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Hello everyone, PD here!

First of all,

Thank you everyone for the support with my new direction in life. It's been difficult to accept as set life and film production was all I've ever known but the support has meant a lot to me.

I'd like to give y'all a few updates on today's comings and goings and more.


Before today's BG variety drops, I'm going to be fixing our BLACKPINK content and fix that backlog.

Once BP is finished, BG variety will all drop around 6/7pm pst.

I will also do my best to issue as many refund requests today and will definitely have more time to finish it tomorrow.

Blaire is currently out for a few weeks visiting family so I'm back to managing the system solo so please bear with me -u-


New KULTURE STUDY videos will drop this Thur & Fri :D and last week's KULTURE STUDIES will go live on YouTube.

Fixing Schedule Today

There's several important missing bits of information on the schedule. I'll admit I was just a nervous wreck making that December post so even though I triple checked the schedule, I still left things out from previous drafts. 

I'm going over all the comments and making sure I don't forget anything.

An update on my music documentary series.

I've been working preproduction on a globe trotting documentary series where I show up on the doorstep of famous music producers from across the globe that contribute to the K-Pop culture. We dive deeper into their minds, process, and personal philosophies; while also getting a local tour of their studio & the city/country that influences them.

Dec & Jan I'll be mostly testing it out and making sample edits/cuts with LA based producers and show you all a preview as I work on figuring out the format and flow of an episode. Once we have a good flow, February, I am considering taking a month break again from Patreon (I believe I mentioned this last month).

In February/March/April (one of these three months, currently coordinating and budgeting with the rest of the team that would go) I'll spend the month possibly in Europe to speak with European producers (let's be honest mostly Swedish) and filming their segments for the documentary. Europe could change to Korea, Japan, or somewhere else in the U.S. We have already begun reaching out and a handful are interested but we've yet to get in touch with everyone. We'll be picking the first leg of our production based on efficiency of how many producers we would be able to film in one trip.

Here's to the future

In conclusion, I just wanted to thank everyone for the support. I feel like I can finally let out a sigh of relief and breathe now that I've made this decision to move towards what I really want to do. 

Remember, change starts with small steps, but eventually you need to take a big leap.

My mental health was the worst it had been in maybe a decade at the start of this year. When I turned 30 I basically started going through a crisis of "holy shit I'm running out of time" but the truth is, we're all just getting started aren't we?

All this year I worked on improving my habits, my mental health, and to an extent, they worked/helped but were always only temporary fixes that did get to the underlying issue at hand--watching all this K-Pop stuff and not actively participating is bothering me.

So after many small steps, I knew I had to take a big leap and do something scary for myself if I wanted to be happy. I'm not happy per se (I'm baseline happy with my life, it's a personal happiness? if that makes sense) but I feel as thought a giant knot has been untangled from my heart. It's what the Koreans described as simply "Han".

I appreciate everyone who has been here to witness this journey and excited to move forward with you all. 

I hope to make you all proud someday. I hope within this next decade you will all have a moment in your lives where your eyes widen and go "holy shit he actually did it".

I can't guarantee you'll love it. I can't even guarantee it'll be good. But I personally believe that the vision for my boy group can at least deliver some good ass music. 

Here's a quick idea of the direction I'm going in:

The singers and dancer types I'm looking for? The triple J-Woos.


In the future I'll share with y'all my ideas on the sonic direction I have for my group and why they're the 3 standards I'm looking for... 



Excited about new content 🥰 but also wanted to ask if it’s possible in the future to reuapload video reactions on music awards shows from last year like MAMA, GDA, AAA ?


so excited for you pd!! I’m already proud of you, don’t let anything ruin your mood from now on, fight yourself with love and understanding, enjoy this last month as much as you can❣️

Marcel Wannieck

Exciting times indeed! I sincerely hope it all works out for you. I'm especially interested what a kpop group produced by THE Jaehyuk PD would look and sound like 👀 And please remember that we're here for you. I'm always willing to help you out in whatever way I can :)

Winter Rian ~

Thank you for being so honest with us regarding your dreams and goals for the future, PD. I'm sure all these small steps will definitely lead to something bigger! :) Regarding the Kulture Studies, I think you might know already but just to make sure: It'd be great if you make sure to check out the comebacks/MV for certain groups before watching the MAMA stages. Most of the groups did perform their newest release that you haven't checked out yet, for instance RIIZE or Ateez but also groups like NiziU, Just B, EL7Z up as a whole and Kep1er(jp release). Maybe you already were planning to do so but who knows, just in case :d Also on a sidenote: DINO ON LEE MUJIN SERVICE!


so excited for you PD!! Happy to know your goals in the future 💕 A suggestion.. WENDY ON LEE MUJIN you will be SHOCKED!!!


🤔🤔 regarding their sound… I understand you have some kind of vision, but shouldn’t this be more “open/not decided yet” because that can change based on the members’ preferences? I mean obviously the selection of members is decided by this factor as well (like if they fit the whole vision of the group), but I assume (since you are big Seventeen fan) you would like to have there member/members who will like to participate in the production and based on their styles the music direction can differ from the initially sonic vision of yours

Elise Green

so happy you're looking to the future. here's to many more amazing videos from you. i hate to bring it up and i don't want to add anymore pressure onto you but the sweet home links are working and id love to see you react to the series so when you get the chance could you maybe try to fix those. 🙏😊❤️


I would stan the fuck outta a triple J-woo group


This is out of topic, but I just wanted to let you know that I replied to your comment under the first Haikyuu episode. I mean… it is not like I would need you replying back, but you initially asked me a question and beside me not being able to answer it in Spanish, I didn’t know how much you wanted to know the asnwer, because the story behind my nickname is not something “weird”, but it is a bit long, so I wasn’t sure if I should spam there that much… And since Patreon sometimes don’t give me a notification of someone else’s response, I just wanted to make sure/let you know by this comment that I didn’t ignore you

Marco Gennuso

Jae, you are a huge inspiration to so many people. I rush to watch your videos whenever I can (if it's a MV I've already seen because spoilers 😂😂)....your wisdom and knowledge on artists and production is always so enlightening and educational. I value your commitment and content and can't wait to see what you do next 💜🤗


cheers to you for making this huge decision in yr career! it's sort of inspiring reading what you've planned out for yr future! hoping and praying for the best for all of us!!


