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How's everyone doing during this COVID-19 situation? 

I've been having a difficult time, mainly going stir crazy. One of the things that's been bothering me is that my entire apartment has turned into a set again and it's just driving me nuts. When the small home you have is also your only place of work, it feels like it's difficult to relax. 

I was considering moving back into my office/studio when the stay-at-home orders lift on May 15th but after much consideration and discussion with others, I've decided to indefinitely close the office and go into an extended isolation until the end of summer.

You may be asking: why?

If you haven't been keeping up to date with Dr. Fauci, a new study estimates that there will be a DRAMATIC rise in infections and deaths in the U.S. from COVID-19 as stay-at-home rules and social distancing rules become more lax.

You can already see it now. Stay-at-home orders aren't even OVER yet and there are MASSIVE herds of people, hundreds upon hundreds gathering at beaches or parks without any masks or gloves and disobeying all social distancing rules. It's kind of aggravating the selfish mindset of Americans. Americans have decided that they're "bored" with COVID-19 so it's over now, as if it's a fucking trend.

Historically in times like these, when a society comes off of quarantine early, a pandemic bounces back HARDER because there's a false sense of security and more ignorance as people think "it's over" and let their guard down EVEN MORE. So this pandemic is only going to get worse.

This is of course only aimed at the irresponsible people who are "socializing" in public. I feel bad for people who are going to feel like they have to return to their jobs because they need to pay rent and buy food. For those people, I have no idea what they should do, but for the people who absolutely do not need to go out and are only going out for kicks, they make me annoyed.

And so I'm blessed to have a "job" or "career" that allows me to work from home so I'm going to do it. Unfortunately I still have to pay rent on my office so I'll still be paying heavy bills during this time so THANK YOU ALL for helping me keep these lights on and keeping things going. I essentially pay DOUBLE the bills on everything (rent, utility, internet, etc.) so your patronage during this time is really helpful.

As frustrating as it is to once again have my home cannibalized and turned into a set, I am going to work on my patience because it's literally a matter of life or death.

Please stay safe and indoors if possible! Videos will (hopefully) resume tomorrow as my new parts should be arriving today!


Asma Alharbi

Stay safe please 😭😭😭


I hope through out this most importantly you are healthy and safe!!

Nora Etkame

Hey PD, stay strong and positive, as much as you can. Also thank YOU for still putting out incredible content .

Steven Poythress

Hang in there PD, we will all get through this together.


Do not work yourself over with filming reactions. You do what you need to do. Take breaks and stay safe. Thank you so much for all the content you have been giving us. I really appreciate it.🙂💓


Mannn I'm not. I'm trying to figure out how to be! I feel like I've put on so much weight.


Stay safe, lots of love


Stay safe and healthy! And don’t pressure yourself too much 🥺

Leon Hockenberger

A wise decision. I hope you can relax more often in the Future. You're doing the right thing 👍


Be safe PD we're with you in this rough time, 화이팅!!!


Stay safe PD! Do what you think is best and we’ll support you! Keep doing great job but if you need more time or whatever you need, then do what you need to remain healthy both physically and mentally:)

Keshia Hunter

It annoys me so much too! What annoys me More is that if people are gonna bother protesting Then they should be protesting not having enough tests. If we had enough then we could go end the stay at Home orders sooner! I hope everyone is staying home as much as possible. Don’t risk your health and be reckless people!


I recommend keeping your workplace and self space in your apartment physically separate, it can help a lot. Whether thats by having them in different rooms or even drawing a literal line on the floor, helps a lot with preventing one overtaking the other. Cgpgrey made a good video on how to cope with things, nice and concise: https://youtu.be/snAhsXyO3Ck It's the right decision to stay indoors just now, quanrantine shouldn't really be lifted until after a vaccine, but people are impatient


Staying safe is the most important thing PD. If you feel like you need time to relax then you should take that time for yourself i’m sure everyone will understand it with everything that’s going on 💗

mick mick mick

Stay safe PD~! the upside for me is my job is still going to stay with no employees right now because we still rely on OTHER people to bring their dogs for boarding and Maryland hasnt even considered lifting the stay at home orders. I’m sorry the majority of America just treats this as some sort of joke.


I have no idea what a lot of americans are thinking at this point. It never would've gotten this bad if they had done what they were supposed to. It sucks that all the people that obeyed the rules will have to be punished in the same degree as the idiots that didn't

Sheila Vaidyanathan

Thank you so much for taking these extra precautions. I'm someone that's at high risk and I'm still working a few hours a week at one of my jobs to help keep the small business running. When things open up again I'll be working 2 customer service jobs full time again. I'm mostly scared of getting sick and unknowingly giving it to up to hundreds of people since I interact with so many people every day


To be honest I feel the same way. I’m an essential employee so I’ve been going to work this whole time. I also use public transportation and half the people who use it aren’t essential. It makes the buses and the trains more crowded. It’s like they don’t care if they bring something back home. They don’t believe that something will happen to them until it actually does happen. People in my area aren’t taking it 100% serious 😣

CRAYON weiwen

Please take care yourself and good things will come, be patience.

Alexandria Shannon

The uncertainty of this time is so frustrating and scary. I’m American but abroad right now and I prob won’t go home for a long time bc of this behavior. The American mindset is fucked up and being abroad during this is making that more obvious. I think you made the right choice💕


Stay safe, watching all this unfold from Europe, I feel sorry for all the innocent Americans who are going to suffer unnecessarily.


