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I’m gonna be honest, he shook my world view. Gunwook is who I used to be more like when I was younger before YT and I don’t know what happened to that person.

And after reading into his MBTI, he’s basically me now in EVERY WAY except he thinks with his heart and not his head (I’m an INTJ).

Something had been bothering me about Gunwook and his MBTI really cleared things up.

Something about Gunwook seemed…not evil but dangerous? His willingness to do ANYTHING to win. I mentioned in episode 3 how what he did felt borderline unethical but it’s not. He has this vibe of “I’ll do anything to get what I want” but just as equally a “no man left behind” sort of mentality.

I found him inspiring. I used to be more like him when I was 26 and I don’t know where but I clearly went wrong somewhere and I’m taking valuable lessons from his moves.

He might be my favorite idol (too early to say but he’s on that candidate list) I might actually watch WILD IDOL on my own just for him!

Who’s y’all favorite contestants on BOYS PLANET?

My current BP favorites. (I’m sure this list will grow and be added upon)





5. JAY



Zhang hao is mi #1 pick FOR SURE. He's such a GOOOOD leader, he cares for everyone and tries to make everyone comfortable. Tries hard to always speak in korean and trying to improve always (he got caught yesterday in a photo with a proficiency korean book so he's been going viral). Not only that but he SINGS and has CHARISMA. His lines in kill this love are iconic i'm so confident he has gone up some ranks after this (he was 7 so maybe 4 or 5). Have to remember also he's the center of the theme song along with Hanbin and both were an amazing duo. What I love the most is how he always tries he's best even if he fails he will keep trying with a smile on his face.


HE IS AMAZING !!! I also watched wild idol and i was so excited when i saw that he was here. btw wild idol is a really insane show and the most unqiue survival show for sure. he was already amazing back then but he has leveled up even more since then.


He’s my #4 currently but I can easily seeing him becoming tied with Matthew at #2 for me. He’s an INCREDIBLE leader and the fact that he thinks he failed… Wow

Amanda Bernström

I have so many i like but these are those I NEED in the du so lineup Sung Hanbin Jiwoong Zhang Hao Matthew Anthonny Ricky


My current Top 9 and why 1. Matthew - this man joined the show and made it his mission to capture everyone's heart and I'm here for it 😭 2. Hanbin - definitely deserve that center part. Reliable and stable too. 3. Zhang Hao - to be honest during ep. 1 and 2 I had my doubts about him. Gyuvin, Yujin and him are all from the same company and it seems to me that mnet likes Gyuvin and Yujin a lot so I had my reservations but after the ktl performance I am sold. 4. Jay - He's my favorite vocalist on this show. Feels like he could bring a different flavor if he's part of the group. 5. Keita - I NEED THIS MAN TO DEBUT. He's been through enough! A great rapper and an all-arounder and even a possible leader. 6. Gyuvin/Yujin - I wanna pick them both because they have different charms but there's just a lot of talented contestant and I can't really tell who's going to debut. Yujin is still young and has a lot of potential and Gyuvin because he has that idol vibe. 7. Lee Seunghwan - This man is stable and talented. He's still a bit underrated rn but seeing the ranking he has a pretty solid fanbase and hopefully MNET will give him more screentime in future episodes. 8. Jiwoong - There has to be someone like him in the group I mean come on??? The visual is insanse and I see a lot of potential in him as well. 9. Gunwook - This is actually crazy because I only added him into my line up right after watching your reaction. I'll be honest not a fan of intimidating vibes but I did like him since the satrt just not into my top 9. Watching you guys react to him gave me a lot of insight on why he deserves to debut and how much potential there is to him. He has a lot of potential as a rapper too so... Hui is a possibility too if I'm gonna be honest because the guy is obviously talented and I am a fan of Pentagon but idk anymore after watching this show 😭 there is a lot of talwnt out there so I'm looking forward to the future episode to determine my final top 9 but rn I only need Keita, Hanbin, amd Matthew to debut for sure.


