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Trigger warning ⚠️: 1:41-1:49 (abuse)


Week 3 Drama/Anime Club Autumn Tier & MOVING binges are nearly done and will be out this month. This content update will only affect majority of the K-Pop releases.

Edit (Blaire here): Also, some K-pop releases will come out, just can't guarantee what, and in what order. We know people want specific stuff, they will be in the $5 tier next month as well (even if they come out this month). 

Even though we've seen some people say they want specific videos and won't need a refund if we can deliver, we still want you to get that refund. That way you can still get the refund, and you'll save some money to resubscribe because they will be in the proper $5 tier.



don’t have time to watch this right now, but from just the first 3 minutes i can at least say this feels like the first update video in forever that’s like. genuine i guess? so at least i’m gonna applaud that for now i’ll add that this video is very late, this should’ve been posted days ago. but late is better than never i guess

Kim Naff

The only thing that really frustrates me is that there are certain things that you consider healing content that you seem to almost hoard to watch like ITZY and Seventeen stuff and then just never seem to get to it even though the very premise of it being healing content is going to help you. I can see the weight seem to lift off of your shoulders while watching certain things, so it would be good to see you react to more like that because then it combines the healing with the reacting.


pd in the most respectful way possible you really need to include trigger warnings in your videos if you’re planning on discussing your traumatic experiences. ofc you can discuss them but with your mental health struggles you must understand that things can be very triggering when you have trauma and some of us would really appreciate being warned before you bring up triggering topics so we can skip ahead

Chris Walker

Damn, so no sm listening party? :(


For the content that you are not finishing this month (including award shows), will it be public then next month (or whenever you complete it) considering we paid for it specifically for this month? Or will it be stuck behind a paywall again? Or do we have to go out of our way to try to get a refund and repay next month, therefore placing that responsibility on us unfairly when you can just post it public instead? Holding yourself accountable is more than words, it's also actions, and while an apology and patreon tier change is appreciated it isn't enough. A few things still need to be addressed, like what's going on with the dead links to old content and organizing what can be saved and what cannot. Also, what happened to your November break where you said you'd prefilm for December??

Marly Barry


Emily Howell-Forbes

I keep saying the same thing too. It’s really especially difficult when updates are hidden in videos I can’t fully watch because the content is too triggering for me.


What I say right now may or may not be the voice of all your patreons, but it's 100% mine. No matter what happens, I'll always come back here if I have the financial capacity and you wanna know why? Because just as much reacting to certain things is healing for you, watching them is healing for me. I've been a fan of your work for at least 5 to 6 years. Just like kpop, your content is the one certain thing I know I can have that won't go away, no matter how fucked up my situation in life is at the moment, how badly lost I feel. It's a safe heaven, it's where my mind rests. So take all the steps you need, take all the breaks, but come back stronger and let's heal each other! Let's be happy!


Hey Nins, they mentioned in the video that they couldn’t or didn’t prefilm any video in November since packing took too much of their time. Ps: this is not me defending the lack of filming just mentioning that they did give a clarification :)


Trigger warning: abuse = 1:41-1:49 —— If there’s any other thing you consider triggering, pls let me know and I’ll edit the comment to add it


Thank you for letting me know!!! I watched the vid but was probably too busy typing out my comment. I just wish he had said that earlier this month then, rather than creating certain expectations :/

Emily Howell-Forbes

Thank you to Blaire for putting the clarification information in the description. That’s really helpful and I appreciate it.

Blaire 🌻

Apologies! It’s so normal to me that it completely slipped my mind. I’ll add it now.


Same! Which I’m sure most of us would’ve understood but what’s done is done I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️

Marcel Wannieck

Imma be real with you, I am THIS close to leaving right now. I've been frustrated with the way you run your business for a very long time now but this month has been a breaking point. Like, saying "I'm gonna film all the MAMA stuff tonight" on the 9th and it's still not out 19 fucking days later. Yes, I know that MAMA has since been pushed to January but just think about how ridiculous that is. Promising all of last week's content to be out by the 25th at the latest (which was already from a revised schedule that pushed stuff back) and it's still not all out on the 28th. I'm gonna stick around for January because I want to give you one final chance to redeem yourself but if I don't see significant improvement then, I'll be gone for good. Probably putting my money to Patreons that actually reliably keep their schedules. Your words sound nice but I just don't trust you anymore. I need to see ACTIONS. Honest question: do you go to therapy? I'm obviously no expert but it seems like you have issues that run way deeper than "I hate this house and I hate living in Vegas." Whatever mental problems you truly have will follow you wherever you decide to live. So please keep true to the name of your channel and get therapy. REAL therapy from a licensed professional. I appreciate the apology but you still need to do better before I can trust you again.


