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We'll be trying different things out and different formats throughout the month with the intention of turning Weekly Therapy into a regular thing. This week we're doing an audio format and next week we'll be doing a video!



The pandemic ruined so many lives. It's been such a depressing time. And it's sad that it has become a normal thing but there's not much we can do about it. Also 2020 felt like it was such long year and at the same time it feels like it went by too quick. It's like we jumped from 2019 to 2021 directly.


Flashback to when I was trying to figure out how GIDLE was pronounced 😂


I am doing my work while listening 💜💜


I happen to be on this patreon specifically for the content AND for you. Like, I enjoy the content, but I probably wouldn’t have stayed on the patreon like this if I didn’t enjoy your specific insight and point of view and opinions on things. Also by the way, I really enjoyed this podcast! Just the audio was nice to listen to. And hearing about your life recently felt a bit like when you catch up with a friend. Also! I was starting to feel very lethargic and anxious due to sitting down all day doing online college classes and working from home the last couple years, and personally taking a walk once a day helped me a lot! Not even a long walk too, like 20 minutes. It was nice to get a change of scenery and stretch out. It’s also a nice time to just think or to even call someone and talk or something. So if u can find 20 minutes or so a day, I highly suggest it. Anyway, thanks for the podcast! It will be cool to see all the september content coming this month.


(WTF, I did NOT expect this comment to be this long) Thanks for doing this PD! New Patron here 😄. As much as I love watching you speak, I think making this an audio podcast is a nice change from all the video content you make. Regarding the content of the podcast, I'd literally listen to anything you talk about. I think that, as long as you feel comfortable, talking about your life can be helpful for yourself and others. IMO what sets you apart from most reactors, and why I become a Patron, isn't the content you react to, but all the insight and knowledge we receive, whether or not it's related to S. Korea and it's culture. I'd particularly be interested in any changes to your reviews of comebacks that you'd listened to a couple of weeks or even months before each Weekly Podcast episode's recording. For example, you had a mild reaction to Rosé's 'Gone' in your Kulture Study vid which was a while back, but you said you've been listening to it a lot more now. There have been more than a dozen comebacks this year that I didn't instantly like or had a "meh" reaction to, but unexpectedly grew on me with the following days/weeks (title tracks mainly; B-sides were easy to get into). I can definitely relate to the "too music in K-pop" feeling 😂. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but being a multistan is HARD AS F*CK, especially when I'm into so many groups and the list keeps increasing (no thanks to you PD 😆). 3rd gen shows no sign of slowing down, 4th gen is BOOMING, there were FOUR viral songs this year, 2nd gen groups are slowly making their comeback.... it's crazy. As a pretty hard-core MCU fan, I loved hearing your thoughts! Super-hyped about Shang-Chi (theatres are still closed here, so I'm gonna have to wait for the D+ release. Looking forward to the future episodes! Take care PD 😄.

Rebecca Le Minh

I've missed your podcasts so much! It used to soothe me so much and I also find your views so interesting. I love this kind of content! And I also don't particularly need a video! I even prefer audio sometimes

Rebecca Le Minh

I have been vaccinated for quite long too but it has become so hard to decide "oh okay I can see friends" even if we are all vaccinated because of all the anxiety... I would love an episode about all that ^^


I still remember PurpleBeck, and I have no idea what's going on with them. They did have a comeback after their debut which I really like, but I didn't like their comeback so I didn't listen to it aside from watching the MV. I definitely joined your Patreon for you, PD. When I see you reacting to people I love& KDramas I enjoy, I'd be very excited to see what you would think of it and get comfy with snacks/music while watching you watching the kdramas. Claudia Kim whom you mentioned and was in Avengers: Age of Ultron (and Fantastic Beasts, I actually liked it) After she got married, she recently signed into YGE as an actress, so she might be in more promising Korean shows. I hope you're doing well, PD. I'm sorry that it has been a rough time for you; I'm just starting my 2nd semester of college so I wish that both of us will do well in what we're about to do. I do feel slightly weird not seeing your face while listening to you speak but I'm fine with whatever you prefer!


I'm glad you like Hi-L, what a nice surprise! I hope you check out(on your own time maybe) one of the b-sides Beautiful Night. I love it more than the title personally - the chorus just HITS for me❤️

Sian Hoy

Hahaha yeah I also say the month order in my head to count which month we are on XD (reply to that part of the audio)

Cheonmi Dae

Idk if you remember me but I was there since the name GROUPIES was introduced with the hangout chat but I have to say, I feel like you came a very long way. Not only with work but also with yourself you know. Idk how I should describe it but.. it’s there. And I’m so glad you have Blaire now who supports you like that. But yeah I’m here first and foremost for you and then the content

Céline Verhaeghe

i actually recommend all the live stages for inception and keep an close eye on San's moves. None of them are ever the same. San is just so creative with telling their story ;)


Answering your question, "why do you come here?" personally I am here because I love your insight and I wanna support u as a creator. I love your mission and enjoy the work you do. The fact I enjoy all of your content is just a bonus.


Wanted to come back and add that I'm proud that you can acknowledge the emotional labor that a supportive partner carries, often doing so silently while also dealing with their own personal daily demons. It's not an easy position to be in and is so frequently overlooked because they are the one who seem to be more "stable" - when they could be struggling as well internally. It's a sign of growth and even if some days seem darker, you are still progressing upwards and forward! I *do* think you are better these days than when I first started following your channel.


