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To all our Patrons,

It's the dawn of a new year. This day is so special if you think about it. It's the one day of year that people truly have hope. They start making all these resolutions, making plans for the year ahead... But even last year, there was a brief moment of hope. We had a new President, vaccines were on the horizon... and then of course a national insurrection quashed those feelings of hope only five days later and set a darker tone for the rest of the year.

But it's been a strangely long and fast year at the same time. 2020 and early 2021 were some of the darkest moments of my life, reaching depths that even I didn't know I was capable of. I swore to the people on this Patreon that I would be working on myself and those weren't light words. 

I've learned to stop giving people hope and disappointing them. I recently heard something important that doing one good thing doesn't suddenly make you a good person. You work on yourself, you put in the work, and only then can you ask for forgiveness.

I've applied this logic to my self improvement. And I want to tell you about the big changes I made in my life. I'm saying this because I don't think just making mindless resolutions with no chance of follow through is a good thing. We need to truly reflect on the year past, see what true changes we did make and acknowledge those achievements, and only then can we look forward to more.

I've made numerous changes to my life to keep our Patreon running much more smoothly than last year. I have deeply thrown myself into studies relating to psychology and philosophy. Combining both elements of psychology and philosophy and utilizing knowledge I learn from both fields have greatly helped improve not only my mental health but my way of thinking. That was the first step.

With my mind equipped with better ways of thinking and understanding of both the world, life, and myself, I started applying strict disciplines to my life. Small, slow ones, so that they give me the mental exercise to take on bigger disciplines.

I've successfully transitioned into changing my sleep cycle. I wake up at 5 in the morning, usually beating the alarm, and--I'm not tired. I wake up and I feel alive. This took a year's work of conditioning, starting at 6am and slowly working backwards. We then successfully cut out sugar, sodas, corn syrup, saturated fats, etc. for a whole month along with intermittent fasting, before giving ourselves a break for Thanksgiving. We successfully transitioned into clean foods which in turn made La Croix actually taste good? (Bonus!) We allowed ourselves some more freedom for the holidays but with the new year we will once again cutting and restricting our dietary allowances.

Smaller disciplines would be sticking to a 10 step (yes 10 step) skin care regime. No phones in the bedroom. I leave my phone in my closet now. When I get off work I put away my phone and I am free from all technological strings. 

And my biggest and proudest achievement would be working with a personal trainer for 3 months. When I first signed up with him, everything was pain, I was stiff and unable to even stand on one leg. Now, while I may look the same, I've become incredibly flexible, limber, and can take on exercise we do now without hesitation. This is obviously still a work in progress but the gym and exercise has been one of my biggest sources of joy now as it provides a challenge and the adrenaline rush and stimulation I've been craving. 

All of this has been six months of work and it's all in part to you all. If you were around during our summer months, you'll know it was particularly difficult for me. I'm not joking when I say shows like Sea of Hope, Paris Et Itzy, Twice in Switzerland, Bon Voyage, etc. saved my soul. 

I don't like letting people down. And over the past six months I have worked relentlessly to get my mind, body, and soul right so that I don't let you all down with the inconsistency to my mental and physical failings.

I'm at peace. But if we're being honest: I'm not happy. And who is right? After all, happiness is a state of being that comes and goes, and experiencing sadness is what MAKES the happy moments feel so great, right?

But this job... Well, it's a job. And don't get me wrong, I enjoy what I do. But I do indeed film too much. I film about 50 hours worth of content a month on Patreon and it's no easy feat. I'm so dedicated to producing as much content for you all I eat ALL of my meals on camera. But hot damn if it isn't a fulfilling job. That's the thing. Doing this... It doesn't bring ME any happiness. In fact it makes me tired, it makes me feel lonely, and it uses up so much of my brain function it actually scares me how much my short term memory has died. But when I read your comments, when I see you guys laugh, even if not in person, just hearing you had a good time... God there's no feeling like it. For me, it's worth the price of admission. 

However, with this new year... I'd like to ask something of you guys. Obviously, you all already give so much, and what I'm asking isn't easy but hear me out. 