1. Sung Hanbin - He has been nothing but excelling at everything he does. He has a great personality, great potential leadership, visuals A+, dancing 100/100, stable vocals. 2. Keita - Rapper AND great K-Pop vocalist? You'd be dumb not to pick him. 3. Jay - While his dancing may be lacking a bit, he's shown that he's willing to learn and catch up with the rest of the group if given a few extra nudges. Vocals I don't think even need to be discussed. Absolute top tier vocalist in K-Pop terms. 4. Zhang Hao - Great leadership (even if he's not sure about it himself), amazing and very stable live vocals, can hold his own when dancing 5. Gunwook - One of the most unique participants on this show. Oozing with confidence, very strategic, apt in rap, vocal and dance. 6. Haruto - Didn't really get to see him shine until episode 3 but he has a great rap tone and again an incredible dancer. He's also really funny lmao. 7. Seunghwan - This is more of a personal pick rather than an objective one but I just find him to be incredibly charming. He has a really nice voice too and clearly has experience on stage through his previous group. 8. Park Hanbin - Amazing leadership potential again, great vocals, amazing stage charisma/energy and very good dancer. 9. Jiwoong - So far he hasn't been the most skilled participant at anything but he knows what his charms are and uses them really well. Also interesting laissez-faire leadership style

Pika Pika

GUNWOOK was not on my list but seeing how passionate you are about him definitely makes me want to see more of him. My core 5 are Jay, Hanbin, Zhang Hao, Matthew and Seong Eon Could you do a reaction to the signal song sometime if you are interested? Maybe after watching episode 4?


Matthew and Hanbin are my top two rn. They both seem so humble but also know their talents for the most part and are able to perform well. My top 5 rn are Hanbin,Matthew,Zhang hao, Keita, and Haruto. I personally enjoy Jay’s vocals more than Hui but I have a feeling they’ll put Hui in the group over Jay. Hui would be able to guide the group in the beginning stages of debut that could be the most stressful. I also know that a lot of international fans don’t like Jay (not entirely sure of the situation) so I do feel like that’ll have some impact on his ranking.


YESSSS PART OF ME WAS SO SURE YOU'D RESONATE WITH GUNWOOK. i think the thing about gunwook is he's such a wild card that even mnet isn't sure whether to push him with angel editing or evil editing so he ends up in this really odd place where he comes off as the sort of anti-hero of the season so far which is such an interesting role for him to fill. ngl, he reminds me of baby baekho on broduce! i think the thing that drew me to him is the fact that, sure, he came on SOOO strong in ktl coming up with his plan that some people found it off-putting. i get that. but i think people also forget that hwanhee is a grown adult man who seems really smart and aware of his own situation. less so then gunwook bulldozing or "manipulating" hwanhee, it came off as hwanhee recognizing he was between a rock and a hard place and being convinced of gunwook's plan because the plan had merit. people forget that hwanhee was the second last to chose. he was basically out of options and gunwook provided him a seriously solid plan, they just had the misfortune of being the underdogs up against the avengers G team nobody wanted to fight. it's also worth noting that in spite of having the plan down when he convinced hwanhee, he never forced anybody to do what he wanted, which i thought was nice! the team still went through all the motions of auditioning for parts and discussing and he ended up being correct in who fit what parts best. the kid is a serious strategic mind, even if he comes off as blunt. but yeah. seriously solid kid. him breaking down crying hurt so badly, but it was also important to show so early on imo because it shows the audience that yeah, he's self-confident and strong but he's also still a 2005 liner who JUST turned 18 and has tons of vulnerabilities of his own. he's just better than hiding it than a lot of the other trainees.


My number 1 pick since the beginning has been Yoon Jongwoo, from the Backdoor team. His can rap and his dancing is really sharp and so good. And he had me from the minute he did his low part in Mirotic. Closely following are Matthew (just has that charm), Jay (I love his voice so much, and he has a fun vibe), and Ollie (just something about him, plus he can really dance and rap). I also really like Minseoung from the Backdoor team; the boy has done a double side spin with perfect landing twice now, got all stars, and barely gets any screentime. He's really talented though and pretty much was in charge of teaching the K team the backdoor dance. I obviously love a lot of others too like Sung Hanbin and ZhangHao but most people already said what there is to say about them. Must say that Hanbin really stole my heart when he did an ONF song of all things. He reminds me of Enhypen's Sunghoon as well.


