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Hello everyone, here is the introduction of my new plan going forward.

The reason I am not taking a break in April to fine tune details to my everyday going forward with this new routine.

The April Schedule will be posted tomorrow.


-All reaction content will post to Patreon & YouTube respectively on Tuesday 00:00 UTC beginning with the April schedule.

-This will never change. This will be a permanent rule to keep that line from working too much.

-I am only ever doing 2 weeks of variety content. But then 2 whole weeks of bonus drops. So for example: Yeah I might only check out variety content every other week, but a mass amount of bonus drops will drop on Tuesdays.

-The first week of every month, the specific bonus drops will be listed. The third week will be labeled "viewer's request bonus drops". This our attempt to keep CURRENT with content like LEE MUJIN, MMTG, IDOL HUMAN THEATER, ETC ETC.

-We will be working on a "three month/seasons mindset". We will take a break from releases at least one month out of those three. That month will be announced ahead of time to prepare folks.


(I’ll update this, I had a lot of notes and if a few things slipped I can write it here)

-Listening Parties will release regardless of bonus drops and variety week. With this new schedule and no “pressure” I am filming YT videos and if I love it, jump right into filming a listening party. Once the YT video is out the following week on Tuesday on YT, the LP will drop instead on Patreon.


PHASE 1: Patreon & YouTube


Byul Moon

I'm glad to find that your plans allow you to take breaks, you definitely deserve them and I hope it'll make you happier! Can't wait to see where you're headed, I believe in you!


Please what is the password for seventeen videos?????


Your plans for the future schedule sounds good. I only wonder how or if you are going to make listening parties in the future.


Falls under bonus drops. Did I not say it in the video? Eff. I’ll update this post. One minute! Thanks for bringing attention


pd, idk if this sounds rude but I mean it in the best way possible, I truly don’t care for a schedule no more, this month the only series or artist I was interested in was boys planet! And if we see it in a logical way, it doesn’t make sense lol but I’m really in autumn tier just because I feel like you deserve my money more than any other content creator out there, sooo the day I stop supporting you in Patreon will be the day I go broke lmaooo, hope that day never comes!🏃🏃hahaha I truly am here for you pd, whatever you do from now on, I’ll be here to cheer no matter what! Sending you sooo much love and a warm hug!! And to blaire tooo🥹 I hope she finds a path that makes her happy, much love and peace of mind to both of you<333


Sounds like you got it figured out! Especially excited for the podcast and hearing the phase 2 of your plan! I'm here for the long run and I can tell you're gonna realize great things in the years to come. Hope the month of April treats you well!

Angelica Yap

so proud of you for chasing your dreams, PD. As long as i have $$, i'll always support you no matter what! :) All the best in your endeavours, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you guys. 화이팅!!


As a patreon that has been here for almost 5 years and following you on youtube for even longer, I'm just happy that you found (or rediscovered) what you are truly passionate about and that you are not scared to show it anymore. I also want to thank you for bringing back the podcast. I never commented on the podcast posts but I always listened to it and it really helped me with the motivational thoughts that I still try to follow. So, just like you said once in those podcats, just keep going one step at a time and try to keep the consistency!


i really like the idea to post the variety content also on youtube! and i still think that you are uploading a lot on patreon compared to other creators 🫶


"Old content which is not accessible consider dead" - Well, that hit harder than my mother used to..., but I get it and respect it. You already answered me about reuploading LOUD, so maybe in the future, I hope this 10 years plan will work and you will find the time for it. I am staying here no matter what, I would even say If I'm not here, it means I'm dead 😅😅 (I mean like not subscribed to this patreon, not in the way I would not write comments...). But since the episodes 8-15 stayed accessible, could you please turn off the password? I mean as it is with Boys Planet now, where the videos are available to download. I would like to keep at least the half of it. Also if every replay costs you money, I don't want you to be charged again and again every time I rewatch just a part of it... If you want them to be kept under the password because of any leaks, I don't mind to download them in any specific time (according to your choice) in which you would make them "open" to download for the moment and then lock them again. It's purely for my own need. Not to share it anywhere, I hope you believe me


I'm a autumn tier for don't know how long and I will continue for as long as I have the money so until forever 💪. I don't have much time to watch all the content I'm interested in because I'm working to much 😅 but I'm here to support you because there is no one like you out there. I'm looking forward to anything that is coming in the future and I will be fine with it. Sending much love and hope everything is coming out the way you want it


PD I wish you the absolute best in whatever you are choosing to do. I try my best to support whenever I can. I believe in you. I love you and I am so so grateful I get to be a very tiny part of your journey and witness of your talent and beautiful work! Forever and always!

Kak Long Law

Hi PD, thank you for the update, may I ask is there any update on Winter tier?


Lee Mujin?! I can't wait omg.


Excited for the future PD!


Hey I totally get it, it’s literallyyy just an organization thing. Things like LOUD I want to revive but I’m only saying consider it dead because there’s a chance I can’t even recover it. But videos past a certain year…I’m pretty sure I can’t recover them all.


yay!! i’m so excited for what’s to come :)) also PD just a reminder that Cravity had a comeback at the beginning of this month with the title track “Groovy”! I think you’ll really enjoy it (it’s definitely one of my favorite title tracks from them 😂) and if you do enjoy it i’d recommend a listening party for their “Master : Piece” album! absolutely no skips on this album 🤩


Jisoo's solo debut was great PD!😍


Pd I’m so happy that you are taking this route. I’m glad you have taken time to really think about the path for this Patreon channel and I appreciate the thought process! I’ll continue supporting you whenever I can. I think based on content from different months, I can decide where to go. I also just appreciate u working toward what you want and what is best for you. It’s truly inspiring to see you go after your goals. And like I’ve always been taught, never apologize for what you want, so continue doing what you’re doing!!!


I am glad you sorted everything out! And to me it feels like a good and well thought out plan! I think scheduling the different content like this will make it easier to film for you as well because you don’t have to switch from variety to music videos or dramas or what not. I am very excited to see what the future brings for you and the patreons! There are just some small questions I have in my mind. 1. You said you’d wanted to film content of you living in Korea and getting by with x dollars a week/ a day, doing challenges etc. and the amount of money would have been regulated by what patreons would give to you, right? I was really looking forward to this but it didn’t happen and it feels like it won’t happen anymore…and the second question: I love that you’ll write in the monthly plan what bonus drops etc you are going to drop that month but could you by any chance post it in the last day of the month? If you post it on the 1st day people have to cancel their patreons just to register again a few hours or days later. That would be helpful.


Just subbed again after like a year or so. Kinda sad your archive is gone, but also understand why you can't keep it, especially with how much you used to churn out and probably want to again, you probably would need either like a bazillion dollars a month for all the files you wanna keep or some of it will be just gone. But nice to know you found a new goal and want to pursue it. Just stumbled upon it, while I was browsing through your patreon again, but you probably should also update your info post on patreon with your new direction and goals. (the info post describing your patreon) As the things there are probably a thing from like 3 years ago when I first started to follow your patreon xD Hope you can achieve what you want :)