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I don’t know if y’all saw my Patreon story but we woke up to an overflowing sink (our pets apparently turned it on then stopped the drain). It apparently ran for 6-7hours and it flooded the floor of our 3rd floor then leaked into our second floor and first floor.

Our landlord is guessing this is $20k damages or more as we have to replace the the third and second floors and also the ceiling on top of the emergency cleanup and air drying that’s currently going on.

We’re really hoping that the landlord’s insurance will cover the entire cost but we don’t know yet.

I know this may have caused some to wonder what the status of videos will be like this week and they will still continue. I thought about it long and hard, I was considering taking the week off because this is so stressful but at the end of the day I think I need the distraction and I don’t want to leave you all hanging. After all I’ve got to finish Hotel Del Luna then jump into Good Girl and Treasure Box!

So videos will resume as normal. I think MAYBE there might not be some videos Monday and Tuesday (because these industrial fans are hella loud and there’s even one in my filming room currently) but the soonest I can resume filming is hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. With that said we have some pre filmed stuff on the schedule so those will come out!

Anyway, I’m gonna go rip my hair out. Stay safe everyone. 2020 is really throwing us for a ride.



Don't stress yourself out! Do what you want and are able to do!

Chloe Borley-Evans

2020 really is testing all your limits PD damn

Ryan Khosravi

Please post if you decide to do a GoFundMe or something. I’d really like to donate towards the damages!


2020 really is coming for everyone apparently,, I hope the insurance works out.


I can only imagine how stressful this year must have been for you so far. That's awful. I hope you take care of your mental health, cause I know I'd be on the verge of a meltdown if I was in your shoes. Wishing you the best and sending positive vibes your way ✨💞


I hope you Megan and the cats are okay. I hope the landlord's insurance can cover the cost and the situation gets handled in the least stressful way. I wish I could throw you some luck cause it just seems like life keeps hitting you. I'm a St. Patrick's day baby so I'm technically a leprechaun, so I wish you luck


What a year. wish you nothing but the best dude, much love PD.

Julia Hemmingstad

Hope everything works out for you guys PD!!!!!

Carly Pearl

Pets are great but sometimes they just do stupid things 😞 Hoping that insurance covers everything or at least most of it.

Kiah Elsie

Omg PD I’m so sorry this happened, I just hope you, your partner and your pets are alright. I also hope the insurance covers most if not all of it, I feel really bad because you’ve had a really rough 2020 this year so I know it isn’t much but I upgraded to autumn tier for you, hopefully this helps even just a little bit. I love watching your videos and content, they really entertain me and give me insight into how much work goes into kpop mvs. I hope you all stay healthy and keep strong, we love you PD!!! ❤️❤️💜


My goodness PD, please don't worry about us. I'm fairly sure the great majority of people here would be okay even if you didn't post anything. Take as much time as you need to fix everything (I certainly hope the insurance can cover all the cost). Stay safe. Wishing you all the best <3


My partner and I discussed it and we might IF the insurance doesn’t pan out. We spent SO much money moving into this house we are literally all tapped out money wise. So we’re crossing our fingers and hoping our landlord’s insurance will cover everything.

Sophie Antilla

PD, I'm sorry so many things are happening to you this year :(. Like someone did above, I also upgraded my tier. Although $10 might not be much, I hope it helps you in some way. I seriously hope your 2020 gets better ❤️


oh no :( hopefully, you can take your time to recover soon! stay safe pd!

Clarie Q

I honestly respect u in every way, cus if it was me that had gone through so much in this year, i would definitely be mentally broke down. plz let us know if u really need any financial help and at least i promise i'll do everything i can, no shame of asking for help from ur friends! Anyway, let's just hope that things are getting better and problems will be solved in the best way!

Talise Snyder

So sorry this happened PD, I hope you won't have to cover too much of the cost. If you feel comfortable with it I would encourage you to share this on YouTube and people may be able to help you out financially.


I hope everything works out!!


omg pd pls be safe whenever u are :(


sometimes pets can really be the worst, no matter how lovely they are! I really hope the insurance will cover this! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Time to place gates around the kitchen n bathrooms


Oh man, that is awful. Hopefully between the owners insurance and your renters insurance, it will all be ok. Just remember to breath and know that this too shall pass.


maybe you can watch I-land instead of Treasure box?