Gunwook is in my top for sure. His determination is admirable and he is GOOD! In no particular order I've been voting for: Haruto, Keita, Zhang Hao, Kim Ji Woong, Seok Matthew, Sung Hanbin, Gun Wook, Wang Ji Hao, and Jay. I'm also keeping my eye on Cong, Yoo Seung On, Yoo Jin (partially cause visually he reminds me of Heeseung and maybe JK), Kim Tae Rae, Park Han Bin, Lee Yedam Wumiti, and Hui/Lee Ho Taek. I really wish the final line up was going to be more than 9 because it's going to be hard to see some of these guys eliminated.


My current and my perfect lineup for the Top 9 are this right now: 1.Jay 2.Keita 3.Gunwook 4.Matthew 5.Sung Hanbin 6.Han Yujin 7.Haruto 8.Zhang Hao 9.Kim Jiwoong


My top pick is Gunwook. My other picks in no particular order: Kim Jiwoong. Sung Hanbin, Zhang Hao and Seowon. I'm not completely set on the others yet.


My favorite is Ricky!!


Tbh, we have the same list PD, Jay is my first and Gun Wook is my second would be the only difference. It's really hard to form a list though for the final picks cause it's just soooooo much talent! I would definitely say Park Han Bin, Tae Rae and Junhyeon are apart of my list. (I'm only mentioning people who I didn't know before BP) but if I was to include picks of people that I knew before the show.... ugh, it's nearly impossible to vote this early in the show.


Please do watch wild idol it’s an all time favorite survival show of mine and I’ve watched all of them. It’s where I first found gunwook and fell in love with him and everyone else on the show.

Meruka Hinaru

Your top 3 has been my lineup basically since episode 1 (Tho mine is Sung Hanbin second and Mathew Third haha) GUNWOOK IS A PRECIOUS HUMAN BEING AND I LOVE HIS MINDSET, and just as you have said before, that boy is gonna debut, doesn't matter if it's with Boy's Planet or elsewhere, but he's gonna go far


Am I the only one who doesn‘t like gunwook?😂 I don‘t like his attitude, I get a strange vibe from it 😅. Don‘t get me wrong he is really talented but for me personally… especially in this performance… he tries to outshine his teammates (the starting position for example) and he dances way too powerful for me and sticks out in a bad way. I really hoped that in the voting he would loose against chen kuan jui. Not because I don‘t like him… but for his ego. I get the feeling that he thinks of himself way too highly…its good to have selfconfidence… but in a healthy amount. That‘s my opinion about him and it can change in further episodes ☺️ obviously I don‘t know him personally so he could be totally different from what I „described“ him.


BTW i had a feeling by past survival shows you reacted that you would love Gunwook! It suits you so much

Chyann Beacham

1. jay 2. zhang hao 3. matthew 4. sung bin 5. keita


my favourites are ouju, ricky, kamden, xuanhao and honghai


my favorite contestants are definitely, sung hanbin, seok matthew, zhang hao, han yujin, haruto, gunwook and keita!!

Jasmine sumner

pd the boyz cb. its mindblowing

lauren b

my current lineup is seowon, sung hanbin, matthew, chen kuanjui, zhang hao, haruto, keita and jay! don't have a fixed number 9 atm but there are quite a few i like a lot and would love to see debut

Sven Lenders

Hi PD, little reminder for those you no longer recognize but have seen before. Kim Minseong is one of the Casting Round contenders on LOUD. I-Chan is Jung Jaebeom from I-LAND. Thought you would like to know to see their progress. Kang Hyunwoo also auditioned (video is on YT) but he didn't get casted in the end.

