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Flower of Evil Ep. 16

This is "Flower of Evil Ep. 16" by Wonho on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



omg yesss this was what I felt too. You said it so well. Wow I'm speechless. I also thought that this is so needed for the story. I love how they ended this. I'm satisfied. <3 (already my nth time watching this show and I still get emotional everytime)


so excited to see your guys' comments on this last ep! i've erased it from my brain and rewrote the ending lol i don't know why they decided to go with that amnesia route and hurt me so much...


I haven't watched your reaction yet but I'm so excited about this! Can't believe we're already at the last episode. So glad I was able to rewatch and enjoy it with you guys! This has been my top kdrama of 2020. I hope you'll be able to check more drama from Lee Joon-Gi and Moon Chae-Won. They also starred in Criminal Minds (which I also really love) and after watching that I just knew I needed more of them together and I was so happy when Flower Of Evil came out and they definitely did not disappoint. I don't know if you're a fan of Crime Dramas but just in case I'd still like to suggest it. Looking forward to another drama that will start next month!


Agree, the ending kinda sucks. I loved the whole drama and then they hit us with the aMnEsIA :/


This is my second time watching. I still am still iffy about why they went the amnesia route. Maybe it’s because so many drama these days have it and I might be sick of it. It is eyeopening about how you guys evaluate how he’s changing in the last episode and I didn’t really consider the amount of layers it had. Regardless, I’m still very satisfied with the ending

Daniela Madrid

It was an amazing show and an amazing journey can’t wait for the next drama. I wanted to add on something because when the ending first aired there was mixed reviews of the amnesia plot but I feel like it makes sense with hyun soo’s character. Like he felt a lot of guilt towards jiwon for lying to her and building their relationship out of a lie so even after they resolved their issues with him realizing he does love her, he still had doubts because he still wasn’t sure what moments of their lives was sincere or not and I think him losing his memories allowed him to find out the truth that he does love her and his family and that he has a second chance.


I've watched this drama quite a few times but I enjoyed watching with you guys immensely cause you brought a lot of perspective to it with your production background so thank you so much. I watch this in 2020 and I still can't let it go haha so I get what you mean about wanting to live in the world and see the characters forever.


ahh I watched the whole show with you guys for the first time week to week! I loved it so much. I think I've fallen in love with both the lead actors, they were phenomenal from beginning to end. Not one moment felt cheesy, everything was so genuine and real. The writing was so amazing, nothing seems to have been forced or forgotten. I am so glad Moojin and Haesoo will also get their happy ending eventually, at their own pace. Also I found it quite ironic that in the end, it was the dad that lost his mind and not the mother, who was always shown as the one that was more "unstable" and "emotional" between the two. Even the detectives were great, never looked like they were dumbed down for plot reasons. Again I want to say that the leads stole my heart, they were so good at being so openly vulnerable on camera, you could always just see the internal struggle that they were going through. One thing I also really appreciated was the fact that despite everything there was always understanding between them, even despite the lies and secrets. And of course, bless Euhna and her egg tarts.

Erica Lopez

I usually don’t like the amnesia storylines, but this one felt like it fit the most. I mean he did get shot in the head people. It made her see hyun soo before they met, and made him realize that his feelings weren’t lies and manipulation, but real. Although he came to terms that he loved her before his amnesia, he was still conflicted within himself for a long time. I personally liked the ending, and the drama as a whole is one of the best I’ve ever seen. Idk how anything can top it.


Firstly, thank you for not rioting in the end lol. Secondly, as someone who has watched this show a good handful of times before rewatching along with you, I feel like I was able to process and appreciate everything more with your inputs on the production of it. Watching with you also made me find a new love for the soundtrack haha. So thanks for that. I’m sad that the journey is over, and honestly the high praises of this drama coming from you really makes me happy, because I love it will every fiber in my being. I will also recommend this drama to every person who wants a new legitimately good drama to watch. I’m excited to see what else you’ll discover afterwards.

Esperanza B

Before starting the last episode, I'm super excited for it. And it's been super nice watching the show for a second time with the both of you.


and to add, i started watching this show with you, but when there was that break in october, i couldn't wait and so i binged it. once your reactions started again i rewatched with you and as always it was awesome seeing things from your perspective as well. like the camera angles in the end, it wasn't something that i really noticed when watching by myself so i loved learning more about that directorial decision! besides the ending which i already ranted about lol i too loved the show and the journey it took us on! it was one of the best i've watched and i'm so happy Drama Club was the reason i actually started it!


I was watching this show for the first time with you. a couple of times i considered watching without you bc the cliff hangers on friday were too much but this genuinely brought me joy each week and i'm gonna be sad it's over. I also really enjoyed how the police team while having the stereotypical members felt real and their reactions to finding out about hyunsoo made sense. I think my favorite character was jiwon. I was thinking this during this final episode pd, this show while marketed as a thriller or an action is really at it's core a story of the depths of two people's love and devotion for each other. Final episode thoughts: this was a really good cathartic ending. i usuallly dont watch the last episode of shows bc i loose interest once the "main action" is over but wow this episode was so needed. imagine you wake up to everyone calling you a liar and a scammer & w/o ur memories of the growth u had, no wonder hyunsoo couldn't trust himself or jiwon. i think it was important to have the amensia so they could affirm that their relationship is real. almost like a reset for it so we the audience can truly see the depth of their love. i feel like eunha's love for hyunsoo is what really helped him grow emotionally and i was so sad they were gonna cut before we saw her again. how did they cast the world's cutest kid? anyway i teared up a bunch watching this. anyway im all in my feels now... that ending was so perfect ahhhh.


before watching this show last year i had never seen a lee joon gi drama and let me just say, him in this role was absolutely mind blowing. the way that i rabbit holed through his filmography after finishing flower of evil because i NEEDED to see more of him. his acting is absolutely brilliant, and it is truly at his peak in this show. and serious props to everyone else in the cast for matching the energy he brought to this performance, like they were not outshined by any means. flower of evil was so emotional and cathartic for me, truly a perfect show.


