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The Kulture Study: TXT "Can't You See Me" MV

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Syazraid Aidil

Love your reaction PD!! HAHA💕


I had no idea there was some fan war stuff going on but it’s terrible that people dragged you into it. Some people too closely link their identity with a musical artist they like and they end up becoming really defensive - that’s one thing, but being upset over something a person literally never said is too much. I’m sorry you experienced that, we all know you better than to think you’d “pick a side”


You actually put in words how I feel about this song in relation to Runaway!


Don't worry about that, I completed understood what you wanted to say..... People are very sensitive these days and always take things out of context.... Btw I love your reactions and never felt that way in the comments you made or analyses you made, and I always excited about your reactions. Love u and keep going!!!


“Wow they ruined so many tomatoes there” x) I love the creepy/edgy concept and hope other groups try this too. Also thanks for addressing the rumors. I don’t even use social media but saw some comments on YouTube before becoming a Patron. It was pretty heated. Anyways, so happy to see this reaction, take care of yourself PD :)!


This is the first time I’m commenting on a video, but I really wanted to tell you that it isn’t your fault that people took what you said out of context. I really love your reactions and what you say about videos and music, and I absolutely love your txt reactions too! Thank you for all the effort you put into making these videos <3 (sorry if I didn’t make sense, English isn’t my first language)

Niki Clement

It's situations like this where I don't get these "Gate keepers" and why they have to correct or judge everything people say and also why I hate "stan" culture because some people really are acting like stalker fans. I have been watching you for over a year, maybe even 2 and I really can't say that you have ever considered someone undeserving. You say what you like and what you don't like and that's it. Recently I watched your Cravity video and you broke down the MV really well. At the same time I caught myself thinking I hope their fans don't see this is you picking on the group. I should't have to think like that. It's sad that this is what we have come to as fans.

Niki Clement

Thoughts on the MV: Sinister is such a perfect word for the combo of song and video. Can't wait for the listening party :)


TXT really captures teenage angst well it in a way that is relatable even if you aren’t a teen. They're a group I wish I had as a teenager. I love this song and the concept. The visuals and the video is amazing. I love the song production as well.


I would say that TXT's whole concept is edgy/dark and that it's more internalized, and as we progress through the different comebacks, it is getting exposed more and more externally/visually.

Lan Nguyen

I love this comeback musicwise, they def go for darker themes in their mvs. Im allergic to strawberries and the mv makes my skin crawl 😅


This one is definitely so far my favourite by them, so edgy and beautifully delivered and so smooth. Very well done of TXT ❤️


Hi! hello i always appreciate your reactions to my favourite things, so i’m happy with this! I actually signed up with patreon just so i could have early access to the txt comeback videos! (hopefully you do a listening party too!) Uh, also I wanted to say that I was not aware of the twitter drama and it did left a bit upset even if you already explained and didn’t mean it, and honestly i’m okay with it, still supporting you. My suggestion would be to leave the twitter drama on twitter and not bring it up on your channel, bcos a lot of people who dont interact with you on twitter are gonna find out (like me) and be upset lol take it from a digital marketing major, and just shhh about it and let it die. haha. Anyway, thanks again!!!!! I’m glad you liked it!!! your opinion means lots to me!!

Cristina Doncel

Since I saw the teaser I knew it was going to be my favorite song of them, and I was right. There are moments in the video that even make me anxious (in a good way), due to the lyrics, the song, and the MV. By the way, the choreography if you see a live is as always great, TXT is one of the few groups that I feel that they tell something through their dance. Regarding the rumors, I didn't know and I feel that the fans are becoming too sensitive and taking things out of context, although I appreciate you explaining that it wasn't your intention and I agree that perhaps it was a somewhat controversial comment to make.

