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Elania’s gaze followed Harlock’s gesture to the group that was running. They’d already almost made it around for another lap in the time it had taken to walk to the small area with the wooden training weapons.

“Most recruits train with a group when they’re taken on,” Harlock said. “But for you, it’ll be personal attention.”

“I didn’t say I was joining the Company,” Elania said before frowning. “I paid for instruction.”

“Payment was a token. The Ironfist won’t train just anyone,” Harlock replied as he turned to walk toward the weapon racks.

“Then why are you training me?” Elania asked.

“We’ve worked together before; Ranolf’s chickens. The Hornar. I like to think that I’m a good judge of character, and I think you and the lass will remember the favor and repay it,” Harlock said. He examined the rack of wooden swords and selected two.

He tossed her the weapon, and she caught it by the hilt, but the confusion felt like a spike in her chest. “So, what? You’re just helping because you, or the Ironfist, want something?”

“Everyone wants something, Elania. Some might want to use you. Others to be used by you. Some might abuse you… or want to be abused. Give and take—I believe helping you and Miss Aetherhart will be good for the company,” Harlock replied.

“I thought you were a Sergeant, but that sounds awfully political for the rank,” Elania replied.

She moved the sword in her hand, her body somehow knowing what to do as she made a few loose swings and twirls with the weapon. It was some type of fungal wood that had been turned into fibers. [Tower-cap] weaved into a blade, with iron or another type of metal inside the handle for weighting?

Wasn’t there some kind of Japanese practice sword like that? It certainly resembled something that she’d seen in an anime before, even if she couldn’t recall anything specific.

“Don’t worry overmuch about it. Let’s focus on the lesson,” Harlock continued. “You have raw talent, and I’ve seen you fight. I know you have several high-level combat skills already.”

Elania nodded. “I’ve been relying on [Improvised Combat] at Rank S+ as my main skill. It’s served me well since my style… is well…”

“Improvised. I’m not surprised. It is generally the first combat skill anyone learns, especially if they aren’t formally trained. At Rank S+ it is no wonder that you adapt to things so quickly in a fight,” Harlock said.

“In Ranolf’s Kennels you showed what your [Darkwalker] form can do, and against the Hornar Mother you showed the potency of your [Mana Manipulation] and [Power],” he continued. “But none of it involved intricate weapon work. I’d like to see what you can do.”

“I have [Martial Bladesmanship],” Elania said as she took up what felt like a combat ready stance.

Harlock placed an arm behind his back and placed his sword between them. “When you’re ready.”

Elania nodded, took a breath and released it along with her tension, then sprang forward. She avoided pressing any [Power] into her body, considering it was a spar. Their blades cracked together; she tried to dart under the strike to come at him from the side, but his sword was there waiting and she had to jump back to avoid an uppercut.

They made several more exchanges. She did her best to land a hit, but somehow, he always kept his weapon in place to prevent her from reaching him. Even when she tried to speed up.

She let free a small drop of [Power] into her body to increase her agility, but as soon as she did, his blade smacked her hand. Her weapon went flying and landed in the sand nearby.

“There’s no doubt that you could overpower me if you use your [Power] abilities, but what we want to work on is your baseline. There’s a large disconnect between your own skill and talent and how much you are relying on your skills,” Harlock said.

She listened as she fetched her weapon. When she turned around, he had slid his weapon into his belt.

“I had no training at all. Most of my skills are from absorbing them. I basically got the skills without any of the work,” Elania said as she walked back.

Harlock nodded. “That can make it difficult. Because you will be relying on your skill to do all the heavy lifting, unfortunately there is no quick fix for that except from experience.” He walked toward her. “Now, let’s start with the basics. Show me your stance.”

Elania positioned herself as she would in an actual fight, her feet spread for balance, her grip on the blade tight but not rigid. Harlock circled her, his eyes critical.

“Good foundation,” he assessed. “But you’re too tense. A relaxed body reacts faster. Loosen up.”

She did her best to do as instructed, letting her muscles relax without sacrificing their readiness. He seemed pleased with the adjustment and moved to correct her grip on the sword.

He stepped back. “Now, let’s see how you move,” he said. “We’ll start with a simple over head slice, then returning to guard.”

She followed his instruction through a half dozen different strikes. For each movement, he corrected or modified her posture until he was satisfied that she was carrying them out correctly.

“These are the basic strikes. We’ll now combine them to form training kata, which are simply different combinations,” Harlock explained.

There were almost twenty distinct movements in the first kata, and she was getting worried that it would be too long to remember by the end.

Harlock seemed satisfied. “A kata is not generally for combat, but is for your daily routine. They can become quite meditative.”

“Daily routine?” Elania blinked.

“You’ll be repeating this kata—it’s called the basic fist—every day. I suggest either in the mornings after waking up, or in the evenings before bed. In either case, it’s good to stick to a schedule,” Harlock said.