I love dark humor. I never quite understood why I loved it so much but I just watched a comedy special that was incredibly dark and it was broken down quite nicely for me. They mentioned how they feel bad for people who get offended by jokes. Because people with dark humor, we can laugh at the darkest of things, so that means when we are going through the darkest times in our lives, we can still laugh about it. But people who can't? They just have to deal with it. Earlier this year I tried to take my own life and after I was stopped, you know what the first thing I did was? I cracked a joke. A rather dark one about taking my own life. And this is RIGHT after I had just tried to take my own life. Now that's pretty fucked up. But to be fair, I'm quite funny. 

But what's the point of this? Well, after that whole incident I tried the therapy thing and well, that didn't do anything for me. And after much soul searching what I realized is that I didn't need therapy; I needed something else. 

You see therapy, at the end of the day, is helping you deal with your problems. I know that sounds hilarious given what my channel names is and mind you, therapy IS important. But take it from me, as someone who's been clinically depressed for over a decade I've got all the "coping mechanisms" and the "talking it out" thing down. I didn't even have to go to a therapist to do all that, that's just called surviving. What I realize I needed to do was just be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. Therapy is great and all but at the end of the day it's just a band-aid to help you get through the day. I needed to think about the long term. 

That's what I learned this past year. It's what kick started changing my life to try and live my best. Because up until now I have only ever been trying. Not trying my best. 

So here's what I'm asking of you: try your best. And if you are? Great. But if you're one of those people who's just dealing with it day by day... Could you be doing more? I know, I know. I'm just the guy on your screen who talks about K-Pop so who the fuck am I, right? And that's fair. You can easily ignore this and feel free to do so. But me? I just want you all to be happy. I say this as someone who is doing this at the expense of my own happiness. I see a lot of comments of people saying how I helped them get through their day, and that's great, but I just want you guys to know that I am not doing this just so that you'll be "okay" or it'll help you get to bed easier. I'm doing this to help y'all get through the day and eventually find your happiness.

And remember, happiness is just a passing state of being. But if you try your best, you will have more happier moments than if you didn't try your best.

So do it for me! Or for yourself. But if you're a self deprecating asshole like me, then do it for someone else. That's my thing. At the end of the day, I kinda hate myself. I don't know what it is and let's not get into that. But I'm forcing myself to treat myself better so that I don't disappoint you guys.

So this year, and the many more onwards, don't just "deal with it", don't just "hang in there"; just either try your best, or treat yourself better.

Don't disappoint me :)

Happy New Year!





Suing for emotional damages, I'm literally sobbing right now 😭😭😭


Happy New Year PD. Thank you for always being so open about your situation and ALWAYS trying to motivate us to be a better version to ourselves. Hope this 2022 will bring you all the joy of the world to you and your family, always stay happy and positive. Lots of love

Nora Etkame

what an inspiring take PD... I hope 2022 will bring you even more growth and successes. I've been so thankful for your videos this year as they've been distracting me from a really rough time and sometimes just the prospect of having drama club for example made me look forward to future days. this is the impact you have with the channel and this patreon. thank you for always working hard! we have been saying this a lot to you this year and I'm so glad you've been actually doing it : take care of yourself and your health :) happy new year PD and Blaire

Rebecca Le Minh

Happy New Year PD! 2021 has ironically been the most challenging for me for my mental health and changes in life, but it is also the year when I have started to try my best for my own happiness not depending on others but just for me. And ironically I have felt so much happier deep down these past few months. And throughout drama clubs, music reviews, and all that on here, I've found therapy, as well as insights on life (even on its simplest aspects) that have helped me center myself because of your view on things and of opening to different cultures, so I'll try hard not to disappoint!! Keep going 💪 and happy new year! (To Blaire too <3)


HAPPY NEW YEAR PD!! 💫 let’s all try our best and be kinder to ourselves and others around us ☺️


Thank you so much for these words PD! It's inspiring to hear you make all these changes alongside your "try your best". It's indeed something that I have not been doing and it must change. Thank you so much for this and for everything else you do here on Patreon! Happy New Year!


