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Sorry guys I completely missed I uploaded two Moving EP 1’s 😅




Thanks for the fix !


what about literally everything else? you said it'd be out by the 25th at the latest, meaning it all needs to be out in the next hour lmao


6 minutes left of the 25th for me, one hour left for you, and as expected we’ve gotten nothing


We really have paid for the whole month of December for literally NO reactions bruh

Jasmine sumner

And you missed the almost 400 comments under the update post, under the video update, street team update, yt community tab update, yts in the dark pretty much. This patreon needs fixing. Or everyone will leave. This is bigger than you think pd. There's a ton of issues and comments to adress here. We're not letting things slide this time. Many beloved fans are leaving. Please give a proper update addressing everything from the yt latest community tab to the comments on the video and post update with neatly 400 comments.


It seems like you're focusing on drama content LOL


I'm not part of that tier so literally all these posts have meant nothing to me HAHA


😂 what a joke


What about others? You said you would upload them all today… You only have one hour left now lol LIAR

an ♡

Please just address the concerns we’ve had the whole month like are the contents still coming or are you now solely a K-Drama and Anime channel? This is getting so ridiculous like we basically paid to get video updates and nothing else.

Nell ♡

guys the 25th is literally over. not only did you guys say you could do stuff that was clearly impossible at the beginning of the month but reinforced it saying it will all be out by the 25th. doesnt look like you guys take your jobs seriously at all

Nell ♡

the very least you guys could have done was prioritize other stuff today since you already released alot of drama and anime club


Can you please address the actual concerns we’ve commented on that post?


still waiting for skz code and looking at the schedule there's a lot still missing ... "This week’s content will all be out by Dec 25 the latest! Our Christmas promise if you will." what a joke


Me too!! Literally the only thing... I got my hopes up so high seeing "SKZ bonus posts" as well HAHA oh what a shame


what abt MAMA and BG variety? I thought they r supposed to be out by now


For the people that are unsubscribing, stay that way for a couple of months. Leaving for one month is not gonna create that big of an impact, especially if you get impatient and join back in the middle of the next month. I recommend at least until March so there is a lasting impact. That seems like the only way to create change. If you boycotted Starbucks you can do this. If you want some recommendations for better, consistent reactors, I recommend: LKTV, Caitlin Benson, Jeff Avenue, Boys Love Boys Love, Johan Moon, ItsLexa, RJKPOP, gzbkarma, Kess & Han, and Pete PS. If you know any more good ones please reply with their names 😊


aaaaand the content wasn’t out by the 25th. lmao edit: i’m actually really bummed about it, i was really looking forward to several things this month. billlie, Cherry bullet, twicetagram (which will be posted in 2 days but like. no it won’t lmao) EL7Z UP, Kiss Of Life, VIVIZ, so many good LPs. it’s what i subbed for :))) and none of it is out edit 2: also gonna add that Blair is carrying this patreon rn. handling all the updates, fixing mistakes, reassuring people that the refunds are getting handled, all while pregnant?? like i gotta respect it


Just to clarify, LKTV is back on Patreon too!


Thank you for letting me know!! I’ll update my comment

i was hoping they would pull it together (not really) but here we are lol, this situation is just ridiculous. otherwise thank you for the hard-work blaire.


Well i mean that is the highest paying tier so it makes sense to prioritise getting their stuff out (although they should have everything out since they said they would prefilm last month)


Why would they piss off their highest paying tier though.


been done so dirty


LPs too.. I joined the patreon for the first time this month looking forward to one on the schedule. Not only is it not out, but the group it’s for also is missing most of its old LPs it seems. So… I can’t even enjoy those to hold me over until it’s out. I’m debating messaging for a refund if it’s not out by the 30th, which I don’t really want to do 🥲


"This week’s content will all be out by Dec 25 the latest! Our Christmas promise if you will."

Kennedy Pickering

I personally love Caitlin Benson she is so much better right when you get to her page it tells you everything that she is actively watching and currently watching. She does poles to see what her audience enjoys and she will be straight up and say hey cant take requests right now or tell me if you guys don't love this we can try something different. RJKPOP is also really good he has set days for certain things and he will always post on those days he has a schedule like Form of Therapy but more scaled down and focused not all over the place. Jeff Avenue is so interesting because he covers a lot of award shows and comebacks and sometimes variety shows no schedule but when major award shows happen he will do it.

