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It's been a busy morning!

I've issued refunds to everyone who sent a DM. And you know what I thought while issuing all these refunds? I was giggling to myself thinking, "my fans are so cute"

I was like the 🥰 emoji the entire time while handling financial transactions. It's just really your mindset.

So it is currently 10AM for me and I will be figuring out breakfast and then taking the day to myself.

It's the first day in... I think a long time. Years? I have had a day purely to myself.

I will handle any refund requests that come in either later today or tomorrow :)

I hope you all had/have a great day and do a little self-care, even in some small way. I neglected self-care for long that it led to just incredible stress and now I need a deep healing so I'm going to figure that out today.




Glad to hear that, JaeHyuk! I’ll make your day a bit better… I started to catch up with Boys Planet and I can see now, what you saw in GunWook from the beginning! And he is truly unique! See you soon in some video of yours!

Violet Joo

Today I'm going to an amusement park with my kids. Have a beautiful day. Cherry blossoms are at their best now in Korea.


Have a nice day PD, eat something tasty ❤️

Gabrielle Renae

Have a great day whether it's sleeping and relaxing and doing nothing or going out and walking around. I just hope it's a pleasant day for you and Blaire.

Kirtana Pillai

Honestly you should have a small skin care routine its extremely relaxing


Hope you have a great day too!


Enjoy yourself, maybe watch that Tetris movie that just came out!

Julia Guedes

Have a great day! Eat some delicious food and spend the day doing what makes you happy! We all need to recharge sometimes, even if we love our job, so please schedule a day off more frequently, if it’s for your health and happiness we will support it

Benjamin Gonzales

i dont want a refund, I want a Kara reaction!!!!!


Hello PD, I’m new here (in patreon in general) … I’m trying to watch kingdom but it says the video doesn’t exist?! …. I don’t know is there like another subscription for them or something?! … and have a nice day 🌼

Marcel Wannieck

A lot of the old archive is unfortunately lost due to Vimeo being a bit shit to put it mildly

Elisa (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-02 12:16:47 I know what I'm about to say has nothing to do with the post but I haven't been here in months and the videos for gp999 are gone ?? is it gone forever or will they comeback ?? bc I subscribed to watch them and now idk what to do I have nothing to watch and I payed 😅
2023-04-02 09:46:48 I know what I'm about to say has nothing to do with the post but I haven't been here for months and the videos for gp999 are gone ?? is it gone forever or will they comeback ?? bc I subscribed to watch them and now idk what to do I have nothing to watch and I payed 😅

I know what I'm about to say has nothing to do with the post but I haven't been here for months and the videos for gp999 are gone ?? is it gone forever or will they comeback ?? bc I subscribed to watch them and now idk what to do I have nothing to watch and I payed 😅

Marcel Wannieck

A lot of the old archive is unfortunately lost due to Vimeo being a bit shit, basically scamming PD and deleting stuff for no good reason. They MIGHT come back one day but it's not a priority right now. Jaehyuk PD would rather use their limited time to record new content instead of trying to find out if the old video files still exist on a hard drive somewhere.


Then at least, change your patreon tiers contents info at the very first page. A few of us, payed to watch some exclusives you said you have on your patreon.