I entered 2022 with food poisoning PD, I've been throwing up and shitting myself all day with no sleep. So did I cry cause I'm on the verge of insanity or because I needed that shit? I graduated with my bachelor's in December, lost my grandmother to Covid after we had a huge fight, but I'm so fucking excited for 2022. I'm moving to a new city where I'm finally gonna be fucking happy, and I'm going to be ME.


All the best to you in this new year, PD! As someone who has a hard time enjoying being happy because I'm the type who counts down to when the other shoe will drop, it's SO difficult just to feel content but if there's anything the past year taught me, it's that life isn't guaranteed. You have today, you have right here, right now but you can't say for certain that tomorrow will be there for you or anyone else. Is that rather morbid thinking? Maybe but like you, I like dark humor and I'm not afraid of dark thoughts because I think you can't have light without dark. So with as much darkness as you've faced in 2021, I hope 2022 brings you the light and happiness you deserve 💕

Hadassah Henderson

Thank you for this post PD and thank you for this year. It's ironic because just yesterday I was having a conversation with my Mom about what it means to “Do Your Best” and learning that one’s best isn't perfection. Doing Your Best means giving the most that you can at that moment because that changes over time. I started college a couple of months ago and with that milestone, one of the things I also did was subscribe to your Patreon. I want to thank you so much for the little moments of light that you have given me through your videos. Just vibing to good music or discovering artists and actors through watching has been some of the best parts of my days these last couple of months. I've only been subscribed for a while but I've been a fan for much longer. I'm glad that we as Patrons can bring some light to your life as well! Happy New Year ❤️


I don’t know what to say but somehow I really needed this it was like you are talking personally to me wow. Happy new year and THANK YOU SO MUCH


After a really hard year and not having a lot of hope for the upcoming one. This might have helped a lot. Thank you so much. Not just for this message but the videos you put out throughout this and last year. They made me happy throughout covid and a lot of really hard things. I hope you are able to be happy and healthy in the upcoming year. Happy new year!!

Giu Bressani

thank you for your words PD! You see, my first tattoo was the sun because I wanted it to be a reminder for myself to always be a good light not only for other people, but for myself too. And in the past couple of years this is what I've been trying to do: be kinder to myself, the way I always try to be with others. And it's not always easy, but this is also something I've learned as well: real change takes time and it's on the little things. I will not flip my entire life and get rid of all my insecurities in 365 days, but I can only hope I'll reach the end of 2022 being proud of myself for at least one thing or two. And in the end this is what life really is about, growing as the days go by, in our own pace. Thank you again for always being honest and sharing your thoughts with us and trusting us with all of this. You do make our days better and if that's somehow keeping you going, then we'll keep going together


Thank you for your truth and your openness with us! Your videos are truly one of the things I allow myself to take time to enjoy and look forward to. It’s weird whenever something first comes out I enjoy watching it on my own and then my other friends reactions/opinions but I always wonder “what does PD think?” I value your insights and opinions always. I don’t know you personally of course, but I genuinely look forward to the notification when I can see what you think. I don’t comment often even though I know artists and creators have said over and over that every positive comment is important to them; my anxiousness gets in the way. But after reading your post I wanted to just say thank you for making my last year just a little better by existing and creating. So thank you. I hope you have a happy new year and each year becomes better than the last!


Pd, Thanks for the new year message! I love reading something this honest and raw after so many empty positive bullshit you see on social media. Let’s hope this year is a little less shitty than the last one. And that we can stop being miserable and finally become people we can ourselves be proud of. Also I think the same way as you! People don’t always need therapy to get better, we can sometimes heal ourselves just by surviving. Thanks for giving us so much content, personally it helped me a lot in getting through this horrible year. Take care of yourself!