mistywolf the dragon rider

Gunwook has been one of my favorites from the start. I saw his fancam for the signal song performance before the show even came out, and I already knew there was something different about him. As for my other picks, the reason I started watching this show in the first place was because of Seowon, Winnie and Jiho. So it may not be objective but I always vote for all three of them because I know how good they are in Nine.i, and I want their group to get more exposure. Next there's Haru. I'm 100% sure this kid will debut somewhere if he doesn't give up. Unfortunately Mnet has decided to give him barely any screentime - they cut out his intro stage where he performed SKZ's Maniac and didn't show him or Winnie getting picked for G group's love me right team, which was the one that had first pick. But I've seen how much raw talent he has, especially when it comes to dancing and facial acting. Like Gunwook, he caught my eye from the start after I watched his fancam. No matter where he ends up going, I will definitely support him. My next pick is Zhang Hao. I liked his intro performance & violin playing but he didn't really catch my eye until they started practicing for the signal song. After that not only his skills but also his personality won me over. He really does seem like a great leader, and out of all my picks I'm the most sure that he is going to make it into the final debut group. Next up is Keita. He also won me over during the course of the show. I love how positive and kind he is, always offering to help out other trainees with a smile on his face. He also did amazing with the Kill This Love performance, and the fact that he chose that team specifically for that song says a lot. I didn't really know much about Ciipher before but now I'm in the process of becoming a fan. My next pick is Haruto. I grew to like him more and more as the show went on. His rapping is amazing, he has good stage presence, and just seems like a really fun guy. I never watched Loud but from what PD has said it seems like he's even improved since then. I see a very bright future for him. Jay is my last pick. He's just too talented to not vote for. If he debuts I think he may have one of my favorite vocals in kpop (along with Jongho, Doyoung, Younghoon, and Xiaojun). His charisma is also off the charts, he just seems like a fish in water when he's on stage. I know there are some rumors circulating about him but I don't want to punish him for it until anything's confirmed. I've seen too many idols careers be ruined just because enough people believed something someone said that turned out to be false. If there is definitive proof out there, please let me know because I do want to stay informed, but I don't use social media like Twitter for my mental health so that makes it kind of difficult to stay in the loop.

Emily Rousey

1. Park gun-wook 2. Jay 3. Cha woong-ki 4. Kim ji-woong 5. Keita 6. Lee hwang hee 7. Seek Matthew 8. Haruto 9. Sung Han-bin Honorable mentions Yoon jong-woo Jeong I-chan Hui Cong


My favorite is Haruto just because I find him really funny (helps that hes really talented too!)


I really love confident people, but only if it is supported by modesty, that is why I don’t really like Gun Wook, I hope he will remain his confidence, at the same time will learn how to respect others


i think my picks currently are keita (do i really need to explain why lol), haruto cz he's funny and talented, matthew (he's gonna be bloody amazing by the end of the show), gunwook bc something about his determination motivates me as well, hanbin bc hes perfect, zhang hao has the skills and leadership and a recent addition is jong woo after the latest ep


Also my top top3: 1) Zhan Hao, 2) Matthew 3) TAKUTO - I love this guy


Happy to see many Zhanghao pickers here

Sarah 세라

PD we always miraculously have the exact same biases in every single group and survival show 😭❤️ Gunwook is amazing, he is so talented and driven even though he is so young but u can tell he’s a softie deep down too


No matter what happens in Boys Planet, Gun Wook has a great future ahead of him. Loved him in Wild Idol but I felt maybe he wasnt ready to debut (he was only 16 I think) but now he's got it, he is the next big thing in kpop


YES GUN WOOK!! This season is so good! Can’t wait to watch more. I see a lot of Wild idol comments so I might have to check that show out as well. Also another idol survival show that is REALLY good is PEAK TIME on VIKI! Highly recommend you consider watching that in the future PD


My current top picks are: Haruto Winnie Yedam Woonggi Gunwook Jiwoong Minseoung Keita Matthew I'm rooting for some of the underdogs that haven't gotten much screen time yet but I know they have really great talent or potential! Just hoping they can hang on past the first eliminations. :( Gunwook has really grown on me a lot too. He was one of my top picks after the signal song was released but watching him in the first episode or two, I was kind of put off by his strong personality/confidence. But the end of ep 3 and seeing some info/backstory about him on Twitter really sold me on him, and rewatching this now I can see his talent backs up his confidence and he's actually a really great person altogether.


My faves as of rn are: Matthew, Jay, Sung Hanbin, Keita & Gunwook.

