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julie has a sort of raspy voice singing and rapping

gen a *

i'm really drawn to rappers with "smooth voices," in the sense where you can practically feel the charisma dripping off them through their tone of voice. The closest comparison I can think of is Mark (even though they have different styles) and the way he just slidesss on the beat


this group has so much potential to be real big globally


I think my favorite was Julie she's just really charismatic and draws people in. I agree with Natty feeling the most natural. I alsonreally like Haneuls voice it's a bit more grounded than Belles who's voice is lighter. I think this was there first It's Live so Haneul felt a little more reserved. But out of the group I think Haneul and Julie have my favorite voices to hear.


Man it's live edits the voices so much it doesn't even sound live

Tony Ngo

They have so many more live

Carly Pearl

Hanuel for her brief parts sounded really good especially her high notes.