Violet Joo

Hey PD have a happy new year. I Hope that 2022 is a better year for all of us. That we get to live a little bit more of a "normal" life. I hope everyone has a little more happiness and love. Love you all. Happy New Year😀


happy new year pd! thank you for always sharing &being so open with us. i thinks that’s what made me feel comfortable enough to actually interact on posts & with other patrons, your willingness to be so open made me want to respond back & im so glad we have that open dynamic in our small community. i related so much to what you said & its helped me rethink my outlook. these past 2 years i’ve just been trying to hold on really. i’ve entered a new stage in my life, i’m now mid way through my 2nd year of university & have finally made friends & found my footing. 2021 was weird; the beginning of the year was a dark time, the uk was in lockdown, i was EXTREMELY drained & exhausted physically & mentally from my 1st year of uni & the loneliness & homesickness i experienced & was even tempted to drop out (which i’m glad i didn’t just cause at this point i just want to get my degree over & done with). then i started to get into SEVENTEEN which your channel & content played a big factor in & was even the reason i subscribed to your patreon to begin with so it’s been amazing to see the growth this past year. just when things were looking up in the spring/summer i got covid really bad, which was a big reality check for me but undid all of the mental growth i had started to develop a few months prior. my anxiety & depression & fear of the situation we were in intensified tenfold & im still paranoid till this day, especially with the new variants. then in autumn i started my 2nd year of uni actually made friends , allowing me to confidently say i am happier & less lonely than the year prior. the end of the year is always tough for me ; a lot of overthinking, regret & exhaustion. heavy on the regret as i watch people post about their 2021 & i get reminded that i barely have any pictures or memories, barely saw my friends really feel like the first half of the year was just an extension of 2020. but i think i’m entering 2022 with a different mindset. my only resolution is to just enjoy life more, say yes to things , but also know my limits & understand that i am an introvert who deals with anxiety depression, & i shouldn’t feel bad if i need to just sit alone in my room for a week, because that’s just my way of coping. I really hope 2022 is a better year for the world , and everything that i’ve been itching to do these past 2 years happens, like travelling & going to concerts. And finally PD i just want to thank you & the team. i’ve said this before but your content & our community really helped me feel less lonely though out the year, especially in the first half. also you helped me get into SEVENTEEN who are now my ult group i can genuinely say they have changed my life & mindset make me want to be a better, happier person. they are the reason i could’ve survived the year with my mental health better than the end of 2020 so thank you for introducing them to my life. i hope that this year is filled with positive growth for you personally & in terms of work & everyone in our community has moments this year where they can look back on without any regret or negativity. I look forward to walking on this weird path we call life with you all & can’t wait to see where we end up!! here’s to living a better life 🤍🤍

Belle Christina

thank you PD🙏🏻been watching your videos for around 3 years now, maybe more and it’s helped take me away from so many stressful experiences, even if it’s just for 10-20 minutes at a time. it makes me so happy that you’ve been working on yourself because you’ve done so much to help others and you really do deserve that time to heal. hope you have a great new year!

joe cooke

What a really insightful read that was, thank you for posting it. Over the last year for my self i got through my second year of university while dealing with less than ideal situations in personal life, along with... you know... the world being on fire. And going into my third and final year, i have honestly lost all motivation to work, study, conduct research for my thesis etc. This post somehow served as a motivator for me. I know the presence behind it is physical and/or mental health, but the idea of trying your best for someone else really resonates with me. I am a self deprecating asshole and i guess i had no one to try and be my best for. So why not this random guy i found on the internet who i give money too? Jokes aside, thanks for this post, its really given me the motivation to try my best at what i do, and gave me a reason to attempt it. Also nice to hear about the progress you have made in your own life, keep up the amazing work <3. (this comment is longer than most of my university projects in their current state lol)


Oh my god PD u made cry!! I’m not going to lie, this year has been pretty hard for me. There was a loss in the family that left my mom broken. She then started to spend on me emotionally and while I want to be there for her, it’s been hard to balance my mental health and my mom’s. I’ve Always been the type that pushes my problems away bc I’m scared to deal with them head on. This past year has taught me that this is not good enough. I need to focus on myself and to look at my deeper issues. Thank you PD for not letting forget this! I hope your find your everlasting happiness!!❤️