Unfortunately, we do not have the episodes for Sweet Home, Strangers From Hell, Squid Game ): I don’t know where those videos went but those were videos we did for a special Halloween event and we can’t find it unfortunately. We are definitely going to watch Season 2 in January. If anything we might binge season 1 because we don’t remember much and it would be fun to catch back up!


How do I put this… It’s directly tied to the core concept of the group. The group will have 5 distinct sounds. I don’t know what their main sound will be, that would change based on who is actually recruited. They would definitely create their own sound, but I have a specific vision of this group, these vocals, this sound. Similar to how Simon played various music for XG, it’s like “hey this is the direction for the group” and they would produce within those boundaries. But the boundary is *groupnamespoiler* so it’s a big playground. And of course, this could all change. Who knows. I love SEVENTEEN-I could never make another SEVENTEEN. It requires way too many conditions and a lot of is pain. Groups like IVE, TNX, LE SSERA are more in line with my personal style. Working directly with the group to cultivate their sound.


Hi hi! Oooh no problem!! I think I didn’t get the notif😭 but it’s ok if u reply or not! :) and yeah you can explain it in English!! I understand like 99% of the times haha, when it comes to writing is where I have trouble🫡


Omg thank you so much for noticing my request🥰🥰🥰


proud of youuuu, cant wait to see more. I originally subscribed for Kdrama content, are you still doing that?

Marcel Wannieck

Good news! Melon just uploaded all the FULL performances from MMA! So you won't have to go around trying to find reuploads of that award show. Here's a playlist in the correct order: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhqOF0EagmSw_9dFIIOO0iH8XyT2Y_jD_


Omg I just messaged you about this yesterday! Thank you 💞

Margreta Skjelbred

Pd didnt you want to react to the pygmalion album by Oneus ? (Title track being Erase me)


Best of luck on your journey PD!!




The meaning & story of the user name of mine: The whole story goes back to years before 2016. I used to be into anime and manga (I still kind of am, but not that much) and because of that I found out about one Czech YouTube channel of two guys doing reviews on anime and manga weekly chapters. They started in 2012 and I got to know about them somewhere in 2013 and throughout those years I got really attached to them. Every time I was feeling lonely or when things got really bad at home (in my family we don’t have a good relationship between each other… only with my sister I can say we are on a good terms) and I cried in my room, I would play their videos to have a company and to feel better. Basically they became like my “digital friends”. And one of them in the second half of 2015 announced he wouldn’t be active anymore (at first it was just not that much, but later on within a few months he stopped being active completely). And that made me really sad. I know it wasn’t a big deal, but somehow it felt like losing someone. And now the important thing of how it connects with legs 😹😹 He would post only legs on his insta profile. He didn’t use the word “legs” in his nickname, he went by his real name, so it wasn’t that much dedicated to “legs only”, but it was mainly about him taking photos of his legs here and there. And I used to have some random insta profile, which I didn’t use that much and I didn’t know what to post there/in general I wasn’t sure if I really needed insta. But based on his departure from the YouTube channel, I decided to create a new profile with the dedication to taking photos only with legs included there anyhow. And since he would always use his hashtag “mybeautifulfuckingfluffylegs”, I wanted to let people know, who is the original one, who came up with this idea, so I would always use this hashtag or its variation too. And since the hashtag was in English, I decided to name the profile in English as well. So, “Smelly Legs” because legs could be smelly and people may joke about it… that’s simple. And why “Wise”? It’s kind of a word play in Czech. The color blue is “modrý” (mo like in the name Momo and “drý” as if it was written like “dree”). (Actually it is “modrá”, but the word changes its form based on the noun. The Czech word for color is “barva” and it is in feminine form, so the adjective to it is “modrá”, but when you are talking about something in masculine form it changes to “modrý”). And when someone is wise the adjective in Czech is “moudrý”, the pronunciation is like: “mowdree” (again the grammar works the same for this word), but since I am male, I would talk about myself with the masculine form of the adjective. And because of that, I usually say for fun that someone is “blue/modrý” instead of “wise/moudrý”. And at the time of creating the name, I was thinking about this word play of mine, because I was thinking about including the word “moudrý (wise)” in it somehow and I realized: “Wait… how is the word in English?” And then I looked it up and found out it is “wise” and it sounded good to me, like the whole nickname, so I decided to use it and name the profile like that. And later on I started to use it as my user name basically everywhere, because I had asked one graphic designer to create a logo for me for that insta profile and since the logo is useful as the profile picture anywhere else, I kept using the same user name everywhere so it matches with the profile picture


I’m excited for everything! And thank you for mentioning yoon jongwoo in your idol standard💙


Wow congrats on making a start and can't wait for the group you produce


So excited for your future! 🤍 Can you also reupload seventeen's killing voice and GoSe? And the seventeen at the game caterers? 🥲


omfg thats so unique😭 i was curious since you have a logo and evereything! thats cool, thanks for telling me! so you're from czech? i visited prague in 2019 and it was sooooo beautiful