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Well now that we are here..!! From the previous episode @ 20:30.. When Sannes mentioned who they all killed, within that few seconds it showed Erwin’s dad & Historia’s Mom… and also the couple who tried to “escape in an air balloon” was the death of Armin’s parents cause they “ were curious what was outside of the wall”. They won’t mention it again the anime but it was a theory fans had for a while reading the Manga and it was later on confirmed.


I wanted to say something about Ymir being a mindless titan for sixty years (not seventy, but that’s not the important part), but I am not sure whether I wouldn’t spoil something. I mean, I didn’t want to say anything specific, but it might have given you a hint/clue, which would lead to spoiling some key things, so I’ll keep it for the future 😅


Oh really? I didn’t know it was confirmed! That’s cool then! That scene was a really good easter egg!