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After careful consideration I’m going to relocate to my LA office tomorrow.

I’ve just finished packing up my car, just waiting on a load of laundry but then I’ll be going to sleep and heading out first thing in the early morning.

I didn’t come to this decision lightly, but I feel that it’s a necessary step to get out of the way (permanently fixing backlog, etc).

I’ll be winding down now but I want to thank you guys for not only your support but your advice and guidance through this time. I’ll be keeping y’all looped in every step of the way. It feels as if the fog is beginning to lift and clear bit by bit.

Have a good night or day, wherever you are just be happy and be safe. I’ll see you tomorrow!



Yeah the Vegas environment has not been conducive for working through that fog, best of luck!


Wishing a nice drive to you today, Jaehyuk! I've been quietly following along with the daily updates, and these plus the other patrons suggestions and supportive comments have been motivating me to stay focused on my needs and small daily goals, too. There's also been such good music out lately that is comforting and inspiring. I've been listening to a playlist each day that features IU's Holssi and Shopper and LSF's Easy. It's been so helpful to my mood and optimism. Be safe and we look forward to today's updates!