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Swimcha bzrs

i am LIVING for the somi content ! It's suche a good vibbeee ! Thank you pd !!

Marcel Wannieck

All of these live stages have been DANGEROUS for my bisexual ass. And to be completely honest, most of my attention always goes to Jayme, the bald guy with the glasses. He just has that allure about him.

valeria castillo

Somiii is a queen. This song and choreo is amazing. And the dancers, OMG. I loved them soooo much, such a good chemistry with her


So far Somi's releases have never really caught my attention, but I love this sooo much. The song and the performances are incredible. And her dancers!!! Most of them were on Street Man Fighter


u can tell its gonna eat when they bring out the cunty gay amazing dancers


omg he does, i've noticed myself drifting more towards some of the dancers too, and he's got sum' special about him for sure


I just know Sung Hanbin would kill a cover of this

ana maria

we already know he does babyzoo choreo justice,, he needs to do fast forward!!

Emma Rösler

rewatching the studio choom with you, I just realized I recognize the dancers from street men fighter last year