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Hi guys, it's Blaire, I hope you are all having lovely day! I'll be honest, its 11:15am and I already need a nap LOL

I have some updates for you. Please read carefully and ask any questions you have in the comments and I will do my best to answer them~

1. BTS is now uploaded and the collection tab for BTS is now organized for ease of access.

Here is how it is organized so you can scroll decently fast- Listening Parties, documentaries, concerts, Bon Voyage, In the SOOP, suchwita, bonus drops (separated between the members), RUN BTS, kulture studies, and bonus studies!

2. Enhypen is now up, but the collection is not yet organized

I'll still link the collection because I can edit it throughout the day and get it in order for you guys. Until then, you can just scroll through and find what you want! :)

3. PD will be checking over and then making a master list for the groups (after we do the reuploads) for even easier access to the content you wanna see.

4. SEVENTEEN will be coming out around 1-2pm, barring any issues coming up as I go

It is a longer process than either of us was anticipating, so apologies for the delays and the slowness, but it will be worth it! Some of these videos I forgot about, and just watch as I upload and schedule haha

After that, I will also organize the collection for ease of access!

5. Girl group backlog drops will be coming out in the evening, again barring any issues that may come up during the day (I will keep you updated!)

6. The last of the variety is coming, and if you look at question 2 of my questions section below, you will see how that will work with all these uploads!

Now to answer some potential questions:

1. Where is ______ video, ((the group in question)) is uploaded?

- If a video is still missing, it is either gone for good, or the video file was too big for Patreon to handle and PD will have to manually edit it and make it smaller so we can upload it! We can update on this once the edits are made on the videos that need it!

2. What happens when the scheduled content is impossible to find because of these uploads?

- I thought about this already, hence the "master list of recent videos" post that is before this one! I will be posting it here and there after we do a group bulk drop so you guys won't miss a thing! It will be updated as videos are made and posted as well, so no worries, I got you. 

That should be everything. O.0

Phew, that was a lot apologies! I just want you guys to have the latest information and make sure it is clear and concise. Again any questions, please ask in the comments!

Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw, smile, and now you can continue your day! 

-Blaire :)



Thanks for the update!! I was also wondering if there’s any update about fixing the audio for Devil’s Plan Ep 3? Sorry if I’ve missed something, I might’ve missed something in all the posts!


any update on el7z up?


please check the message that i sent, please refund my money.