I can't understand these people protesting. I mean I understand if you need to work but other than that... less than a week of openings and already its worse. Nearly 70k people have died in such a short amount of time WHILE we have been quarantined. I guess if it isn't affecting you or anyone you know it gives you a false sense of security. However there is a thing called common sense. Anyways, happy to be a supporter. P.s. I'm also lucky my husband can work from home. I might feel different if I really needed to work. I sympathize with those people... just not people who can't cut their own hair or live without their next tattoo or cant be bothered to care in general...meh


I feel so sorry for you PD. 🙁 This situation even further proves that a lot of Americans are, sadly, quite stupid, selfish and childish. They don't understand or don't WANT to understand this current situation. They don't want to stick to the rules because they don't understand them or don't think they're necessary. They treat this as a joke and I feel so bad that you have to go through this. 🙁 In my country in Europe everyone is taking this quite seriously, as are most other countries, but USA is kind of just like another world in this case. There's a literal pandemic raging, people are dying and they treat it like a game. Whereas countries like China, South Korea and Japan, who've had it the worst at the beginning, are already pretty much over it because of their responsibile actions. I'm so sorry that you'll have so suffer because of other people. 🙁 What has to happen to them for them to understand?! I think you've made the right decision. Even if your single action probably won't help the case as a whole, at least you and your team will be a lot safer. Stay safe and try to think positively! I think doing nice things in this time is very important.


Hi PD! I'm a home persona but it has been 50 days since we started quarantine in Spain and the moment has arrived for me to go crazy, hahahaha. The motivation to help others is what gives me straight. We also have some people who are starting to go out as if nothing happened. My stepmom is a nurse and she sees people dying every day because of corona but even if you survive, some of them are going home with oxygen bottles for life. Even if you don't have symptoms, you still can pass it to others so the mask is not to protect yourself, but to protect others form you. I feel calling ourselves heroes (as some media says) for staying home is too much but it's sad to see that not everybody can do it.


Stay safe PD! 🙏🏼 As soon as the stay at home order is lifted, I have to return to work :( I take care of children so it’s going to be extremely hard. I hope I can be a good influence to them as I wear my mask and taking extreme precautions with cleaning surfaces and giving the children hand sanitizer so they can mayve also influence their family to do the same. Good luck with everything 💜


I feel your pain, I live in a single room apartment and I'm homeschooling a teenager. We are trying our best to cope but it's hard if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom to have a quiet moment for yourself. That being said, we're staying inside until it's absolutely safe to go out. I'm glad others I care about are doing the same.

Steve Tasker

Hope you're staying safe and healthy PD. I work in the pharmaceutical field and this has been crazy for my company. Currently we're helping to mass produce a potential vaccine in the UK as testing was great for helping alleviate the severe symptoms. I think we will be able to come up with something.


You are doing the right thing, PD. I'm very discouraged here in my country (I live in Brazil) because people that support our stupid president still question the measures being taken (also questioning the number of deaths saying is being exagerated and even being fabricated!) and go to the streets just to say that they support the president and that the virus is not a big deal (basically like Trump's rallys). Staying at home is not a big deal for me so I'll do my part cause I can work from home easily, but it makes me so mad that some people are so brainwashed that they don't believe what we are going through is serious and is not going away quickly.

Perceptive Thoughts

Also hope you are staying safe and glad you're making that decision. I'm in the military and I'm essential right now so I have been, but we still have the same precautions and shelter in place orders. I am in Georgia which was one of the first states to open back up and the amount of people not wearing masks, especially workers at a certain grocery store is honestly not even shocking to me. It feels like most Americans think we're all invincible to this virus and I think we are rushing things when statistically it shows that we aren't really improving.


Hey PD, I’m in Texas and it’s so frustrating to see people go out and protest so that this can be over, as if the protest is gonna make the Corona virus disappear. My boyfriend works at a fast food restaurant and they are going to start opening their dinning rooms for 25% capacity today instead of just maintaining carry out. My boyfriend was pissed and he decided he didn’t feel safe having to interact with multiple customers. Luckily his job gave everyone 2 weeks paid leave to use when ever they need to but no one has used it. He was the first one and he felt really guilty about it and felt selfish, but the company is the one that is putting their employees at risk for opening the dinning room as soon as they can instead of just maintaining take out until they can be sure that the number of cases don’t rise exponentially.

Christina M Villa

Our stay at home orders in AZ are being relaxed this week-end. Although it doesn't really matter. Our governor is such a pu**y-whipped bootlicker to conservatives that the orders were never really followed and no consequences given. Our cases and deaths are rising, yet we are "reopening." This whole situation just makes me angry. One of my friends, whom I've known since she was in elementary school, has a severely compromised immune system. She is friends with many others who have the same illness she has. She has lost 13 friends so far to this disease. One of whom's death was caused by her own father being selfish. She and her mom begged him to not protest in Michigan where they live. He said he was being denied his rights. He was still employed, hadn't lost anything by staying home except his precious "freedom" to hang out with friends at bars and such. No one in their family had left the house in months, all groceries delivered and disinfected. All mail disinfected and left outside for several days before being brought in. He was the only one who had contact with others. He brought the disease home and is now burying his daughter. How can people be so selfish?

Moon Wolf

Stay strong PD, everyone stay strong

Jas Burton

Thank you for not being ignorant during a time like this and protecting yourself and others 🙏