Claresse Ann Oyangoren

Yes PD! Please check out Wild Idol and i hope you’ll post it here so i can rewatch it w/ you. But if u won’t, it’s fine as well :) I’ve rooted for gunwook since wild idol so seeing him in bp makes me so happy. I really hope he can debut this time tho. I haven’t completed my line up yet but my other picks so far are Keita, Zhang Hao and Sung Hanbin.

Jared Williams

My top two right now are Keita and Seo Won I’ve loved both of their vibes on and off stage so far


my top9 ive been voting for are: cha woonggi, seowon, kim jiwoong, matthew, keita, wumuti, haruto, zhanghao and hui !! and idk why but tbh jay gives me bad vibes, hes got a great voice but theres something about him that i just dont trust and dont like.


my favourites right now are hui, keita, Zhang hao, matthew, YEDAM, seowon, and seongeon. i really like wumuti, zhitao, cong, haruto but not enough for me to vote for them yet,


I still want to see more from Ollie and Yujin, I think they have huge potential. I honestly see Jay as a soloist. Matthew has to debut in this group. With Hui I don't know, he is my favorite (biased and totally subjective opinion) I don't think i want him in this group but I don't want to see him lose, I feel it would be like a huge slap on his face...


my top 9 are 1. sung hanbin 2. zhang hao 3. matthew 4. jiwoong 5. hui 6. gunwook 7. sungmin 8. woongi 9. haruto but if im thinking realistically woonggi and sungmin are doubtful they are barely giving my boys screentime 😭 so i would replace them with keita and yujin or ricky


my top 3 r jiwoong zhang hao woonggi


You're take on Gunwook is very interesting to hear. I know him from Wild Idol and I was really rooting for him. I'm sure his time in Wild Idol had a great impact on him. This show was really something else. It was literally all about being willing to do ANYTHING to win. I really recommend watching it bc it depicts very well how ambitious and almost desperate these trainees are.


my three favorites are Sung Hanbin, Zhang Hao and Haruto I know Haruto from Loud and was surprised by his rapping skills, his dancing and personality and stage presence did also shine on Loud, but he seems to have put a lot of work into his rap Zhang Hao is just so impressive, skillset and mindset wise, he is daily growing on me and Sung Hanbin was my number 1 after I looked up his old dance videos, there are hours of footage of him in dance battles, dance classes, competitions etc, he is crazy good, versatile in style, a great choreographer and dance teacher and you can just see his love for dancing others I‘m rooting for are gunwook, matthew, jiwoong and taerae,

DuckyDae X

it’s funny because after hearing jay in ep 1, the first person i was reminded of was kyungsoo and to see hun cover exo was 👌🏻


sameee. he has a great voice but idk i just dont vibe with him at all. i also think he doesnt really fit into a group and would be a fitter fit as a soloist


My top pick is definitely Park Gunwook for similar reasons that you have stated. His confidence and self-assuredness is so rare in survival shows I want to see so much more from him. In terms of top 9 rankings: 1. Park Gunwook (I'm dangerously invested in this guy) 2. Zhang Hao (by far my favourite G group contestant) 3. Lee Hwanhee (but very unlikely to make it to top20 so Sung Hanbin can replace him here) 4. Seok Matthew 5. Park Hanbin (You'll see a lot more from him in the Hot Sauce team) 6. Keita 7. Ollie (he's so talented and adorable) 8. Kim Taerae (his vocals and hairstyle in Back Door slayed me I can't get up) 9. Han Yujin (Talented lil maknae)


1. Sung Hanbin 2. Zhang Hao 3. Keita 4. Seok Matthew 5. Park Gunwook 6. Jay 7. Kim Jiwoong 8. Haruto 9. Ollie

Claire B

just watch finished watching ep 3 with you and i think I'm gonna watch ep 4 just after bc i cant wait haha, here is my top for now: Yedam, Ichan, Matthew, Jiwoong, Haruto, Gunwook, park Hanbin and i have 2 spots left only ...


he doesnt get a ton of screentime until ep 5, but cha woongki is woonggi from to1 that you had liked in your rtk reactions! he was the center for k team aju nice in the yellow shirt and beret!! jerome from to1 is also there, and is on the love me right k team with hui and hanbin!!