i appreciate this update pd and while there are still many things i’m upset and disappointed about i’m wishing the best for you. January does scare me a bit still because of you trying to get through December content and it’s still unclear if award show reactions will happen. while i would obviously want to see award show content, I’d much rather you get through December first and if award shows don’t happen, they don’t happen. i don’t think i’ll be resubbing at least for a while but good luck


PD, thanks for admitting that you messed up December's schedule and apologizing. I personally don't need to hear any details of your personal life, but I realize that others may want that. I've been a subscriber, but I am leaving next month and won't come back because I don't have any trust that you'll stick to your promises. I've been through many cycles of you making these commitments, and I can't continue to make $10/month donations. I know I won't come back because after hearing you guilt-trip people, tell people that you're a "people pleaser" even though reactions are killing you...that's not a community I want to be a part of. I thought I'd watch a few more videos before my subscription runs out at the end of the month, but I couldn't because either the links were broken (of course) or I just couldn't shake the frustration I felt about the constant excuses and guilt you're putting on your audience. Why would anyone feel good about that? I'm wishing you and Blaire the best. I hope everything works out.


I at least hope you know not to support Starbucks in any way, shape, or form anymore lmao


Please react to the izone final concert 🥹


tbh I appreciate this a lot pd but, you will have to accept that there’s a lot of ppl that won’t see this as enough! inconsistency is something that a lot of ppl can’t deal with, I do not condone people treating you like you’re evil cause that truly isn’t the case lol but ppl will surely still be pissed with you, everyone will deal with this in their own way, no matter how much you want to explain yourself, there will always be another way to see things, we’re all different, you really need to accept and find your peace of mind with that. and I’m really not saying it in a “stop giving explanations and change🤷” type of way, I’m trying to help you understand rejection! since you mentioned you’re a people’s pleaser I still believe in you, i love your content and there’s only a few other reactors that give such good commentary like yours, so what I’m about to say really comes from the bottom of my heart, please look for professional help!!! you really don’t seem ok, and as someone who deals with mental illness as well, there’s really no other way to treat it, stop sabotaging yourself, I’ve tried to say encouraging words to you all the time, so I feel like there’s not much else I have to say to you more than this, you’ve helped me a lot through out these years, you and blaire are very dear to me, I will always wish the best for you no matter what. see you next month!❤️

Winter Rian ~

Honestly at this point it might be for the better you couldn't get to the LPs because god, some of them might just have broken you even more mentally in your current state. For me personally the lyrics in Woodz' album really hit hard and especially B.I aswell. It's always the soloists man. Anyways. I was planning to stay for January at least anyways so I really hope by January 2nd we can finally see a mentally relieved and happy PD again. And thanks for the honest update, the radio silence is always the worst when it comes to these delays because it always feels we're talking into the void. It's a good thing you're having Blaire by your side! I was really dissappointed this month and I'm not having the biggest trust in these promises (at this point in time), but I already said everything I wanted to say on these other posts a few days/weeks ago so now I'm just concentrating on what's ahead of us and also giving you the chance to earn - not only mine but quite a few other patreons aswell - the trust back by actions. I'll just forget that this month happened! 😊Looking forward to whatever is dropping til the end of the year. Just film what you're able to film and what you want to watch and focus on the time after your move! Have a nice day PD and Blaire and again THANK YOU for the honest video


Trigger warning aside from 1:41-1:49, but also 8:20-8:22. For those of you who don’t want to be affected by listening to very personal and triggering traumatic experiences in this video, just read the post, the description in this post pretty much sums up everything that actually relates to CONTENT DROPPING/CHANGES that are mentioned in the video. I’m personally very uncomfortable watching this video.


