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Once we have crossed the river of death we begin to ascend the huge mountain of oblivion and rebirth.

One of my Patrons said something that, I’m sure without meaning to, broke my heart but made me look within myself.

WiseSmellyLegs, in true wise fashion, said they hoped for me to be in Korea someday because it was clear that during my time there that I shined bright like a diamond.

There’s a lot of logistical factors right now in my way but I can’t keep allowing hating my environment into my heart.

You’ve seen how this Patreon has been.

You’ve seen how I’ve been.

So I forced myself to go out and adventure to an anime figurine shop to look for a Rengoku figurine (I’ve been searching for a year and for SOME FUCKING REASON NO ONE EVER HAS RENGOKU BUT HIS FUCKING DUMB LITTLE BROTHER; BRUH RENGOKU DIDNT DIE FOR PEOPLE NOT TO SELL STATUES OF HIM BUT HIS LIL BRO WHO HAD LIKE TWO SCENES) but they were closed 🤷🏻‍♀️

I walked into a shop next to it instead and spoke with a Hong Kong elderly man. We had a very beautiful and deep conversation and it was incredibly nourishing for my soul.

And then Wise’s words rang in my head.

You know why I was so happy in Korea?

I felt like I DESERVED it. There’s something about being in a country that doesn’t try to kill you (in food, health and danger), it encourages health, transportation is easy and clean and perfect—

I realize when I’m in America I always feel I don’t deserve anything.

It’s why in Seoul I was out buying fashion accessories and styling myself trying to put Hyunsuk out of a job—cus I felt free enough to be myself.

So I forced it. I saw these really beautiful Asian hair pins and it reminded me of Heejin’s Algorithm so I bought it and yeah I’m really gonna be THAT bitch now. I tie my hair all the time anyway, I’m now gonna incorporate Asian needles to really class it up and really be that Joseon bitch.

I also got myself a nice ring. It’s in the box! It’s a secret just for myself 😌 Maybe I’ll share someday.

I’m choosing to make Seoul be a state of mind. I’ve been trying hard on my own the past month, and now I’m trying to balance that with a work life.

This Patreon, you all, have inspired and reminded me to be myself. It’s been 7 years and it’s taken me a long time but I’m slowly getting it. I’ve been hearing how my performances seem better or more enthusiastic and I’m glad it comes across.

I’m gonna wrap up my night reading some manga in this coffee shop (I’m reading BANANA FISH cus one of our Patrons sugggested the anime and uhhh what’s going on???).

I just wanted to conclude with some raw shit:

hey, I have felt like an ugly autistic freak my entire life. I was cut, beaten, and tortured for being ARTISTIC my entire life by the outside and inside world.

I stopped trusting people for a long time.

It’s been weird to accept that you guys care about me because genuinely people have just made me feel so… like a freak for caring about art and the greater good.

People, my own family and friends continue to cast me aside because they say they all “fear me”.

I’ve done all the good I can. I can’t describe the amount of times I have SHOWN UP for people, paid for shit, helped other people fulfill their dreams, connect people with other people—and then I’m left out.

I’m so fucking done trying to please people, make people like me, and not fear me. If they judge me for how big and tall I am, how loud my voice is, and god damn because I am just a charismatic speaker? Well whatever.

So thank you all for making me feel like I can actually become my true self. It’s still a little further away… but I see it now.

I’ll continue to use this fuel and everyone’s support to not only make better videos but eventually change the world. I don’t care how long it takes, I’ll get there.

So for now I am always going to embody a Seoul/Joseon state of mind. I hope to inspire you all to do the same by showing you through my actions.

It’s helping me become a better leader and creator. Like choosing to do the MAMA video to make yall smile while still choosing my own health as a priority.

It’s not enough to have a happy place—you have to live in it.



Mia Mccline

PD there are ppl out there who love you and who need you to shine the light of your beautiful true self. It's a very arduous and painful task, the journey to loving yourself, but surpressing and denying you is so much more harmful. I'm so proud of the progress you've made on this journey! Whatever it takes, however long it takes, if you must go slowly then go slowly, but don't stop. I LOVE YOU💜


I am glad you knew I didn’t mean to break your heart by my words. As I mentioned I visited Korea for the first time and although I was obviously only a tourist there, so the living there may feel a bit different, but it felt there so safe and it made me ask, why cannot it be like this all around the world as well? And I come from Czech Republic… we don’t shoot each other here 😅😅 (well… it can happen but it hardly ever happens… we are more into knives and fist fights 😆😆). So the change of the environment for someone from USA must be even more shocking! That’s why I asked/mentioned that. (Beside the fact of how you seemed in the videos from there). Also… I still haven’t listen to the Chuu listening party, but I am looking forward to it so much and I have to mention it here, because of the screenshot you shared in this post. (Side note: For those, who don’t use Apple Music on iOS 17… there are animated/moving versions of some cover arts as for example here with Chuu’s mini album and Chuu on it looks even more beautiful than on the screen shot!) Why am I so into Chuu right now? I fell for her with her solo, mainly because of the Hitchhiker music video, where she is so gorgeous! But then from some videos I found out what a kind human being she is! 😻😻 It is worth to mention I was a casual listener of Loona. I started to get more into them because of you. Similar as with Seventeen… Although with Seventeen it was a bit funny, because I witnessed their debut, but I read they would be like EXO, but with 3 subgroups (beside Korean and Chinese one, they would add Japanese one). And since that wasn’t the case, I was like: “Okay… never mind” and although I paid attention to their first comeback or two, I didn’t really follow them and later on I realized what a mistake I did 😅😹 And then because of your passion to them and your words like: “I talked about that in that or that Seventeen reaction, go and check that out”, I started to get into them more 😅😅 But back to Chuu and Loona! Beside your recommendations from your videos, the turning point for me was the case of Chuu against BBC. Obviously I was on Chuu’s side but I didn’t know her much, but now I hate BBC even more because of the way they talked about such a kind person as she is! And well… I guess I was too late for Loona (at least as for the full group). But with Seventeen I am not! 🙏🏽🫱🏽‍🫲🏾 I had written this comment once already, but it was deleted because I didn’t finish it and I went to the YouTube app for the video I wanted to recommend you to watch, where Chuu has an interview/talk show with Yuqi. And now I cannot remember to what I was going for with my speech, so that’s why it seems a bit like that (because it actually is like that 😅😅). But anyway, the video is on her Chuu Can Do It channel and it is super funny!!

Kim Chi

I know you are older than me but maybe it is the eldest daughter syndrome hitting me but seeing you grow, evolve and prosper but also stumble, wither and reflect over the past few years (on and off) makes me feel very proud of you to the point of shedding tears. Seeing you getting a clearer and more steadfast view on your dream is remarkable to witness. You might not have had the time to be the shounen mc of the stories you might have always wanted to be but now you have opened the chapter to become the unwavering protagonist of your own story. You have spent years of getting broken apart like a mirror but you collected all of those shards that represent you and molded them into a new version of you and I think it’s beautiful. So thank you for staying with us and keeping us by your side as you tread the path of your journey💕