Violet Joo

Higher tiers already pissed because we want LPs rather than new drama.


I don't know how many people have unsubscribed (I'm one of them) but I think waiting two months is not enough in my case... I've been here for a little over two years but the last three months I've had a feeling of disappointment because of how PD acts and the way to ignore our comments, but I will check back to see how the situation is in the future Thanks for the recommendations, just 2 days ago I subscribed to LKTV

Violet Joo

You haven't finished prison playbook and already doing a new drama is no good. Like already finish it please. AND give us the other content that you promised!


lol there have been over 7 update posts for december and each time it’s “will post today!/keep waiting!” blah blah and frankly at this stage i see zero point in trusting you guys anymore. i understand christmas was a busy month but it seems it’s less that and more so that you guys don’t understand the weight of your own words and throw promises around left right and center that you almost never keep. Honestly im kind of over feeling sorry because this is a commitment and a job at the end of the day, there’s only so many times you can make excuses for missing videos. Also, i dont understand why you bother saying you’re pre-filming a month ahead when clearly….ur not? once this week is done it’ll be good riddance. I think i sound really harsh right now but im just so frustrated as it feels my money has been spent on nothing, while i do like you guys i also expect a level of responsibility. Hope you work things out.


another thing, i also feel like having no schedule for you guys is going to be a really bad idea. You can barely keep up with a schedule. Without one not only do i think you’re making it more difficult for yourselves, but also for the people who are going to support you since they don’t know what they’re spending their money on.


It seems like pd is having Blair post updates and handle the refunds so the blame can be shifted onto her…. hope thats not the case since she’s pregnant and handling stress is not good for her. I will say I’m very disappointed with how everything is being handled this is the only patreon I’m subscribed to but at the end of the month im gone…. with the amount i pay i could be subscribed to about three other creators that take their page seriously. I hope people really do boycott this page so maybe you’ll have a wake up call and stop with the excuses but i doubt it since you haven’t even addressed the 400 comments (plus the ones under this post) of concern, its sad to see. Good luck with everything and Blair i hope you’re resting.


How I ask for a refund and send a Message ,through instagram or patreon?


so disappointed

Nellie Z

Redemption 46 is good too for only music. They are in the entertainment industry . Nick does most of the reacting now as most of his panel is working. More BTS heavy . He uploads Tuesday and Friday. Daniel Goland /DG Reacts is very consistent in uploading. He will let you know if he's not feeling well or if something is going on that he can't upload. He does a variety of content , 1 kdrama at a time.


Thank you for recommendations, Ill be looking forward to support those that actual fulfill promises and keep up with their fanbase. Its a shame about this patreon as I've been a fan of PD for years but earliest I might sub to check if any progress that have been done is june/july next year...


Girl just request the refund. We haven’t gotten our promised content and you deserve to get your hard earned money back. Message them on Patreon!


Checking back in here after Christmas just to see PD lied AGAIN.. which what can you even expect atp? I’m so curious if there’s ever a genuine thought even a minuscule of empathy when you make these promises, or is your mindset because you’re late might as well be more late? atp you’re lying for fun cause you get a rush out of it, cause i don’t see any other reason for lying to 5k patrons who don’t have to give you not even a dime. Anywho, patrons reading this, I hope you had a great Christmas and subscribe to a better patreon. ❤️


is this a joke


Now I’m just pissed…I already cancelled my subscription and you guys should too. PD has ZERO respect for us and I’m done giving them chances after chances. Even IF all the content comes out (it won’t, let’s be real) how are we supposed to watch everything??!

eli m



“creating the next HYBE” “producing a kpop group” -.- how are you gonna do that if you can’t even follow your own patreon schedule for a week? I really wish you the best pd and I hope you finally get some help because this isn’t healthy. Please realise how privileged you are to have a job where you just have to watch stuff that we watch during our free time. AND you make money that some of us WISH we had… I don’t even know if what I wrote makes sense, that’s how upset I am rn. But yeah..I’m out ✌🏾


