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Abigail Chavez

Where is ep 19,20,21,23,24


This is not a question about Hunter x Hunter, but I don’t know where else to ask… Do you consider watching One Piece? It is a really long-ass ride and I know in the latest seasons there are many filler episodes, which are done in the not really smart way, which is like they take the manga story but make it longer to fulfill the 20 minutes time range, so you have to watch that episode anyway to keep to the plot… And although in general I prefer manga as the author’s original vision and work, I miss openings and soundtracks and that’s why I’ve been deciding to start to watch the anime. I would really love to go on this journey with all three of you. Because from what I know, this story has everything. I’ve met people who have seen, read and played many other things but still they said this is the best. So that’s why I asked, so I can know, whether I should wait for you guys or start it on my own. (I would not mind paying some Autumn+ tier for it 😉😉… … I’m joking, please don’t take this as if I was trying to buy you… but seriously, I know it’s really long anime and you could use that time for many shorter ones, so to be honest… it would be totally understandable if I should pay more for your time spent on it)


Gon’s music theme is so funny bc it’s so lighthearted but versus his actions it’s just like THIS CHILD IS IN MORTAL DANGER PLEASE BE CAREFUL SMALL CHILD


The snakes did bite Gon bc kurapika had to inject him with the antidote


wow... just realized how bad the English trans/sub on Netflix is. There were parts where it was just so off, that it made the scene less impactful and rather confusing. For example, when Hisoka left the room after his interview with the chairman, Hisoka actually said "He left himself so undefended, I lost my edge." Compared to what Netflix has as the translation "He let himself out in the open so I lost interest." The Netflix translation literally doesn't make any sense. Hisoka was shown to be very interested in fighting the chairman, why would he say he's no longer interested? This was just one of the many moments where the Netflix translation is wrong.


And are subs on Crunchyroll better? Or where did you watch it with more accurate translation?


Yes, I watch on crunchyroll, the subs are more accurate there.


To be honest Hunter x Hunter is my the most favorite anime of these 3 we are watching here. That's why I am a bit behind with the other two... But with Hunter x Hunter I can imagine having weekly marathon of 10 episodes!!


they did bite him thats why he also gave him the antidote after they just also where binding him at the same time they where biting him


Maybe they'll switch to Crunchyroll. I remember suggesting that because of the problem with Jujutsu Kaisen, which at first seemed not to be able to play in original Japanese audio on HBO Max. Now they fixed it, but still I think for the future it will be easier/better to switch to Crunchyroll, since they have plenty of shows there, even more after they bought Funimation...