Thank you so much for your words, they are really motivating. It's pretty late in France right now it's almost 4 am but i feel like i can't go to sleep without commenting. I'm having trouble handling my stress that is mainly caused by my studies which makes me procrastinate a lot ! I'm starting to feel ashamed of myself for not doing enough efforts when i have the chance to study something i enjoy. But i have to stop and do my best. Let's all do our best and try to make 2022 better than 2021 ! I wish everyone to be healthy and happy ! (Just saying, i might have made mistakes or used the wrong words, sorry for that)

Shannon Ryan

Happy New Year PD! Thank you for sharing, honestly and truly, I appreciate your existence so much. I hope to better myself this year, especially when it comes to routine and discipline. I don’t live as healthy of a life as I want to, and so I will work on taking steps forward in that regard this year. I can’t wait to be an even better, more badass version of me. Thank you for sharing in the joys of various music groups and shows with us, and I wish you every peaceful moment 2022 has to offer.

Réka O.

Happy new year PD! Reading this was really inspiring. I am going through some shit that makes it seem like a nearly impossible task to 'do my best', but I will try to take your words to heart. I hope 2022 will be a much better year for both you, me and all the patrons here!

Jillian Johnson

Thank you for sharing what you’ve been going through and how you are working to get better! It can be so hard to get out of bad place. At the beginning of 2021 I got out of a terribly abusive job but unfortunately so many of my unhealthy coping habits persisted afterwards. Since late August I’ve really been trying to get back to where I was before that job. I quit drinking and started eating healthier and I really feel like I’m finally starting to get my life back on track. So I am really HOPING with this new year that all the changes I’ve been making are going to bear a lot of fruit. Also one thing I’m doing is trying to read more, I just started The Midnight Library and it is an amazing book that I think you would really like.

Lauren Miller

Thank you for always being open and frank with us, PD. While it may not be what you need to hear right now, as someone also continuously struggling with depression and suicidal ideation, the only way I've found to not hate myself and how I am is to love myself. It's a fucking trip transitioning from hateful self-talk, and it's not a linear change either. Reprogramming your brain and how you talk to yourself, both internally and aloud, is a tedious process that takes a lot of commitment. It took me a long time to finally choose to improve my self-talk and only after that decision did I make progress. While you may still feel like you hate yourself, you've already taken so many steps towards self-love—exercise, clean eating, a sleep schedule, etc., they're all forms of self-care, which in turn are expressions of self-love. You should be really fucking proud you've been able to make such sustained changes! Even if it isn't in the name of self-love, you're treating yourself with more kindness than ever before and that is so fucking incredible. I'm looking to make a lot of the same changes in the coming year, so if it's not too much trouble, I'd love for you to keep us posted; it's really motivating to hear how you're attacking your issues head-on. I wish us both consistency and success in the new year.


Thank u for this post, PD. I don’t often comment on things because I’m not great with words but I just wanted to wish u and everyone a happy new year ! My mental health was probably at its worst in 2021. I was doing well academically, but that was it. I was extremely unmotivated, and I felt like I didn’t make any good memories the entire year. I’m really hoping to do better this year and try my best to be healthier and happier, and I hope everyone continues to do the same. Thank you so much for sharing these kinds of insightful posts and bringing some light into our lives. I hope this year brings us more light and happiness ❤️


Happy new year PD! Thank you for sharing this with us. My mental health was at a very low point back in early 2021 and watching you helped me cope, it was like a little pocket of joy for me. Thank you so much for being very open with us, 2022 will be a better year for all of us PD! 💛


This was a powerful read. Suffice it to say that what you wrote about trying your best speaks perfectly to where I'm trying to be looking forward to 2022. I just want to say thank you for all of the hours you put into this and how candid you are with us. All the best and happy new year!

CRAYON weiwen

ZOZI is the hardest year for me(WIZ*ONE), go through that, I feel I can face any challenge in the future, let's do our best to survive everyday, everyday is our last day in our life, enjoy to the MAX!!! Wish everyone having a good new year and everything will be ok.


