think of this as a little kickstart to get my writing spark back into full gear. ;)


leoryff Studios

Ash buying porn. Truely we are drifting into AU territory.