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Hey everyone it’s been a few days since I’ve had the livestreaming issues and while I’ve tried to get it fixed it’s just not happening. This problem arose because my main computer (you know, the one that kept crashing all the time) is being sent off for repairs. So I have a 2nd stock computer at home which I’ve been using and you’d think just installing the software would y’know, make it work, but nada.

So our only solution at the moment is to put livestreams on hold until my main computer comes back from repairs. But I don’t wanna leave y’all with nothing.

Instead of a livestream, we put up posts taking your requests for both boy group and girl group stuff. I’ll record and edit it separately on my own and put them out for y’all. Mind you, I probably won’t be able to get through as many as I would during a livestream because your guys’ excitement and energy is what keeps me going. Also please note that I cannot get to EVERYTHING because the last time we checked the boy group stuff alone was at 400+ requests.

So this week’s scheduled livestreams, including the movie night I wanted to do (I was super excited for that one sigh) are effectively cancelled. I wish I could make it up to you guys but it’s hard to make up for livestreams without another livestream.

As a trade off I’ll do a few Patreon-only livestreams here and there but note that it’ll probably just be a chatting/hanging out type of deal since I can’t play any music.

I know this is a bummer but I promise if my computer isn’t fixed by June/July I will buy a new computer if I have to!


Melanie Williams

That’s okay PD I’m excited for whatever we can get.


Don't worry pd we know it's not ur fault and you're always doing your best to do the best for us and hopefully everything will work out in your favor soon!! We appreciate everything you do and all the effort you put for us!!


It’s ok PD!! We love anything and everything you put out for us :))


Hope everything will turn out okay! Thank you for the update PD! Looking forward to your reactions!


PD we know you also have you dad's situation. Priorities. Don't worry about us. Take care of you and your own first!

Chloe Borley-Evans

It's a shame but we understand and it can't be helped! I look forward to any content you put out and can't wait until the computer situation is fixed and livestreams are up and running again!

Alice Owi

Is okay PD.. We Always be with you no matter what and thank you doing for us everything. ❤️❤️😊😊👍🏻👍🏻

mistywolf the dragon rider

It's okay we understand, stuff like this happens and no one has any control over it. I'll look forward to see what requests you pick!


Those posts will still be for the spring tier right?


pd we understand! we appreciate any content you can get out for us at all, so please don’t overwork yourself. and if it helps at all, a lot of the boy groups requests are repeats and some you have already seen!

hunny !

thats alright ! no worries for sure- computers are annoying shjdjd,, but will there be a post for japanese music requests ? since we’ll be missing that stream too :((


we understand, no worries <3 but I have a question, Devil Listening Party was scheduled to yesterday, so I was wondering if you will upload it


we totally understand!! its such a shame not only for us but for you, it’s always nice to be able to interact with you and I’m sure you really enjoy the social aspect of it too! fingers crossed you can get things sorted asap but in the meantime we’ll be eagerly awaiting the separate video reactions!! <3

Marcela Pereira

I was really looking forward to the streams but please don't but a new computer only for that! I mean, if your other one decided to stop working completely well you'll need a new one but don't do it just so you could stream for us! We'll wait 👍🏻 Tech issues are absolutely shit I'd know since I'm on the field.


That's okay pd! I'm totally down for hang out streams tho. Those are always fun. I really liked the drawing one too!


You should put the headphones on the mic as you did. LOL just kidding hope everything goes well for you and the computer.

Réka O.

I love the streams but I understand the situation and we will wait patiently until you can do them again 💜 there's still a lot of other content for us to enjoy. Can't wait for the videos you upload! And like someone else said, the boy group requests in reality are more around 200 because there are so many repeats and ones you've already seen! Maybe that makes it seem less daunting to you 😅

Samm Kayy

Its okay PD! We all know that technology malfunctions a lot, especially this past year. Just take it easy and please don't overwhelm yourself with all these requested vids! And we understand, hell im even open to just hearing your commentary about things, (that's the point anyway). But overall stay healthy mentally, don't overdue yourself, and have a good rest of you week!


PD we always appreciate the long livestreams you do for us, it must be axhausting sometimes. Why not take th time till the computer gets fixed to give yourself a small break. 😊