Therese C. Lucky

I can honestly say that I have made the same exact comment as you regarding the Rookie of the Year Award. It wasn’t until I re-evaluated what I was saying that I realized the way it may sound to others. I am a fan of both groups and was rooting for both, but the comments I made did not seem that way. I’m glad I kept them to myself though, social media can really twist a persons words


This is my favorite txt comeback to date! Both the title track, mv, and the album as a whole. I love the point of view they took within the mv and the music with the experimental and edgy sound. You definitely need to do an album listening party because there are so many surprises in each of the songs! Incredible.

Shannon Small

Every time I watch this mv I notice something different that intensifies the emotion of the video. The mv starts and ends with the boys at a crossroads after their fight, covered in bloody tomatoes and strawberries. The escalation of the mv as they get more and more frustrated with one another and start doing things that (un)intentionally might harm or hurt the others. I can’t help but marvel at how thoughtfully the mv was put together to create such a sinister but still dreamlike atmosphere, especially when the video suddenly switches into those stop motion still shots like they had in Crown. Overall this comeback is my favorite of theirs so far, not because I think it’s necessarily better than their others but because I can really see the seeds of what big hit was doing with txt’s debut coming to fruition. I always felt that when they debuted they were really good but still undefined, so I needed to see where they went and how their music and style developed. Run away was fantastic, and a very strong first comeback, but I think can’t you see me adds an extra sense of versatility because of how different the concept is to parts 1 & 2 of the dream chapter.


Yo if you thought this was sinister, you should listen to the last track on the album


I love this comeback a lot 😍 Great video!! Also, I’ve been noticing for a while already that you put the subtitles on for the mv and I wanted to tell you I really appreciate it ❤️ thank you PD❤️


Thank you for addressing the issue with that tweet. I watched your videos before and I know you tend to keep your series neutral, without outright preference to any musician, but that tweet was not really worded well and I started to question if I want to continue watching your videos. But now, as issue was cleared, all good.


I hope you'll be able to listen to their album! Thanks!


Please do a listening party to this album 💜 I really enjoy your reactions because they are genuine.


Is this video private for anyone else?


Hi PD! Thanks for addressing the tweet, although I wish their fans hadn’t put you in a situation where you felt you needed to in the first place. A lot of twitter stans, both moa’s and other fandoms alike, take any praise towards a “rival” group (which I don’t get why Ateez and TXT have to be rivals since they’re literally close friends, but I guess some people feel threatened?) as a dig at their faves which literally makes no sense. You can appreciate TXT’s talent and know how much they deserved roty and also at the same time realize that all rookie groups work just as hard and also deserve roty and recognition, because all groups are talented and hardworking. You saying that Ateez or any other group deserved the title never meant that TXT didn’t deserve it as well and I’m sorry it was taken that way. I remember that tweet and it was worded just fine but kpop stans find any way they can to start drama and make it seem like people hate their faves. Sorry you had to deal with that, but thanks for addressing it though. And anyway, this comeback shows such a versatile side of the boys and I’m excited for more!


I still think TXT won cuz of BTS xD but anyway... I never really liked their music until this comeback. I love this song so much. I love how weirdly creepy it is


I don't quite remember why this video was taken down on Youtube, probably Copyright issues though. Do you guys think PD would be willing to re-upload this on Patreon at least ? Or have they already adressed this in Community posts and I missed it ?

Carlos Silva

Do you guys think PD would be willing to re-upload this on Patreon at least ?


I come back here once in a while with a hope that PD will re-upload this reaction. 🥺


PD can you re-upload TXT Can't You See Me. It's not letting me watch it.


Oh, it's not working TT


Can u upload again it’s not available on youtube for me


Wishing for the reupload


reupload plssss

Midnight Lion

Joined this patreon to watch this video, sad to see it unavailable. Would love and appreciate a reupload to patreon!

Risu Alto

Agreed with the other commenters, if it's possible to recover the video.

Charilyn Jarvis

Is there really no way to reupload? Just got into txt and really wanted to see your reaction to this..

kasey (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 15:28:06 AW PLS REUPLOADDDDD <3
2022-07-27 18:19:51 AW PLS REUPLOADDDDD <3