Have a good year and let's all try our best! Fighting! ❤️❤️


Thank you PD and Blaire for all the hard work in 2021. This past year was a mix of good and bad for me as I finally became financially independent from my parents which was such a breath of freedom and relief for me. But also I definitely let my job take my life and emotional well being as well as my relationship. Hearing your words definitely makes me want to do better this year for myself and I’m taking small steps to try and make 2022 a year that’s focused on living because life is definitely too short and the world is crumbling so why the fuck not. I’ll be here supporting the team and excitedly waiting to see what you do!

Taj carter

Love you PD‼️ You’re the best‼️ FIGHTING‼️


awhh this made me cry a little bit. i really feel the part about not just trying but trying your best. i always feel like I try and try but I don't think I've ever TRULY tried my best. at least compared to all the times I just tried. proud of you pd!

Dona Fernando

Thank you so much for this PDnim. This made me cry because it somehow hit me. My mental health has been declining for the past year but I'll try my best to be kinder to myself this year. 🥰

Meruka Hinaru

I literally started the year with an eye infection cause by a very stupid mistake (trying to dress up nicely and putting on make up for the first time in months backfired with a sudden allergy on my eye) and that ended up ruining my whole dinner and night because of the pain. But today after I slept it out, I just found the whole scenario really hilarious and I practically told everyone the story while I laughed how I started the new year with "A different vision" and now this post about dark humor made me feel even better. No one can predict what will happen, but even with the unexpected, I'll try my best. Happy New Year everyone!


I really appreciate your hard work


Thank you so much for this PD, thank you for all of your work. And a happy new year! Last year was the hardest one in my life, one of my parents was fighting serious illness and unfortunately they lost it. I watch it and it felt like the end of the world. I managed to get through the hardest times with some family members but since I have no friends I mostly was alone. It may sound stupid but your videos was one of the reasons I did not give up. I watched your livestreams with other people, I watched drama club, some variety shows and laughed and felt like I was spending time with friends. I managed to make the biggest changes in my life in the last few months - dropped out of university, I found a job, I have my own apartment now, I made a friend. Trying my best each day. When bad things happens I get mad because I watch other people living their lives, the world is still the same like nothing happened and I feel like I’m the only one struggling. The thing is everyone struggled with something, struggle now or will struggle. But now I know that besides that beautiful things are waiting. So may this year be filled with beautiful things for everyone!


Thank you for everything PD. Especially the first half of the year was really rough for me as I had to wait to apply for university and didn't really have anything to do. The only thing keeping me sane tbh has been working out. I initially started working out in march of 2020 when corona broke out. But since gyms opened back up here in Germany in around april I've been hitting the gym 3 times a week and it really did wonders for me. Not because of muscle growth or anything but it really eases my mind. Looking forward to a reaction or drama club always brightens my day and I love hearing your takes. I'm sure that the patreon will keep growing steadily this year as well and I wish you, blaire and everyone else here all the best for 2022.


Thank you PD


Crying right now. PD, you have been such an inspiring and huge positive influence on me. Thank you so much for everything, for your hard work, your words and just being your amazing precious self. Let's work on 2022 and be happier ❤️thank you.


I feel so warmed by your words, PD. The last two years were also rough on me and I feel like, I don't have as much energy as I used to have and at times everything feels slower and more exhausting. On days like these I'm so very grateful for every happy little moment I get, which includes your videos. Just hearing the voice, I’ve been following on youtube for so long feels so relaxing and cozy. Honestly, I'm broke all the time, so I keep subscribing and unsubscribing to your Patreon but I still try to give back as much as I can because you truly deserve it. I hope this new year will bring you joy and peace and even though I'm always craving for more content from you, I hope you'll spend your year healthily by taking care of yourself more and find balance in your work. Happy new year to you and Blaire.

