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Ahhhhh this episode was so funny I wish it was longer!



Dreamcatcher Mind Ep. 8

This is "Dreamcatcher Mind Ep. 8" by Fivra Park on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



The episodes are so short... 1) Ghosting I guess because I'm good at it, sadly. 2) Happy Moment. 3) On the street. 500.000€ is so much money. I could think about doing what I want without worrying about finances. I'm very slow when it comes to making decisions.


I think, I‘m on team „Getting ghosted is worse“, because for what they mentioned: With the other option you’re at least sure, what’s going on, while when getting ghosted the uncertainty makes it worse, you don’t know if you can blame the other person and be angry, blame yourself, if you should be worried or if you’re just overreacting. I had sth similar happen to me and I changed between those feelings from hour to hour. And in my experience it’s takes longer to get over sth when you aren’t even sure what exactly you are getting over. (Btw just speaking about textbook ghosting situations not a situation like those Dami and PD mentioned) On the third question I think I, as a non-celebrity, lean more towards pooping on the street - although it depends on the circumstances. If I can do it at night in an alley where nobody sees me, I‘d do it for much less than 500k, if I‘m supposed to do it in broad daylight on a busy street than I‘d probably go with the pooping from home option instead (10k isn’t bad either). Not sure about the second question. I think I am more inclined to re-live a happy day than to fix an embarrassing one. Because when I get those moments where I lie in bed at night and can‘t sleep out of sudden embarrassment it’s usually not for any big mistakes but for the tiniest moments like the time my boss wanted to give me a fistbump 3(?) years ago and I thought he wanted to shake my hand, so I basically just grabbed his fist. No way it‘d make a difference to fix something like that, there would be like 50 other situations like that.


Absolutely take the money!

Connor (Cyndr)

Yoohyeon is always involved in poop talk, there's a reason she had the toilet paper hat in Dmongus XD. As for me, all definitely depend on the context, but probably: 1. Realistically, probably ghosting, as much as it's awful and it's happened to me before, it's the easiest way out of a toxic situation, and I've done it before to a friend that just wouldn't stop contacting me and pestering me about pointless things. 2. Probably relive happy moment. I really see no point to this because I already dwell on the past enough and doing so is counteractive for growth. Either option is too attached to the past, but at least reliving a happy moment could remind you what's important or reconnect with someone no longer in your life. Changing a mistake is incredibly problematic for a variety of reasons. Like they said, we grow from failures and this would make us a different person, but also potential time travel schenanigans just makes that a bad idea all around. 3. Home, easy. Money isn't important enough to embarrass myself, I already have bad enough anxiety and that would be a traumatizing experience.


Normal Kpop companies: do everything possible to protect their idol's innocent, clean and wholesome image. Dreamcatcher company: sets the group up for a 15 min debate about the pros and cons of pooping on the street :D That's one of the main reasons why I really really like DC/DCC


Man, DC is the greatest. YEAH I SAID IT. But like you said, PD, I think it depends on the situation and I think "moving on right away" is the better option. I think undoing a mistake has the potential to be a lot more impactful than reliving a happy memory. Honestly, I don't think I could physically poop in the street. It just wouldn't happen. But I'd totally do it if I could.

Réka O.

This was so much fun to watch! 1. I'd ghost, it's a no-brainer for me! I hate being in a relationship so if I somehow ended up in one, I'd definitely not want to be in another one (I'm aro/ace, just for context) 2. This was the most difficult for me, I don't feel like doing either one! I'm okay with my happy moments staying in the past and not reliving them and I also don't want to fix anything. I guess I'd rather relive something good if I must choose 3. I'd definitely poop in the streets for that much money! I don't really care about bodily functions. Also, this is TMI but I'm very quick so even if it was embarrassing, it'd be over before anyone could blink an eye :D


I can’t answer the first two honestly. They make me think more deeply than I wish to right now lol. But for debate #3 I would poop on the street for 500k, but only if I could maybe wear a mask. Like shield my identity.

Chris S

1. This one's hard to answer, because it's very situation dependent. If I were in a relationship that I wanted to end, and the other person wouldn't let go and kept pestering me after I told them it's over, I wouldn't be against blocking them and not responding to their calls/messages. As you said, though, that's not really ghosting. The way the question is worded in the episode, I think ghosting in the traditional sense (where you just stop responding out of nowhere, with no warning) is worse than ending a relationship and immediately moving on to another one. 2. Relive a happy moment. I don't feel the need to erase any of my embarrassing memories, because I'm at a stage in my life where I'm not really embarrassed by much anymore. 3. For that kind of money, I'd 100% poop in the street without hesitation. See #2, lol