This was a rewatch for me and it's still so amazing! I'm usually not one to watch crime dramas, but this drama is sooo much more than a crime drama. My first watch I binged, and so it was nice to watch this time over an extended period of time. The little nuances stood out to me more this time. The complex characters, the general goodness of most of the characters, even the "bad" characters had their reasons. Ugh!! Its just a good show and it's hard to convey how good it is to someone who hasn't watched it! So glad I was able to enjoy it again!

Marlin Alvarado

I'm happy that yall enjoyed it.


the first time I watched this show I also was like what the hell to the whole amnesia storyline, but after watching it again a few times I feel like it was the right move because it allowed him to live as Do Hyun Soo. as they say in the show he's never truly lived as himself. he grew up the son of a serial killer, then became a 'killer', then was on the run hiding himself, then became Baek Hee Sung. through the trial he was cleared from being a killer and the amnesia peeled back this mask of Baek Hee Sung he had been living under and allowed him to finally for once in his life live as himself and determine for himself what he wants in life. I think it is cool how in this one episode you see him go through these stages of first trying to guard himself by not letting Cha Ji Won get close to him and push her away saying how scary he is and how he feels no remorse essentially being this scary version of Do Hyun Soo that had been rumored about him for so long. then you see him start to accept himself and start looking for the things that he wants and makes him happy. then you see him be vulnerable and open up to her saying that he wants to be with her while he goes through this journey learning more about who he is. You finally get to see some of his vulnerabilities when he says ‘will she like me?’ about his daughter. I love this show so so so much it is one of my all time favorites and it really is one that you can rewatch and still find nuances you didn’t see the first time and see the story just slightly different than you did before. Thank you for watching this show!!! I found your director comments super interesting :))


I watched this series with you and Blaire, i already have watched the others and rewatched them with you but FoE was different. I enjoyed watching this BEUTIFUL series w you, really. Everything about this show, details, camera work, writing and acting... hit very different. It got the Best Director award and totally deserved it. I wished it got the Best Drama award as well ^^

Thabit Ayob

The whole show was near perfect to be honest except the last episode, i didn't like the amnesia thing


This show is perfection. I love it so much. It is in my top 3 shows of all time


Phew what a ride! I'd already watched this drama when it first came out and I'm so glad I decided to rewatch this with you and Blaire. Knowing the story beforehand did not take away any pleasure from rewatching it. Infact I enjoyed it more the second time because it felt like I was watching with friends. This drama made me a fan of all the 'main' and 'lead' characters. I was an emotional wreck the first time I watched it so I especially loved hearing you point out all the deliberate camera positioning and other direction choices the director and his team made in order to convey a certain emotion to the viewer. It was sooo cool. Any other drama we watch will have a hard time living up to this master piece but still I can't wait for the next drama club episodes.

Connor (Cyndr)

Kim Moojin is such a good comedic relief character in a show that feels too serious to have one. Seo Hyunwoo showcased great acting, with stellar chemistry with the rest of the cast, and just subtle enough humor that it didn't feel out of place because he also feels very real and relatable.

Connor (Cyndr)

Flower of Evil was probably the first show I've ever referred to as a masterpiece. It's incredibly gripping emotionally. The cinematography and thematic design was incredible from the very beginning and continued to impress me throughout. AND THE WRITING. Holy shit every twist and turn in this show has me on the edge of my seat even on my second watch, and there are so many real and deep characters. Even all of the minor protagonists and villains have interesting and believable arcs for where they are in their lives and how this ordeal would have realistically affected them. So many shows just force romances and happy endings for people at the end, but several people on this show had their lives upheaved for so long and they need to discover themselves, Haesoo being the prime example of that. Thank you for watching this with us, it was wonderful getting to review this show with y'all! It only made me appreciate it more, and that's part of why I enjoy drama club so much.


Absolutely loveee this drama! I think when I initially watched FoE, the amnesia thing threw me off because every other time it's been used in a drama it's usually never fitting for the story so I thought I didn't enjoy the ending as much as I would've liked. But after rewatching it, I definitely see the amnesia as something that was perfect for adding to the story and as something that very much fit this last episode. I would also consider this a perfect drama! So glad y'all enjoyed it as well! I always wished Netflix had picked it up because I feel like it could've gotten the hype it deserved, but nonetheless a GREAT drama

hayun lee

at first the amnesia plot was questionable, but as people above said i think its what finally gave hyunsoo a choice. yes we all knew his love for her was real and it was always established from the first discussion he had with haesoo, but their relationship was built off circumstance, deceit, and his own trauma. not only did the amnesia give him a choice but it gave jiwon a choice to leave or to wait, because as mentioned, this show was an exploration of the depths of love. the fact that it wasnt a complete erasure of memory but just the moments that include her allowed her to finally see the true him, even the ugly parts he always tried to hide from her, and they were finally given the opportunity to truly know and choose and love each other—the amnesia wasnt a gimmick, it was hyunsoo finally being liberated and exploring that his "old self" is still a real part of him that develops with time WITH her.

brianna a

seriously tho. AMAZING show...