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I just now found out about ASTRO’s MOONBIN.

Let us take a moment to share whatever comments or memories we may have had about MOONBIN.

Some of you may already know that MOONBIN was always my favorite in ASTRO. His twinkling eyes, that wide smile… He caught my eye the first time I watched BREATHLESS.

Over the years as their sound evolved and matured… my goodness he became absolutely breath taking.

For me the RISE UP and ALL LIGHT albums are life long stand outs. While I am sick right now, I’ve been lying here trying to process this and listening to ASTRO’s music on repeat.

I always said I loved his smile… But it truly is impossible to tell who is harboring a deep sadness behind their smiles.

Even quite last night, I was watching Running Man and Sulli was the guest and then the episode with Joo Hyuk (an actor). And I thought about all the people who have appeared on Running Man that are now dead and it’s a small handful but I thought to myself “I hope I never have to watch Running Man reruns and be sad again because the guest is dead”

I quite literally thought that to myself and this news is even more shocking because MOONBIN and SANHA appeared on RM recently and I was struck with sadness again.

This is why it’s so important to talk and let it out.

Whatever you are feeling, feel free to let it out here, free of judgement. Whether you would like to make a tribute to MOONBIN or get your own feelings out, this is a safe space.

I’ll be over here doing my best to recover from my sickness and listening to ASTRO music on repeat.

Take care of yourselves and remember that no one is alone.

I’m currently listening to CALL OUT by ASTRO and I find it deeply therapeutic.



I haven’t listened or kept up with Astro for some time now but I used to listen to them a lot since crazy sexy cool era and All Night is still one of the most iconic comebacks ever. I feel like I should listen to them now but I think even their bright songs will make me sad right now. Of course I knew that what we see is only a sliver of an idols life and just cos they smile brightly for us doesn’t mean they aren’t in pain, but man this just makes that so painfully clear now. Trying to hold his beautiful spirit at the forefront of my mind otherwise I will just spiral worrying about what he was going through and what others are going through right now. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones but also your strangers💜


Seeing this news today really tore me up. I saw the headline just before I had gone to work, it took me a while for my brain to fully catch up to accepting it and I cried when I got home. Astro has always been a group that I've enjoyed, but never been quite as vocal about as I am with other groups. Regardless, I really loved them. No matter what they put out it was somehow always so comforting and made me feel good. They were among the first few groups that actually brought me into the kpop world and it was Moonbin that got my attention. And I will forever be so thankful to him for that. I'm sorry he couldn't get the strength he needed to keep going and I hope he's better and at ease now. I feel so deeply for his family, his members and anyone who he impacted. I hope everyone takes care of themselves well.


I want to listen to Astros music but i just can’t bring myself to. I just want to share that one of my fave albums from them is gateway and if people wanted, to go check it out


Thank you for providing this space PD, i hope you and Blair feel better soon. I saw someone post the news and I thought It was a cruel prank. I have just felt numb all day, it’s crazy how much life can change while everything else still stays the same. Astros music has provided me with so much comfort throughout the years and Moonbin is such a huge part of that. I’m still having a hard time believing he’s gone.


I remember the first album I bought as a kpop fan was their all Light album. I consider him to be one of the most talented and hardworking idols to exist. He has such a pretty smile that can literally lift your spirits up when you're feeling down. I stopped stanning Astro a long time ago but I am still updated with their music and I know for a fact that Moonbin is Seungkwan's best friend so I always adored their friendship. It was a very genuine one. Seungkwan even bought him his cake on his last birthday :( It's sad because I remember breaking down when I found out about Sulli and I was shaking so much while reading the news about Moonbin last night. KPOP has been my ultimate reason to live. I'm a very quiet person and I very much rather keep my problems to myself but kpop is the only thing that comforts me when it feels to much and I wanna give up. It's sad that we cannot give them the same comfort that they are giving us. I truly hope he is now happier and free of whatever burden he was going through. It was too early but heaven gained another angel and I know he will be looking out for his family, members, friends and his fans. He will always be rembered 🤍


this entire situation just hurts me so deeply. when astro first debuted i and my little sister were immediately hooked. moonbin was my bias from the start until this very moment. losing someone that shined as bright as him, someone me and my little sister bonded and found happiness in has been tearing me limb from limb all day. it's sad that he felt there was no other way, it hurts that he could not get the comfort he needed, the comfort he gave to us whenever he could. whenever anyone takes their own life i can't help but to hold my heart and cry my eyes out because i know that pain of holding it all in, bottling it up and masking every emotion with a smile. though we didn't bear the same burdens, the feeling of hopelessness and the desire to just be free from it all is something i can relate to. my thoughts have been going to his sister ): and the rest of the members and his family. it pains me to think about the hurt they're all feeling right now. sure us fans are grieving and sad but his family, friends and those close to him are feeling every emotion to the max, i hate knowing that they're hurting so deeply. i hope that they all will stay strong, i hope they'll slowly come to peace with everything and smile again someday. i know moonbin is in a better place, with his twinkling eyes and beautiful smile. it calms my heart to know that he will never hurt again, he'll never have to struggle or be unhappy. he's free, watching over us all with the stars in the sky. he will always be remembered and loved, dearly.

