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I wanted this to be its own post:

Over the years several people have notified me of people pirating my content. The latest is a person taking content from my Patreon and just posting it on their Patreon. You can see their profile here: https://www.patreon.com/user/posts?u=44044601

While I have reported the page, it is more than likely that Patreon will not do anything and I will not see justice. There's no case or "criteria" or anything I have as a legal basis because "reactions" and "reacting" as an art form does not exist and is not protected by any copyright whatsoever. I've unfortunately been through this numerous times before.

But people like that are the reason why my mental health is so shit. I have a 30k bill from Vimeo I can never see to chip away at because these people "pirate" my content don't even have the DECENCY to actually steal it, they simply REPOST links from MY Vimeo, so I AM the one paying for ANY pirated views. So this person is not only profiting off of my hard work and hours put in, but then they make ME pay the bill for them to just make money.

I don't want to quit reacting. But seeing this makes me want to quit reacting. 

As a human being who has given up a social life and hobbies, and just living life for 4 years--it crushes me to see this.

I have never outwardly addressed a piracy case like this but if we're being more honest here, yeah, this makes me want to just quit it all.

This just one of many problems I have to deal with on a constant daily basis. So I hope this helps paint a slightly clearer picture on why I need a mental health break. There's definitely more to it, but this has been... gutting. My reactions mean something to me. To a lot of people it's just "K-Pop" and to me it's my life and for people to sell my life like this... and then continue to make me pay for their ways?

I will still give you all a more clear informed decision on the 28th, this has just been in my heart and hurting me a lot the past few days, and I really needed to vent.

I'm a small creator. Please don't support pirated content like this. Thank you.



I had a terrible feeling when you had problems with vimeo, specially when you said that the content that was giving those problems were listening parties, that this was probably what was happening. I also reported that account (even took some screenshots from there and send it) let's hope it's taken down soon.

DuckyDae X

i know you’ve probably tried this so ignore me if you have as it might seem obvious but have you tried going on the basis that they’re making money off your content and your contract with vimeo? rather than the type of art itself?

Kiah Elsie

Reported. I hope that account and the person behind it gets some common decency knocked into them cuz this is NOT okay.


Hopefully they get banned and deleted.

Petra Kamali

Reportedddddd. Man, they're stealing content from like 10 people.... Sheesh


I went ahead and reported them. Some people's morals are completely out the window. This is just another hurdle you'll eventually get past 💕


Reported! Please let us know if you see more of this. We are happy to help.


Mental health comes first ❤️


Luckily it doesn't seem like they have any Patrons?? It's showing up as 0 for me so at least that means they're spending a shit ton on a bunch of content creators and getting no revenue back. Reported anyways because that's just foul behavior


Your reactions are technically your brand, and in part I thought it would have been covered by intellectual property laws or tort laws.


I'm sorry this is happening but also thank you for the heads up. I'm in a few other reactors Patreons that are on this list and I have made them aware too so maybe something can be done if multiple creators report/complain.

Mic ☆

This person needs to rename their Tiers, such as The I-stole-it tier, yeah-I'm-lazy tier etc. As a solution is it possible for each person who signs up would get a unique password? So example, I signed up prepaid annual Summer, could you securely message the new patron their passcode at time of payment or support? Like mine could be sumr000001 or whatever- This way someone with your links would do them no good without a password or like the NMIXX song goes 'paxxword'.


Patreon is usually far better with this kind of stuff than yt and some other platforms. Don't worry PD! We will mass report the thieves of your and other creators hard work!

Jeremy Kenyon

I don't know what type of development resources you have available to you but a solution to help with this: create a websites with your own custom domain, create a "Login with Patreon" button, set all of your videos to have domain-level access to be only allowed from your domain, have the links to the new videos being to your embedded player on your site instead of direct links to Vimeo with a password. That way only people who are logged into your webpage with Patreon and have active and valid accounts would be able to view the videos. No need for the extra passwords on the videos and people couldn't just take the password and steal things like this.

Marcel Wannieck

It seems like they have shut down their Patreon page. When I click on the link now, all I get is a page that shows the creators they're subscribed to (which includes you). Now, I don't know if Patreon put a stop to this or if this person saw this post and ceased their misdeeds but either way, good riddance!


Really makes me upset that this affects PD's mental health because watching their videos has made so many of my days better. You also don't find many reactor videos who puts so much care and quality into their videos the way PD's are but even so it doesn't give anyone the right to steal their videos.


I’ve always wanted to find a way to do this with a web developer of some kind but haven’t been able to find one! Thank you for the more clear idea!


hi, I just saw the title of this post and decided to subscribe just for the rest of the month (and to watch your reactions to boys planet). I hope you know that I'll always do my best to support you when I have the means to.

Isabella N.

i looked at that account and it made me so pissed off. they’re so shameless about stealing content (ESPECIALLY yours, i started scrolling and saw like 20 videos stolen from you immediately)


You can maybe maybe talk with LKTV (https://lktv.au/) they've done that recently. Their videos mostly link to Youtube and Dropbox, idk if Dropbox is something you ever looked into. Just an idea though, I don't really know how exactly how their site's system works or what exactly you're looking for :)


oh thats like rlly bad

Petra Kamali

THAT PATREON PAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED, Y'ALL!!! A small win but a win nonetheless