希文 王

thanks for this PD <3 I've definitely been in bad places (not as bad as many, but I digress) and I really appreciate your message, very happy that you're in a better place than before! let's work hard in 2022! fighting


No PD don't make me go into a sobbing fest already!! Ahhh, I feel so touched?? So spoken to?? Seriously, your channel name "Form of Therapy" is so fitting, listening to what you have to say does truly provide a sense of comfort and calm. I would like to thank you for everything that you're doing for us!! And I, too, will try to work on myself, even more, this year. To everyone struggling: We got this - or we don't. But that's okay.

kai ♡

Won't go into the details of my own struggles here but this post really spoke deeply to me. Since Christmas I've been giving myself a mental pep talk that this is going to be a year I really put in the work and this post came as a sign to not just say it but do it. Next year, hopefully you'll be posting to welcome in 2023 and I'll be able to share news of real progress and change that I've achieved over the year. Thank you for thinking of us and pushing us to be better. I definitely needed to hear it from someone. I appreciate all you do and share with us.


PD, you should start some spin off YouTube channel called Form of Motivation! I have mentioned this here many times already, but the reason, why I am here is your personality. I mean, I do like your reactions/reviews and sharing your knowledge of Kpop and its history, Korean culture and video editing skills and all things around video production in general and, surprisingly, music production as well (surprisingly in the way that you are not a music producer, but as you said at the end of some LOUD video, many people used to think you are a music producer rather than video producer, since you have a good sense for music). It happened to me during your speech in some videos that I was amazed by your mindset and attitude towards something. I recorded some of your opinions/ideas/speeches to my phone (Don’t worry! It is only for myself and I don’t share it anywhere else outside of this Patreon! I just want to have them to remind myself something I find important and interesting and although I could search for it on Patreon, it is easier to have them all in one place, so I don’t have to search for the exact timestamp… and also the Patreon app doesn’t work time to time or has some problems sometimes…), so I can replay them and recall on them. And this whole post of yours is a perfect example! Happy New Year to you and Blaire as well! I cannot wait for the content and all changes you have been preparing for us!

Zukhra Talmanova

Those words are something to think about. And I've been avoiding those thoughts for a long time now. It's just so scary to go so deep down in your thoughts, research your soul, take your life under control. It is all hard and scary. But if you are saying it, then I should really consider and do my best. Thank you! I hope all of us will have a year that was better than the previous one, which will start a new tendency of years one better than the other. Let's try our best y'all!! Happy New Year!


I think I really needed to hear this and especially at the beginning of a new year. The person I work hard to be better for would be my mom. She has worked herself so hard with 2 or 3 jobs for as long as I can remember, just so that I can live a happy and healthy life and while I'm not happy all of time, I'm still trying my hardest to make sure she can see that what she put herself through was worth it in the end. I'm finally old enough to start trying to give back to her and I've found that it makes everything so much more worth it when I can see that she's happy because of it. Thank you for these words. I really needed them and I feel like going forward, this will be a good message to keep in mind. I hope you can become happier while doing this also. You said that you do this job at the expense of your own happiness and really that's giving so much more than a lot of people would be willing to. I appreciate you and your content so much. It makes the days when I don't feel like I have the strength to try just a bit easier to get through. So I will say once again, Thank you so much for what you do.


Thank you soo much PD for this message and letting us know about you. I am glad that you are treating yourself better and starting to feel better. Similar to you my sister an I have been in a dark place for a while mine started I middle school and for some odd reason kpop helped so I introduced her to it. When comparing us my mindset or sensitivity level is a little stronger than hers so when she is going through stuff I find it easier for me to help her and make sure she's OK then to figure out how to help myself, which is weird. I also don't know why we both hate ourselves deep down and the stuff I say to her really contradicts what I should be doing. I hate being alone because the I have to face myself and tell myself I have a problem instead of lying to myself which only gets me so far. But I really appreciate you for what you wrote it made me realized that I probably haven't been trying my best or hard enough, but I really want to. I hope by the end of this year I start to view myself in a better light I'm not sure what that would be like but starting in steps should help. Thank you again SOOOOO much PD this letter really made me feel better.