Hannah Q.

I heard of the rumor that it may not be suicide - it might actually be death by overworking (due to ventricular fibrillation). We'll just have to wait for the autopsy results. Regardless of the reason, it is a tragedy and may he rest in peace. He was so young and deserved so much more than this.


lets live on for moonbin 🖤

Byul Moon

It is... So sudden. I consider Astro as one of my groups. I love each an every member and I can't believe it. I hate to know that they must in so much pain too. Moonbin was always one to put a smile on my face or just amaze me. He just had that sparkling value that made it impossible to look elsewhere when he was on the screen. I truly hope people will behave with respect towards him family and close people. They must be going through hell. I do think fans' grief is different and strong, but in such moments, I believe the family's pain in the one that should be more important. Rest in peace Moonbin, I hope you're someplace calm and joyous, that you receive the same amount of joy and happiness you made people feel.


Within 24 hours. I have lost Moonbin… and just now I’ve also lost my ULT group VICTON (they terminated their contracts)… I think I need a KPOP break. Mentally it’s too much now. I hope other people who are struggling can do the same. KPop can be taxing mentally when it comes to news and emotionals and stepping back is sometimes the best option.

Rebecca Le Minh

I think this came as a huge shock for me as well as for everyone. Moonbin is someone I will always admire and look up to in life. I hope that he can rest now, Moonbin, you will always shine bright

Tonia Kelly

I'm still trying to process it all. I just kept screaming "No! No!" when the news broke. How many more are we going to lose? I pray to God that the rumours of suicide are not true, that it was a health related issue - although this won't change what happened, it might make it marginally easier to bear. My heart goes out to his family, fellow group members, close friends and Aroha. Poor Seungkwan will be devastated, they had such a close friendship.


The past 5 years have always been up and down for me and as such I am currently taking a break from college. Yesterday had been the first day in a while where I was acually really happy and really energetic. This was until I got the news, my day went from the happiest I had been in a while to the saddest I had been in a while. I am not some big astro fan, but Moonbin had always been my favourite in the group, his performing skills and bright smile always made me happy when I saw them. Hearing the news had me in grief and disbelieve for a good hour during which I did nothing but just stare at nothing, not knowing what to do. It's moments like this that make me realize that the smile we see on peoples faces may not always be real or fake but behind that smile there are a lot of emotions, be they happy or sad. So I ask of all of you share those feelings, if those feelings are happy they could make someone elses day better and if they're sad then someone might be able to help and cheer you up.

Marcel Wannieck

I haven't gotten to listen to Astro's music yet but the news still hit me so hard. My heart hurts for his sister especially. I had this performance that Moonbin and Moon Sua did together last year saved to request in a livestream, whenever those might return but now it just feels kinda bittersweet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtZbPDXH1dI

Kellen Shogren

My journey into K-pop unfortunately is kinda of linked to a loss major artist's life. My favorite musical artist of my teenage years is the group Linkin Park. I wasn't a overt fan as I didn't buy every single album or went to any of their concerts(I also a homebody). But I did memorize their MEGA hit "In the End." After that loss I made an effort to not miss any new music by my favorite artists again and I would definitely go to as many concerts as I could afford. In 2017 and 18, I made sure I was subscribed to my favorite artists on YouTube and Apple Music. I kept up with it as I there for Twenty One Pilots song "Jumpsuit" in 2018. I went to their concert and it was fantastic. 2018 is the same year I fell down this wonderful and crazy rabbit hole of Kpop with BTS meteoric rise. In August of the same year I became a Nctzen and in 2019 I went to my first Kpop concert of none other than the group A.C.E. I am going to a NCT Dream concert tomorrow night and I will try very hard to celebrate with my fellow NCTZENs in memory of Moonbin. I obviously didn't know him but I hope that's what he preferred. Moonbin your smile and energy on stage will be missed. RIP Moonbin.