i agree with what some ppl said already in the comments: these are to many excues. You took breaks, you re-schedule things A LOT, when you say you have to re schedule it takes DAYS to do this, you obvously always film your reactions way to late. You did so many tier+reactions changes alone in a few months. Sometimes all we asked was a monthly schedule ON TIME and we didnt even got that. I am staying till december bec i still wanna get the few Content that i payed for this month (even if i didnt even get half the stuff you said you would do at the begging this month), but it will be DEF a while the next time i am gonna come back to see if there are at least slightly improvments to maybe subscribe again. Like we all get it you dont have it easy, and NOBODY is saying something about it, but the way you work, and handel your Patreon is more than a mess my guy.


Hey PD, I really do appreciate your work, and watching your reactions feel like watching content with (a) friend(s). Even though I'm also a bit bummed about some content like MAMA 2023, I think you taking you mental health seriously is more important, hospitalisation is not a thing to take lightly. From a perfectionist pov, I know how it feels to pressure yourself into wanting everything to go smoothly but sometimes it's not perfect and yourself and others also have to accept that; yes you promised content but there are also like 3000 videos on here, that's months and months of content


Heart is the part, which makes you work. If that needs to be in Los Angeles to work properly, go for it! But soul is the part, which makes you who you are. And your soul belongs to Seoul, just keep that in mind… I personally am doing some big changes in my life as well and you inspired me in some ways and you supported me mentally as well. So I don’t really care about the tier changes, I just want to be in touch with you. Although I have to admit Shingeki No Kyojin reactions play a big role as well 😅😅 And then for example the Chuu LP about which I DMd you (I hope Blaire get to read that for you). (Also… again… somebody has been asking about the reupload for the 5th episode of Last Evaluation, I uploaded and I sent the link in the DMs. Since I don’t know the situation about the Street Team, I am waiting for Blaire to reupload it or to give me a permission to provide the link to the patron). Both you & I will be doing big changes in our lives in 2024. But I know both of us are here for each other! #JaeHyukPD_Can_Do_It + 파이팅 해야지 And by the way… I introduced my name a while ago, once you introduced yourself as JaeHyuk. I changed the profile picture to make it more personal, but I’ll repeat the name just for sure. It’s Ādy


Basically he will be: - releasing some listening parties randomly this month - pushing December content to next month including award shows - moving to LA on January 2nd and updates the Patreon about it by then That’s pretty much it and the rest is in the post description.


PD. Thank you. I'm staying, I have a brother who is like you I know how it goes. I hope that you have a better year next year, I will be looking forward to Enhypen concert. Happy New Year


Wow… don’t get me wrong but I didn’t see that coming from your side. Although I cannot say anything against it, you are correct. I do hope these problems will get to be solved next month. But to be honest… I was thinking about this many times a while ago (like this whole situation). And I am afraid the fact they are expecting a baby will not help the situation anyhow. Not just from the perspective of Blaire having to do the mother part. But also spending a time with the baby. Also Blaire cannot be doing all of it on her own, so that will affect PD’s time as well. Then those random small shits like moving. You can move from one place to another just within a minute, but with a baby it takes much more time. Then if we add PD’s mental situation to that… and the fact there could be the chances of not having money from Patreon to support the child… I don’t want PD to feel bad by my words, but I have thought many times about the fact that PD will have to get a regular job and Patreon will be just a “side-job”. Again… I do believe PD will make it work, I trust him with my full heart and I don’t want to sound mean towards you. Your comment just brought some thoughts I had before


