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Hello everyone PD here.

Regarding older videos with broken links, basically Vimeo locked our old archive and told us to pay them to unlock it.

We just paid it YESTERDAY but Vimeo doesn’t work on weekends so hopefully if our account is restored it’ll be Monday or Tuesday!

We’ll let you know Tuesday if things change.



thank you for the update!!!!!ive been wanting to rewatch T-map from the beginning


will you post demon slayer 25 and 26 before the movie? i cant find it on the schedule


It will or is out for autumn in December but for summer+ it's not yet, PD still will post the movie for summer+, they explain it on the schedule pot


omg pd thank you so much!


oh sorry you had to do that guys, if I knew you had to pay I wouldn't have been vocal about any old videos. Nonetheless thank you and we appreciate you being willing to do that!

Rudy de Swart

Thanks for the update. Vimeo is making it pretty clear they don't really care about creators any longer.


Thank you for looking into this!!!


I know it just released but if you have the chance please react to ditto by newjeans!

Lula Moon

for some video it's not just the link it that's broken (sometime I just need to change the brower vimeo doesn't like google but bing is ok) some of the videos just say that the video doesn't exist anymore for exemple your Attacca listening party I was curious since I'm a new carat.

Lee Kiat

tried to access sixth sense s1e3 from the mobile app and it still says video missing.


That's what this is about, lol...Vimeo removed the videos, therefore the link is broken and all it says is "Video doesn't exist".


Who else came here to see if the videos are still broken? 😂