I'd like to know when we could see MAMA reaction:(


I’m genuinely baffled. Literally what was the reason for lying about all the content coming out by the 25th when y’all obviously knew it would not happen? I’m definitely thinking the content was never even filmed, and the thing about taking time off in November to film was also a lie. I cannot believe the sheer audacity to treat the people who are essentially keeping the roof above your head like this🤯 And to be clear I am not blaming Blaire! She’s the one that’s putting effort and basically keeping this Patreon somewhat alive. This is on PD. The fact that after all this PD can’t even come on here and take responsibility instead of making Blaire do everything…..


even if we forget about you saying that content would be dropped by the 25th LATEST, what happened about dropping all through x-mas eve and x-mas? i truly don’t get how you sent your own promises and still fail to meet them


not sure if you decided to only drop content for the higher paying tiers but at this rate you have about 3 weeks of content that was supposed to be released by yesterday. and i really don’t want to hear complaints bc none of us have said “we need it by this date!”, that was you giving yourself a timeframe

Ezra mooneyham

Yeah I'm a little concerned for her. I hope she's not taking most of the heat from these comments




have requested a refund for the first time in nearly 3 years :(


really hope we get some &team content before the month ends


it really is a bummer to see how the content this month turned out. i understand going through the move and everything and the problems that came with it but to ignore almost all kpop content and focus on the drama club when youre a kpop reaction channel is a bit weird to me but maybe thats just me. i had to unsubscribe bc truthfully i can barely afford it but i love your kpop videos so i stuck with you and to see they arent being made is saddening. i really hope you guys figure out a good medium if this ever happens again.




im holding out until the end of the month but damn, i hope you guys read these comments and finally do something about the problems we're bringing up. These constant on and off content mishaps, constant apology posts, scheduling issues has straight up happened more times this year than any of the other patrons I’m subscribed to have had in the last three years, and most if not all of them have a job other than reactions (some even go to university). Honestly at this point, even if you do magically happen to post the content you promised, i wont be subscribing to you again, not until i see actual change here. its truly disappointing.


I really recommend Jeff Avenue. He is a good and consistent reactor who gives insight into the world of dancing. He also reacts to K-dramas, Awards shows, and survival shows! I’ve been supporting him on Patreon for over a year, and I’m a satisfied customer.


please stop making promises you aren't sure you'll be able to keep. be honest, lower their prices so that people are paying for what they get and be honest with the people that are paying for this patreon. the more you lie and are unable to deliver the more you alienate your supporters, people will be more willing to stick with you through this if you aren't overcharging them to have their trust betrayed. be honest and be reasonable. i love your content and takes but as someone who struggles with my mental health as well please listen when I say making promises you can't keep will help no one including yourself.


i must say i'm really not a fan of blaire getting tossed under the bus here. i'm aware she's largely been handling communication, but this is exactly the situation where pd needs to be the one communicating since the fuck up is with them. having blaire front all criticism and negativity especially when at the end of the day she isn't in a position to individually address this without approval because it's not her patreon just feels like using her as a shield. which sucks, especially when she's pregnant and should be stepping back from stress. thank you blaire for all your work. for whatever it's worth, despite the many issues with this patreon it has always seemed like you genuinely care about your work and try to mitigate disasters even when you're dealt an unfair hand.


I'm unsubscribing. I thought I'd use the last few days of the month to catch up on older content I haven't gotten a chance to check out yet. Out of about a dozen videos, 10 of them were broken links that I don't have access to, even though I paid for it. What else should I have expected?!

Nellie Z

I just thought of some others who are a little different that you might want to check out. They are free, unless you want to donate. Roscoe is a dope old people that started about a year or so ago. He's BTS focused but has branched out to different groups and world music. He's a director/Marine and he got into BTS because Beat Saber. Really fun guy when you catch him. Another one is DJ Jino also BTS focused, but he's got a great ear for music as he used to be a DJ. His dad is a famous SK Trot singer. However, he claims he's not ARMY and will always tell you the truth. It's hard to catch him as he doesn't have a schedule and when he streams, he ends up in YT jail =)

Nellie Z

If you decide to try Roscoe on YouTube, look up his 1st reaction to BTS Fire...episode 1...it's hilarious.