I'll admit I don't know much about what's going on with the channel and updates and scheduling - I only recently joined last month for some D.O. content that I found out was uploaded from the YouTube reaction to Somebody. Really enjoyed that reaction tbh, maybe because of the focus on the way the MV was filmed. I watched the few videos you had for D.O. and then also watched some EXO reactions, and I thought that would be it, but I saw for your December schedule you were planning to release a listening party to Expectation, which honestly caught my attention, I figured I'd sign up for another month to see that, but I canceled my membership because I didnt think I'd have time to catch up on it in December. Unexpectedly, I found some free time over Christmas and joined the lowest tier just to check if the listening party had been posted. It hadn't been, but I see a lot of drama has unfolded in the comments of all the available posts. From an outside perspective, as I haven't been a longtime subscriber of the channel, I feel like you've taken on far more than possible (likely in that effort to people please, which you mentioned) and then procrastination and stress have played their part in a vicious cycle. I understand the frustrations of your loyal patrons... but at the end of the day, your health (physically or mentally) comes first. if you're really struggling with these updates, it's because your heart isn't in it and that's not because of something as simple as arrogance or laziness as some comments seem to believe. It's maybe a build up of resentment and stress about the uncertainty you're currently living in. But I want to try to show you a different perspective. Please don't see this 'job' as a reactor on here as some kind of half-way point to your real dream, where if you get too comfortable it means you're accepting you are not going to be able to make it. That's not what this is. You have created something amazing here in this community and should be proud of that. MANY people are wishing you the best here. So take your loyal subscribers as your partners on your journey to what will hopefully be a solid career in kpop. Just as I log off now, I'll likely check in again next month to see if anything D.O. related has dropped, I'd like to recommend you a song. Not to react to, just for you to listen in your free time. I hope you take the time to listen to the lyrics because, as it has done for numerous artists in the k-industry, I think it may bring you some comfort. The song is called That's Okay by D.O..

Marcel Wannieck

I've been quite vocal about my grievances under the previous update posts and especially in the chat. The baby is another major point of concern. I don't know if PD realises how massive of a time commitment raising a child truly is. How are you gonna start a Kpop label and debut a group while raising a child at the same time if you can't even properly run a Youtube channel and a Patreon page?


I know my opinion does not weigh a lot moneywise, as I'm just a support-tier Patron, but honestly I'm really here for what that tier's called: to support a creator whose vision I believe (and particularly your filmmaking dream/goal, which was what brought me here in the first place). As a viewer, I am at a point in my life where I'm constantly behind on watching the content put out by the creators I follow (including the Patreon ones), so I'm not here (nor anywhere) for bonus drops or early access stuff. As such, I don't plan on going anywhere for now (and, if I ever do, it will likely *not* be for lack of content on your part, but most likely for personal management reasons). And, for what it's worth, I don't think your reasons are "pathetic excuses", as you called them. They are very valid reasons, and you have gone through way too much (honestly I've felt that urge to run faster than I could, out of a waaay less justified fear on my part - and it turned out to be worse than if I had just stuck to what I could realistically do, so I can vaguely relate, but definitely do not recommend the experience). But precisely for the reasons above, I have to agree with those patrons who suggested therapy to start addressing the trauma you've been through. It's also important to keep adjusting your plans to find a realistic plan you can keep up with in a healthy way (which is easier said than done and takes continuous trial and error and learning, so it's best to start small). In the meantime, don't forget to (try to) be kind to yourself, first and foremost! 🙏 Wish you a great 2024!


Thank you for this PD. I really respect you for this and its the first update in a while that’s felt more genuine. I still have concerns going forward. We are people too PD and its less about “we only care about the reactions and want you to destroy yourself for it” and more about “we’re people too and we have our own mental health issues and limited funds and we can’t pay for what we don’t receive.” I appreciate the honestly, I hope you’re feeling okay and I hope that this new patreon system coming into play will help. For my own sake, I won’t be paying for anything next month or maybe the next few months, I’m not sure. I can’t justify paying when its still so unstable. But this update gives me enough trust back to at least ensure that I check back later to see how it all works and resubscribe if it seems to be working. Excited for whats in the future for you if you can make it work


Thank you for the clear apology, thank you for explaining what's going on, and thank you for the changes to the tiers. I get how productive it feels to work in a new and better place for one's self so really happy y'all are getting to do this. Again, thank you for the apology and clearing up what's going on with the pending content. Please y'all be safe this week. Sometimes things get tough and feels neverending. Thank you both for enduring through it. Things will be better before you know it


the fireworks at the end of the video LMAO


I really want this to work out for you PD. I am able to stay so I will, just like I always have. I, and I think many others, offer these criticisms not just because we want to it to work for us but also because we want it to work for you. I truly wish you the best, and I hope this year you find a better work-life balance.