Rebecca Le Minh

I finally got to it and listening to 너잖아 broke me 😔 but it also helped a little to see how amazing of an artist he was and what great of an impact his music had on people, including me


It's really hard for me as a person to process death, it never hits me or effects me as it should and that has always been a problem with my family. They accuse me of not caring and having a cold heart, which is true to an extent, I am self aware enough to realize that. I do care, it's just hard for me to express it, or feel it in ways that I have been taught is socially the norm. Either way situations like this one hurt on a deeper level. Moonbin was young and bright and had so much to offer the world and had so much left to receive from the world. He was one of the most magnatizing people I've seen. My eyes always drew towards him, and I was never disappointed in what I saw. I will forever be heartbroken that so many young beautiful people think that death is the only way for them. As someone who once thought that and crawled out within a nick of time I feel personally connected to people who don't make it out. It's a scarey and lonely place to spend your last moments on this earth in. Moonbins loss will be felt for a long time, and i hope his life will be celebrated for even longer. I wish his family and friends take the time they need to fully realize and grieve for the loss of their loved one. I hope they don't get too consumed in regret and remember Moonbin smiling and laughing and happy. The world has truly lost a special person.


Tuesday evening I almost thought that my best friend took her life. I cried all night without any news of her (thank God she's ok). And the next evening I learn the death of Moonbin... It took me at least an hour just to understand that it was real (still proceeding today though). I always loved Astro and the members but I never truly became a fan. I don't understand why it hurts me so much. Like, I cry non stop since yesterday even though he wasn't even someone I knew a lot. I'm a big fan of Seventeen and I was always thankful to Moonbin for being such an amazing friend with Seungkwan. I truly respect him with all my love, he was an amazing human being like there's a few on earth. I know he will be deeply missed by everyone, his smile was the biggest gift he gave us. Tonight, I'll have a discussion with my suicidal friend, I won't be able to live the same thing with her.


It's always so hard to lose someone who has inspired and motivated so many people. I'm in a program right now for my mental health and it's so hard to focus on myself and giving myself compassion when so many people are hurting and suffering as well.


This is heartbreaking. I never listened to Astro and I don't know the members. I knew of him due to Moon Sua as I watched their Candy stage long time ago. He seemed to have the brightest smile and a magnetic presence. From their tv show together you can tell he was a deeply caring and empathetic soul. I am so sad thinking about how hard a time Moon Sua must be having. I remember her saying he was her support and always looked for him when she was troubled. I am glad the siblings got to share the stage and spend a day together sharing their bond and expresing their love for each other in tv programms. That will be forever recorded and might give the family some consolation. I hope her agency gives her the time she needs to recover, however long that may be. It's also very sad that from now on if his family and friends ever wants to see anything from him on YT they will come upon all those comments offering their condolences. I understand where people are coming from & it's sweet and nice that so many ppl have him inntheir hearts and minds, but I wish they left YT alone and expressed their condolences on other media platforms in other ways. I think, in the family & friends' shoes I would much rather see the previous comments praising the stages, mvs, and just him than condolence comments. His family and friends will have to face those from now on if they ever were to go watch him to remeber how brightly he shone on stage. Since it is not yet truly known what was the cause of death, I rather not assume. But if it is indeed as most ppl say, as someone struggling too with only my sibling in my mind to keep me going, I understand how hard it must have been for him and I'm sorry he wasn't able to find solace (again, if he indeed completed suicide). And for all of you struggling, I juat want to say that it is okay. Just that, it's okay. And it will be okay. However you interpret that, it's okay. I hope his soul finds peace. 🤍

Céline Verhaeghe

To anyone that needs it here's San (Ateez) giving us some consolation with him singing this song : https://youtu.be/6wyM0yuK5dM ([Special Clip] ATEEZ(에이티즈) 산 ‘이하이 - 한숨’)

Dalia H

I'm worried about sinb, she expressed that she had a hard time with depression and after viviz debut, she started to feel better, her and moonbin are childhood friends and were very close, they recently did performance together 💔,moonbin was very close friend with 98 line seungkwan and umji, also seungkwan have comeback soon hopefully they give him the time he needs🙏


Since the news came out I haven’t been able to look at any videos or pictures related to Moonbin. I felt guilty like I was trying to forget him, but I couldn’t handle seeing his image. Today though i felt a strong urge to rewatch Baby MV (my first comeback with Astro) and was just crying the whole time, but like I needed that.

Kellen Shogren

Yeah, it's hard. I've either smiled or immediately started crying. But that's part of healing for myself. I'm guilty of holding up my emotions and not expressing them. It's NOT healthy physically or mentally.