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So previously I posted that I had found a workaround solution to our bandwidth problem with some help from one of our Patrons but as I was in the process of making it happen, I noticed that the new platform only had a 200GB bandwidth limit. That's considerably less than Vimeo which is at 1,600GB and as I said we average around 6,000GB~8,000GB a month. I misread that 200GB as 20,000GB mainly because I had already stated our bandwidth needs and we were told that new platform would be perfect. 

So we've exhausted all our options and at this point we have no choice but to just pay $5K over to Vimeo (it's $6K now because they offered us a "quarterly payment plan" but that ups the price tag by $1k whereas it's $5K if we pay all at once). I already contacted Vimeo, I just need the actual money so things will be either up and running by tomorrow or Monday/Tuesday (the Vimeo team responds slow and also I don't have the money to pay for it until tomorrow). Thanks everyone for your patience! So the update is basically just: nothing's gonna change. We have to stay with Vimeo lmao.



We'll support you no matter what PD!!


Yikes... I'm glad they at least offer a payment plan, but that $1k extra on top of an already expensive plan is a tough pill to swallow 😖


Sorry this has been a colossal cluster fuck but I'm glad you finally settled on an option... Just sucks it costs so much. But I guess we have to pay for nice things (which is why I'm your Patreon, lol). Love you, PD! And thank you for working so hard to figure this out :)

Moon Wolf



Yeah I broke it down for them and pretty much told 'em I am NOT a company of some kind that can fork over $5,000 overnight and they offered a payment plan which is nice I guess.


Sad to hear that. And that's a little bit harsh. Now you have to pay 1,5k $ every three months. I hope you'll get some more patreons or more donations on top of patreons, so you can pay that and the office and the expenses :o

João Ferreira

Damn thats tough, i just upgraded to autumn tier to help you a little bit more, its not much but its what i can afford for now. Thank you for your hard work!

JANVIÉR (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 05:30:05 Damn that is tough. Still, kudos on trying your best! Ps. Not sure where’s appropriate to ask this, but any chance Twice More&More listening party in the works soon? Your Feel Special LP was one of the best you’ve done, just saying! Thanks 🙏🏼
2020-07-06 00:36:17 Damn that is tough. Still, kudos on trying your best! Ps. Not sure where’s appropriate to ask this, but any chance Twice More&More listening party in the works soon? Your Feel Special LP was one of the best you’ve done, just saying! Thanks 🙏🏼

Damn that is tough. Still, kudos on trying your best! Ps. Not sure where’s appropriate to ask this, but any chance Twice More&More listening party in the works soon? Your Feel Special LP was one of the best you’ve done, just saying! Thanks 🙏🏼