Any update on the IZONE final concert? I haven't had time to watch the videos if its mentioned. I sent a DM but haven't received a response.


Hi PD thank you for the clarification and the tier changes. Hopefully 2024 will be better for you, just keep going strong! I will be asking a refund but at least now with no hard feelings and looking forward to see you and blair again when ì financially can. Happy new year 🎊


Thank you Jaehyuk PD, thank you Blaire, thank you fellow groupys—we’ll be ok Sending much love to everyone, remember that self-loathing and not prioritizing your mental health will never make you more industrious and will only lead to more self-loathing + I hope everyone can love themselves even just a little bit more next year 💕


thank you for the apology and assuming your mistake but i'm sorry to say this i'm a bit confused with the "i'm scared of you guys leaving me and me ending up homeless" argument while, if i'm being completely honest, you look like you have a pretty legit equipment for filming, a pretty cozy background (love it btw) and you're talking about going to las vegas and i think you're moving to los angeles? (correct me if im wrong). what i'm trying to say is i don't think being homeless is anything close to what you could be since from what i see and hear you seem to be living a pretty expensive life compared to most people, but i do understand this patreon is your passion and stuff and i'm happy for you that you can make money off of that, however that's still a very privileged job. i see that you're struggling it's pretty obvious and i'm really hoping that your mental health only gets better from now on. good luck for the future with this patreon, i think your emotions are authentic and you only improve once you acknowledge your mistakes, which is what you're doing now


can someone tell me if there will be any more videos for this month or are all of them pushed to next months? i already cancelled my subscription, so i want to know if i should expect anything for the last 3 days of the year lol sorry i couldnt get it from the video


He basically said that he can't finish the content this month and that it'll hopefully be done/caught up next month, but he's watching whatever content he wants out of order. Don't expect anything lakjdfljs


thank you kajshfa at least i got my answer


Can someone inform me how asking for a refund works? The majority of what I wanted this month didn’t come out so I definitely thing it’s appropriate to ask for one in this case and try a lower tier next month since they said those that are pushed will be placed there


Okay so I've been thinking about this video since it came out and decided to make one last honest comment before my subscription runs out (I already cancelled my membership for next month). All of this seems like enabling. Why is the core issue of everything you do tied into you not prioritizing yourself rather then seeking out therapy and fixing your work ethic? Bringing up trauma, making people feel empathetic for you again and again and again, all the while ignoring other points that people brought up such as fixing the links, changing the billing cycles, etc, seems like just a repeat of every other thing you've done. Even when you do apologize the focus isn't on the patrons who you did wrong but rather it's a "I'm sorry, it's because I'm suffering", therefore changing focus onto yourself once again rather than the impact your actions had. Also complaining about 60 hours of content a month when that's 15 hours a week, way below the average 40 hour work week? Even with editing it's maybe 25-30 hours a week. Most people seem so optimistic in the comments and I really do hope you're able to change and grow and flourish, but I really wish people wouldn't fall into your emotional appeal again. When this cycle repeats again in 1-2 months I hope people come back and read these comments and realize this isn't just a random occurrence but a pattern of behavior. And did you forget about your Discord community? A place you haven't commented with or interacted with in months? You move onto one hyperfixation into the next while abandoning promises, projects, and commitments you had to the previous. Please seek therapy, with how often these issues have been occurring I really don't think working out and meditating will be enough. Wish you luck, and goodbye PD. I wish you the best Blaire, and I hope the pregnancy goes well and safe and you remain healthy.


this this this. them moving to LA MIGHT help at first, but these issues seem way deeper than that, and running away only does little in the end. suffering like that unfortunately has never been able to keep me from working because then i wouldn’t have food on the table. my subscription ends this month too. i’ll maybe check in later to see if this isn’t just another dead-end cycle because many are falling for it yet again. i’ll believe it when i see it.


