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So in quarantine I have just been going crazy doing the same thing over and over again, so much so that it's gotten to a point where I need to try new things and different types of videos. I have a few videos ideas in mind that are completely not reaction related, just filthy casual stuff (let's say q&a, cooking, etc.) in creative ways.

Now the question is, should I upload that to the public on YouTube or create a whole separate channel for it or make it a Patreon exclusive series?

Would love y'alls feedback so please vote below!



Id say put a preview of it in the main channel and say that if you want full access to go your patreon and make it a summer/fall/ or winter exclusive

Ryan Khosravi

I don’t know if you’ve already considered algorithm outcomes but I know from other creators that they try to stick to one type of content on their main channel so they don’t get effed over in people’s suggesteds because YouTube is pretty harsh with that. Like your numbers would likely be lower on a cooking video at first so you wouldn’t want that to impact other videos being suggested for people.

Josue Hernandez

You’ve already got an thing for this channel, so a second channel would probably make more sense so you can create a new aesthetic there. I wouldn’t say on Patreon because some people just can’t afford it so you’d get more support with a second channel and probably be able to make more money (not that you’re in it for the money, but more money would probably help you out a bit to accomplish all your goals)

린 애

You could do patreon exclusives for longer content but for shorter ones maybe a separate Youtube Channel would be sufficient! As other comments above state, the main channel has its own thing going for it so i don't think it should be put together? But good luck!


Do whatever you want but my only suggestion is if it is on the main channel to have Playlist or something that could separate it. So if people want to just see that they can or if they don't they can just watch a Playlist of reactions, etc.


I'd say a new channel or Patreon exclusive. It would be weird just putting something else besides kulture studies on your channel, unless it was the Q and A. Considering your main channel is mostly k studies with some listening parties in there it would be weird, but you did call your channel form of therapy so that gives leeway to many things. I think people that want reactions typically search them up and yours is one of the top ones to put up.

Maggie Ross

I would love the ease of it being on the main channel but I fear it would flunk in views because it is not what most people are used to. I agree with the previous comments that perhaps a shorter version on YouTube with longer videos on patreon. I think content that is drastically different wouldn't do well on the main but I for one am here for it! I'm sure fellow patrons will enjoy it a lot.


If its to make more money then another channel isn't the answer this is YouTube we are talking about. The only people they pay is like half the people you see in rewind.

Rudy van Immerzeel

Don’t really care where you post them. I would watch them anywhere.

Ebony Coco

I say make a new channel. I don't think those videos would fit in here on Patreon or on YouTube because the audiences for both platforms are so kpop-related.


I think you should upload it to your main channel, as while the content does focus primarily on K-Pop related media, the description does not explicitly limit the channel itself to K-Pop. I guess if you end up going the make-a-new-one route y'all can update the main FoT channel description to focus the scope, and then have the new one for miscellaneous shenanigans.

Marcela Pereira

Hi, PD! I really like the ideas you have! I voted for Make it Patreon only but idk if that would be positive for you (here is where I truly test my knowledge of english lol). What I mean is, here you don't only post kpop related things, dramas are not really under that category, and honestly most of us became patrons because we like you. Let's be real, otherwise why would we watch you watch things? :) That's why in my case I'd like that content to be in the same place. Now, I really have no idea how youtube and algorithms work, so if its better for you -bussiness wise- to have the content in the same place, do it that way. If not, then create another channel. Personally, I'd watch wether it's here on Patreon, on the fot channel or a new channel :)


ahh i would totally subscribe to your personal channel, if you were to make one!! also, i don't know how youtube works, but i feel like since your reaction channel has a lot of copyrighted material, maybe it would be easier to monetize those other videos, if it was in a youtube channel with no copyrighted material? so you could make some extra money in the process 😎


I personally wouldn't mind it being on the main channel and I'm sure you could make it fit aesthetically but most of your audience is there for Kpop related stuff and how annoying would it be to get 'Please react to so and so artist" comments on your non Kpop related content?!? Ughhh That's why I voted for second channel. I'll definitely subscribe.


I don't really mind where you post it, I'll make sure to subscribe if its on a new channel, but I suspect it could be a bit polarising on the main channel. If you end up choosing between the two youtube options, maybe do another poll on youtube? May I suggest though that if you do put in on a new youtube channel to post the links on Patreon, not as Patreon exclusives but just so that both your current and any new Patron's see the content and subscribe (if not always at least to begin with and maybe again every now and then). I suspect people will be more likely to click on it and get invested and subscribe if it is just like any other Patreon post (but linked to youtube), plus Patreon notifications are way better. Personally, I do like the comment sections of Patreon more than Youtube but I'm not sure if more people will subscribe to Patreon for this content or not (maybe It might help keep people around longer? not sure) so I guess it depends on what you think will be best for you.


More varied reactions could be nice too! Like King of Masked Singer, those kind of things are a bit different and not necessarily idol-related. Are there any Korean movies worth watching too? Talking about K-Culture other than idols would interest a lot of us as well I think!