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Hey everyone I just finished watching RTK episode 7 and taking a break and will watch episode 8 soon (NOBODY TOLD ME IT WAS TWO HOURS WTF). I'll be posting Episode 7 today but Episode 8 probably won't get posted until later tonight.

Hotel Del Luna I'm also gonna binge this weekend and post them all next week.

I know it's taken us a while to finish these what with all the moving and covid going on but I'm done moving and we're all finally settled now so expect more binge-a-thons to come through. 

NOTE: Today is the LAST day of Patreon July memberships. It will auto restart in August 1. If you are NOT renewing your Summer tier patron please DM us that you want the links for RTK and we will DM them to you! While we hope most of you continue your Summer tier patronages we also understand if you can't so we will DM them to you :)

This MIGHT take a week or so to send all out because our DMs are CLOGGED up right now. We have around 300 DMs to go through on Patreon, most of them are requests but we go through each and every DM carefully because we don't want to ignore anyone so it will take a little time. If anyone has needed refunds and such, sorry it's taken a bit to get back to you but this is why we do not want people DMing us with requests and suggestions. PLEASE remember to use our COMMUNITY TAB on our profile page for requests! DMs are for customer service issues only!!

Have a wonderful day y'all.



Thank you for all the efforts you're putting in for us PD!!! I will definitely keep up my support as long as I can!!


Omg I am SO excited for you to watch the rest of RTK, I’ve been wondering when you’re gonna watch them, so glad you’re gonna upload them today!


PD you really have to see oneus come back home mv after and also the stage break!!

Chloe Borley-Evans

So excited for these finales! Been looking forward to them the most :) thanks for all your hard work PD!

Ally Gichan

Thanks ALOT! you're the best seriously... I hope I can go back to work soonnnnn so I can renew! I promise very very soon


3 hours of RTK in one day? Yikes! The dedication though..... Anyway sticking around for August...thanks PD


Excited <3


I was just spoiled for RTK but still looking forward to watching it with you all.


Too bad it's 31st already =/


PD mentions in the post that they'll DM anyone the links to the last episodes if they weren't planning on or can't renew. You have time to cancel if you need as I think it's based on Pacific Time so it's only 7:40pm now and if I'm not wrong it'd get billed at midnight


I'm very excited Biht your reactions to the finale! So many stages were just *Chefs kiss*

Karlee Daniels

PD are you going to watch Kingdom aftet watching RTK?