I sent a dm about a refund and they still haven’t gotten to me. ;/


That's what I plan on doing. I might check back in May or June, but him saying he'll never over promise content again seems highly unlikeable. Another thing was that when he lived in LA prior he said it was horrible for his mental health. Why is this time any different? Why does he think moving back to a place that seemingly was bad for his mental health, with a baby on the way, is healthy? Why did he prolong the internet installation again? He was so happy when he traveled to Korea and was saying he was on cloud 9, but that when he returned his mental health dipped, does he genuinely not realize that he was just running away from the problems and it'll always come back because it's part of him because it is his mental health, that it is him? A new environment might momentarily help things but that'll fade away as he gets accustomed to his surroundings once again. Another thing that irked me was him saying he was a god tier reactor in previous vids and now he's talking about worrying about being homeless (an emotional appeal to make people feel bad for him and redirect focus) when he's making at least $20k a month and is able to move on a whim and take international vacations. Five months of inconsistent work on a patreon doing a privileged job with supporters who (in my opinion) are too forgiving allows him to make 6 figures. He is totally able and should be saving up a good amount so that he shouldn't be having these fears and it is for those reasons that I don't trust his worries unless he's super irresponsible with money and has been spending it recklessly, something that makes me even more upset because his supporters worked hard for that money at jobs that actual require a work ethic and sacrifices. A lot of people in the discord feel the same way so I know I'm not completely alone, but seeing all these positive comments either babying him or ignoring the fact he ignored valid criticisms is so upsetting.


Thank you for the update. I will definitely be back next month. Take care and try your best to stabilize the content without overexerting (not sure if this is the right word) yourself. I think you got a lot of hate comments lately including criticism I defenitly also had towards you but some comments went to far for me personally causing me to worry about you, Blaire and the future of this Patreon. So I hope you two are doing well. Keep going and chase your dreams.

Thabit Ayob

nins, i think your opinion is completely valid and based on reccurrent evidence that i have seen happening on multiple occasions the past years. I do admit i didn't watch the video, and just read the summaries in the texts they made, and i just decided it's a good thing we can hope for and get. I am/was for sure not hoping for anything more than this changes. Like you said as we've seen this happening multiple times; i wouldn't expect more. I just wanted him to admit some things fix basic things, he did the first step of that, and needs to do more to meet those base level expectations. what you're commenting on looks to me like miracle level things to be fixed or adressed in a post right away. We'll have to be here for a decade and see if there will be any improvement towards that. I am not going to invest myself into personal problems; i'm here for the content; i'm a monkey, he delivers> monkey happy. he doesn't > monkey sad mad bad. i'll just be waiting until like may or june too to get some good backlog of content i can watch and come back (supposing it doesn't get wasted because of the broken links again). unless he releases DPR ian LP or MV reactions i have been requesting since last year and were supposed to get this month and now is out of question sadly apparently

Réka O.

Thank you for saying this, I think exactly the same things. I've been a patron since 2019 but I canceled my subscription and I'm not planning on coming back. I tried watching the few videos posted this month but it just doesn't feel the same anymore, I'm completely disillusioned. Maybe I'll check back and see what's up sometime next year but at this point, I think it's best for me to move on, and distance myself from this channel because it has caused me so much anxiety and disappointment over the years.