Okay, a couple of thoughs/answers to the different stuff. Personally when I watch your lifestreams or like listening parties, I will usually drift between watching your reaction or just listening to you talk. So to me whether or not you decide to choose video or simply audio would be based on the topic. If you feel like you need to show, what it is you are talking about then video is a good thing, but if you don't find it necessary than audio is nice. Now to the question as to why I'm watching you, I would like to say it's complicated. I have always been very carefull with my money, and I always had a hard time accepting things like Patreon myself. The reason why I decided to FINALLY just say screw it, I'm going to pay to watch YOUR patreon, and only YOU, was because even though I don't watch all your YouTube content, I do like the videos that I see, and I usually try to watch it all the way through, because I like you as a person and the way you talk and speak. When you combine that with you expressing a new level of "love" to my favorite group, due to watching BTS in the Soop, I joined the patreon. So to me it's a combination of both liking you, but also the fact that you do watch a combination of my favorite artists, so I got someone to "watch" it with me, when I feel like it's to overwhelming to start on alone. Sorry for anything wrong, English isn't my language.


I'm here on this Patreon specially for you. Yeah, i like the extra content but the most important for me is your "persona" and your opinions. i mean, when a group makes a comeback or i watch a performance and more, i wonder "what will PD think of this?" and makes me happy the simple fact to listen to your opinions, seeing your reactions and most important watching you laugh and smile with the shows, variety content. I'm very happy here, take care!


I'm here for boy group stuff mainly, specifically PD's thoughts about and reactions to boy group stuff. You're the only creator I support monetarily because your unique perspective and style appeal to me more than anyone else (and I'm a single college grad - aka broke - so I have to pick who gets what little I can give and congrats, PD, THAT'S YOU!). For what it's worth, I'll say now that I prefer an audio-only format because I like to listen to podcasts while I work.


I started watching Form of Therapy on YouTube primarily because I was interested in what sort of a viewpoint a PD would bring to the table since I am a design student and I love watching videos about film-making in general. I signed up for patreon initially for road to kingdom but I really enjoyed listening to all that you had to say about the performances so I stayed for that. I also don't have a lot of friends who follow the same groups or watch the same shows as I do so it is nice to have a different person's perspective on things and also to see someone else getting really hyped up for things that I get hyped up about. Your content (especially the live streams) is really easy to watch too and exactly what I need after a long day of lectures.

Violet Joo

I've always loved your podcast. I started following you because of your podcast. I love to hear your points of view and also I like you because you really know about kpop. Some youtubers look really fake saying they love all kpop and not knowing the group members and just saying I love it I love it. I do not watch all your content because I am not a fan of certain groups but I always listen to your podcasts. So I'm really happy your doing them again. I don't care if is just an audio format. Take care.


I finally took the time to listen to this, and i enjoyed it very much! For me, i think this kind of content work very well without the video. It is a chance to listen in a different way. And now the incoming essay: I started watching you, because i was looking for any reactor who reacted to ONF, but i kept watching your content, because i really enjoy your unique insights and different takes on things. Whether k-pop or not, or whether i agree or not, listening to your thoughts makes me reflect on things, myself and how i do things. I discover new groups i wouldn't have looked at, at all otherwise. Of course i enjoy it the most when you watch my faves^^, but it is with the feeling of wanting to share their awesomeness and generally thinking their content is something you would enjoy, not to get a reaction ;).. i have a lot of other thoughts, but i used up my attention span for now xD Have a great week!


just hoping that Park Seo Joon is given a good part 🤞🏻

Nora Etkame

I can't believe you mentioned my fav ateez song and my fav moment in the video haha. San was crazy. There are definitely a lot of "grower" songs in KPOP ! Ive had so ma,y songs where I was "meh" at first and then after 4/5 listens it became a fav

Nora Etkame

Agreed. Ateez came back and after the few first watch all I could think of is PD needs to see this lmao


I really like the podcast as only audio. I can download it and hear whenever I want nice 😉👌


I prefer audio for sure. I mean originally podcast was only audio, right? And later on it got popular and YouTubers were like: “Hey, I want to do that too, but I should put it on my channel as well, but it would be weird suddenly not being on the video, so let’s record it with video” or correct me if I’m wrong, this is just the way how it seemed to me. I get you with the feeling of not being sure about pronunciation of someone’s name. I used to do a Kpop podcast and I got hates for mispronouncing some names, like for example Chinese names, where I said I have never been into Chinese language and in China in general compared to Japan and Korea and still I got hate, so since that I try to check pronunciations as much as I can to do it right… My the most favorite song by Ateez is Answer, but I get you, why you like Inception so much. It always gives me such a fresh and unusual Ateez vibe compared to their other songs. About the Marvel/MCU part: It feels like you miss those times of The Fan Attic Podcast, where you could talk about MCU with Jarod and to be honest I miss your discussions a lot! I liked Shang-Chi so much! I am thinking about going to cinema once more! But for example I didn’t enjoy Black Panther that much. I had a problem with the repetitive way of every MCU movie and back at that time I was really sick of it. And now I don’t say it is different and also I don’t say I don’t mind it anymore, but I thought after Endgame the hype and everything reached its peak and the whole era is slowly getting over. But that’s not how it is and it still keeps up and thanks to that Marvel is allowed to make movies with totally unknown characters for non-comicbook readers like Shang-Chi and more are coming, so I am glad that this kind of movie or better to say movie with this leading hero has been made, because some/many years ago it wouldn’t be possible. So now starts the era of true Marvel Universe, where are plenty of events, characters, story line and so on.