This post really means a lot to me and brings me a lot of comfort. I've been a viewer of yours for a long time now and I appreciate every comforting, motivational, and honest messages you've given. 2021 was probably the worst year of my life. I don't want to go into too much personal detail but I want to spread and reinforce your message as much as I can. I spent 6 months of 2021 in psychiatric treatment for anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder, and I finally feel like I've reached the point in my life where I'm living for myself and my own happiness and wellbeing. I'm dedicating this year to working hard and trying my best to keep improving myself :)


Thank you for your sincerity and good wishes towards us You actually mention this at a time where I'm having to put extra effort into my mental health, so I truly appreciate the encouragement! It's wonderful that you've been able to work on yourself over time and are continuing to do so. You've mentioned how it does feel lonely to create the content you do, so I really want to thank you for it. Honestly, I'm someone new to k pop and k dramas, so your input has been incredibly helpful. Part of my mental health worries is to not become dependent upon kpop to feel better, though I do find it pretty funny that it's actually helped my sleeping habits, because now I'm waking up earlier to try to keep up with Weekly content. They just help start out the day well, y'know? And those girls have also kept me in line about not worrying too much about my weight but also to do take care of my health. The fact that you're taking care of yourself and being vocal about it, similarly, is such a great influence as well. You remind me I just gotta do it and to do it step by step instead of going to extremes. When you have your coffee mug or I'm going to watch one of your videos, I get a mug too and it's almost like we're having coffee/tea togther and enjoying the media hard working people put out. Sometimes it feels like listening to a friend converse about what they like, other times it feels like a mentor educating me about things I'm completely unaware of in the most natural way possible. Thank you so much for your hard work


PD wish you everything good for this year!


PD this was beautiful!


Hey PD, just wanted to say that this was an incredibly heartwarming message and a great sentiment to start off the new year with. There's not much we can do to show you our support except by commenting on your content, and Patreon seems much more personal than YouTube to reach out to you, and I'm really glad that engaging with us through the comments and our responses is giving you that sense of fulfillment and motivation. Love everything you're doing, both with your content/job and your personal life that you've been willing to share with us, that takes a lot of courage and clearly shows pride of your accomplishments on your end, I'm really happy to see that. Happy New Year, and let's all keep doing the best we can moving forward!


I honestly cried PD thank you so much. Please take care! Happy new year and lots of love from Brazil 💗


What an inspiring and honest message! I kinda get it. sometimes I struggle between taking everything too seriously and setting myself up for failure and not giving enough Fs about myself because what’s the point? But I too am at a point where I want to treat myself better because I owe to myself and no one else. I know it’s a joke to many people that everyone gets all hyped up and ready to take on the world on 1 st of January but like you said sometimes we need a reason to do that, especially when the previous year dragged on and personally I lost motivation for most things in the past two months. I am also trying this new morning routine and I’m a terrible night owl but I’m almost 30 now and going to bed at 3 AM just doesn’t benefit me 😅 it’s so easy to get stuck in your ways that’s why I appreciate this message from you, I hope for only good things for you and everyone here this year. Thanks for all the hard work and being yourself!


I love the sentiment and motivation that you've sent us through this heartwarming message, PD! I appreciate how you've kept us updated on the steps you've taken to treat yourself better and improve yourself (it's incredibly awesome that you've come this far with those steps!). I really hope this can pay off for you in countless ways! Already, I have been looking to do things involving self-improvement, even if it presents its various issues . But I'll be sure to use your words as a guiding, empowering compass as this year gets underway!


Thank you. Just, thank you.


Happy new year ❤️

Ioana C.

2020 and 2021 have probably been the worst years for me ever tho 2014-early 2017 haven't been very kind either. But I would have had no chance on Earth finishing these last 2 have I not gone through a long process of healing and working on myself, which started when I rediscovered K-Pop. My life journey has been incredibly beautiful and full of newfound hope ever since, although incredibly hard too sometimes. But you and your content are also a part of it! Thank you for this and for your good content and quality input into a lot of topics, I learn from you and you are the enthusiast K-Pop buddy I don't have irl