Elania nodded. “Alright. I can do that.” She glanced back at the weapon racks. “What about the other weapons?”

“They each have their own specialized uses, but since you have [Martial Bladesmanship] I believe it is best to stick with a sword for now,” Harlock replied. “Later, we can work through the rest of the weapons. Although we need to work on hand-to-hand martial arts before that.”

“I was actually hoping to ask a few things about another skill. I have [Archery] and [Throwing]. Archery is pretty low, and I’ve never actually used a bow, but Throwing is also S+ rank. I was wondering, though… if I can change my skill for using a musket,” Elania said.

Harlock grunted. “The law prohibits anyone outside of the City Watch from using firearms, so we don’t have any here. I can see how you might be an exception to that law, though.”

“How do I actually go about combining the skills, though? Like, instead of three specialized ones, what about a general ‘Ranged Combat’ or something?” Elania asked.

“Ah. I see what you mean. That might work, yes. I believe muskets utilize the same skill as crossbows, actually. If you practice with one until you gain the skill, you should be able to direct the [System] into morphing the three skills into what you want,” he explained.

He pushed her through the kata again, this time without as many hints. She managed it, but a thin sheen of sweat had formed, and she was puffing. “Without using any [Power] that’s a bit of a workout.”

“You’ve got good instincts, but you’re relying too much on your ‘skills’—and I don’t mean your ability to fight. They will ensure that you have a good baseline, but they’re no substitute for hard-earned training and knowledge. Right now, you’re more than capable of simply overpowering your foes, but that won’t always be the case,” Harlock continued. “There is always someone stronger.”

Elania lowered her sword, considering his words. It was true. She had leaned heavily on her innate demon abilities since arriving in the world. Through all that, though, she thought she had at least picked up some skill. Or at least ability to use her synergies together… effectively.

She’d even fought the Magisters! Although she’d essentially lost, the fight had been four on one. Five if you included Relain, too. “So, what you’re saying is that the skills are just a starting point?”

“Exactly,” Harlock confirmed with a nod. “They’re a quick fix, and can act as a foundation, but true strength comes from building on that. Understanding the why and how, not just the what.”

“Well, I sort of figured that. That’s why I ended up asking for some training,” Elania replied.

“Which will take much more than a single lesson, and a lifetime of dedication,” Harlock said. “I also have a suggestion. [Artifice] would make an excellent addition to your arsenal, considering your ability to manipulate and store [Power]. I would recommend learning some from Miss Aetherhart and figuring out how to utilize some of the tools she uses.”

Elania frowned. “I actually have [Artifice] as a skill, but… I’m really not proficient in it. It’s like studying for math…”

Harlock chuckled. “Artifice is complicated. No one can deny that. However, it’s a wide discipline. Ask her to teach you about the tools, and less the science.”

That was smart. Why hadn’t she thought of that? She’d just ended up avoiding it altogether…

Elania nodded. “I’ll ask about them. Maybe if I could learn to use a basic wand or two, that’d be helpful. Or maybe some of those magic-nullification bombs…”

The possibilities began to bloom in her mind like an opening flower. Integrating some of Yolani’s weapons into her fighting style. Adding the musket would definitely open up new avenues and strategies for her to explore, too.

“Just don’t forget about your new kata training. There’s a reason why daily drills are a staple in any warrior’s regimen,” Harlock said.

He eyed her belt which held her [Vorpal Dagger]. “And you might consider equipping yourself with a longer weapon. The dagger is an excellent choice up close, but your [Martial Bladesmanship] will apply equally to a larger weapon, and with your strength, that should be no issue. The extra reach and leverage would do you well.”

The weapon shop she had seen on the way to the Ironfist HQ came to mind immediately. “I’ll look into it.”

Something that could channel [Power] without destroying itself would be great. For a second, she remembered how Eziel had felt when she had used the holy seraph sword. That would have been perfect…

“We aren’t finished,” Harlock said. “In fact, we’ve only just started.”

Elania’s whole body tensed up as she realized she’d been lost in thought. “Uhh. Sorry.”

Harlock gave her a stern look. “Let’s move on to the martial arts—and then we’ll discuss how you should be applying your special demonic abilities when fighting ‘regular’ opponents.”

She nodded.

It was going to be a long day.


Jim Smith

Great chapter, sweet dreams of combat. I am not certain how often you put lyrics in there, but I smiled.


I like the chapter, but I am missing the tention/problem to overcome in this book. As far as i can see it is "Elania feels unneeded/useless" with a bit of "Elania loves Yolani but is unsure how to act on it", these are a to small to use as the main obstacle for the 2nd book. I just hope I didnt miss it😅.


There was a mention of a potential invasion from the overworld. Could be that.