Jasmine sumner

From comments on video updates seems people are staying now and looking forward to things but I just read nins comment on the pt2 and replies to her comment and she's right. It's just another repeat situation from PD. He's now with those new update videos saying how we stuck by this whole year even when he fucked up and is trying to win us over by expecting us all to give PD another chance because he thinks we'll just stick by no matter what so he'll just keep fucking up thinking "oh well they'll stay anyway". Like the updates are like ones he's done in the past. Where he admits he fucked up a bit but doesn't address everything (like what's happened with yt, street team, comments, etc he addressed none of that.) He was only going over how he fucked up in December when it was more than that. He's done the updates like one before where in the video he said things were changing and he was gon be more professional etc but guess what? he's doing it now with these 2 update videos. And most in the comments seem positive now. When it's just another possible guilt tripping from PD. He said at the video about hoping we'll all stick by like he's scared of everyone leaving so he's now rushing two update videos that yes pt2 was better and he did admit some stuff but didn't address the whole situation. He just brushed over a few things. When the situations worse than that. I expected PD to go over the 400 comments on the update post, address the street team (which obvs he's trying to forget about), why yts been left in the dark and what's happing with that and more. We just got the bare minimum. Like the update videos were just a better version of the Xmas one. But I won't be fooled again as I remember everytime PD messes up and he comes out with an update video trying to fix things and the big change and he never does. Its PD trying to save himself and his patreon cause hell need the money to save to make his next hybe. he'll need millions for that. I expected more but PD won't admit all the real issues. It's more than just December schedule. Sorry but as a fan of this patreon and yt for 5 years now I've seen it all. it's the cycle of: PD messes up, overpromises, then no content, then delays, then an update video trying to "fix" things. Repeat. He's just trying to win us over. I really did wanna give PD another chance. I never thought I'd be leaving. Pd ment the world to me. I looked up to him. I never thought things would come to this. It truly upsets me. Pds been the only content creator I've loved this much in a long time. He's been my No1 for years. Pd if your ready this despite all the issues I just wanna thank you for everything. Truly. Like you've saved my life in many ways. I can't thank you enough. I've had so many amazing memories here. All the livestreams, CB reactions, award shows, listening party's etc got me though many tough days. You've motivated me to work harder and better myself. I now think about my dream of living in South Korea even more now. last year I lost all hope and meaning in life untill one of your videos inspired me. You've given me the best of times pd when I don't have much going on and your videos will always be there for me. I'll never forgot you or this patreon. This patreon has made me extremely happy over the years. I've loved every second of being here. It was like a magical journey watching you pd. This patreon and your yt has been amazing. I hope you and Blair have a great 2024. Achieve all your dreams. I'll still come back here maybe in the future to check content and see what the future holds for you pd. I hope things do change for the better here. For the patreon, for yourself, and the fans. I've been here a long time and oh boy has it been great but rn I can't continue to subscribe untill I see actual change and not another repeat situation. Thank you for saving me pd. I wouldn't be here without you or kpop. Take care. I will now be off soon when my subscription is about to end. I will miss this place. I will miss is greatly. Goodbye PD and Blair. Best wishes from England. Thank you again. Bye everyone.


Hi Jasmine! I'm grateful that you agreed with my comment. I feel the same way. I've had depression slumps that only watching Kpop content with PD helped, and I was also so extremely emotionally invested in this patreon before taking a step back and realizing his wrongs. I know this doesn't feel great and that you'll probably feel guilty for severing that emotional connection but I promise you'll be okay and that you are doing the right thing, prioritizing yourself and your feelings and your energy. If you ever want a place to rant or talk about it more I recommend coming over to the discord, as there are long logs of people discussing everything in great detail and also a community created through this long conflict. Lastly, I wish you the best and even though we are strangers, I want to clearly say you have no fault in any of these issues, that it isn't selfish to want more from this patreon and want consistency from a creator, and that you deserve the best and to support creators who care more about their audience. I wish you the absolute best, all the way from the other side of the world.

Jasmine sumner

Hii. Thank you for your response. I downloaded discord app the other day and checked pds chat there. I'm still getting the hang of it but I'll be over there when my subscription ends. It brings a tear to my eye knowing I'll be unsubscribing soon. I never thought I'd be leaving because I'd never thought the patreon would get this bad. Pds helped so many people with these videos. He's done some amazing things but rn want real change from PD. Will see you over the discord


Thank you for the update PD. I know it probably wasn't an easy video to make. Everyone here has their own expectations and feelings about this Patreon that are personal and valid and I respect each person's individual perspectives. I personally will be here next month and I hope to support you through the changes you want/need to make and to see you get to a better place with your mental health. You bring such a unique perspective to your reactions that can't be found elsewhere and through all the years of watching your videos, I do care about your well-being and just hope to see you thrive in 2024.


I’ve been a YT subscriber for 6 years and a patron for a couple of years. I had to quit the patreon a couple of months ago because of financial difficulties and there wasn’t anything I wanted to watch. Then in November I resubscribed only to find out that it was a break, I thought that’s ok I’ll stay for December then this happened. I will be canceling again before January because it’s too unstable, I might check back in a couple of months to see if there’s been any changes.


It sucks that I’ve supported and loved this channel for so long but genuinely can never see myself recommending it to anyone due to ALL of the unaddressed issues this year and how they were covered with guilt trips and excuses.

Luxia Scarlet

Hi PD, you mentioned week 3 autumn tier anime/drama and Moving will be out before the month end, is this still true?