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Almost got T-boned by another car breaking the law and blowing a red as I was making a left turn. Only survived because I’ve been T-bones before and learned how to drive in those situations.

Literally like 1 foot. That is how close it got. And now I can’t stop thinking about death and futility of life. Ugh


Holly Gigs

I’m glad your okay!

Sheila Vaidyanathan

I'm so glad you're ok. Please take your time to relax. Videos can wait.


Oh no, that’s horrible glad you’re okay though


Take it easy and rest if you need we'll all support you

veil of light

Your health first. Glad you're ok.

Kira Paige

glad you’re okay! please take all the time you need to rest and get yourself back together!

alex b

Oh my god, I hope you’re okay PD!! That’s so scary 😰


Take all the time you need PD. Take time to breathe and come back when you feel you're ready. We are here for you always. If ever you need someone to talk with, I'm here. Much love xx

Lauryn L

I'm so glad that you're okay. Take it easy and rest please.


Glad you're okay, though! Relax and rest PD


I don't love this post, but I'm sending you love. I'm so sorry that that happened; that's really scary! I'm so glad you're okay. I would miss you if something were to happen to you!


You’ve had a serious shock so take some time to decompress and relax a bit. We can wait on you. Today must be the day for weirdness on the roads. Was run into the breakdown lane on the NJ turnpike by someone who didn’t look before pulling into my lane. Then after I got off that road freaking Bambi jumped out in front of my car. Must be something in the atmosphere.


I’m glad you’re okay! Take all the time you need. I’ve been in a situation similar before and it’s terrifying


Glad you are ok and take all the time you need

Frank Ardolino

Good vibes. Feel better. Glad you're ok.

Blair (Rinzler)

We are so happy to hear you are okay, but totally understand the state of shock and overwhelming anxiety that comes with an experience like that. Please, take the time you need. Sending you good vibes.


Oh god PD, I’m so happy you’re alive. I really hope you’re doing ok mentally and if you need to vent just let us know. Take as much time as you need we’ll all understand


Take your time, PD. I'm so relieved you weren't physically injured


Oh holy shit, I'm glad you're okay! Considering what you've told us before about past experiences with car wrecks, I understand some of your anxiety. Do something, if you can, to distract yourself from dwelling on the trauma of the incident. Go be with friends and loved ones. Take care❤️


Please take a break :( take care. aaaaa So glad you're safe. :(


Holy shit! Sorry to hear that PD. I am glad to hear you didn’t get T-boned. But whoa that was close.. Hope you’re okay and take a good rest. That’s most important now. 😘


I have a lot of issues with anxiety and im bipolar.. heavy on the mania side... so my anxious thoughts will be on loop for days at break neck speeds. I also have a lot of anxiety in the car, especially in California. Just saying I understand how things like this can become all encompassing. I'm glad you are ok. I also lost a cousin last month who is the same age as me and it had me really thinking about death, my health and all the what ifs. For me, my kids tend to reel me in from all of that. Just gotta find your anchor or your center to help bring you back to a state of calm. Hugs


Also I know some people will low key stalk you for different videos but just take your time and do what you are comfortable with. I'm personally happy to support you either way.


OMG! I'm glad your OK! I hate it when other People drive recklessly! Anxiety Attacks are the worst!

aicrylic (aimee)

one of my close friends got into a car accident last weekend and I was so worried for her. Thankfully everyone involved was fine, but she's still really shaken up about it, This is what really brings out my fear of driving. Glad to know you're okay. Take time if you need to


My heart dropped reading this. I'm so glad you're alive. Car accidents are so scary, it happens so fast. I hope you have someone you can reach out to (also we're all here on patreon if you need to!), don't stay alone with such a traumatic experience. Take the time you need!!!


Take the rest you need, we'll wait for you to comeback :)


Omg PD I'm glad you're all right. Stuff like that is super scary. Take all the time that you need

Kate M

WOW! I'm so glad you knew what to do and avoided the accident. I'm definitely NOT glad you had this happen. Hope the panic attack has gone away by this point and you're feeling better.

Jacob Peter Bankel

I don't think god likes you... I don't recall a single week in 2019 where all that is unlucky was thrown at you, and yet you keep at it, and make the best out of whatever little good do happen. No matter what god thinks of you, know that we, and I care a lot PD.

Paul Pederson

Glad you told us what's happening, but sure sorry to hear the craziness you went through. I sent you a DM a couple days ago on Twitter, nothing important, just was saying hello and hoping your tech needs are being met. Take time to rest, but as Annie did I'd encourage you to spend time with others. It helps me to go do something for someone, even a little. I spent some time today with a friend who recently fell and had a concussion. Even though he has limited energy now, we enjoyed seeing each other for a bit. Please let us/me know if there's anything we can do. 💜

Tom Poston

Saw you and friend getting out of car at Dreamcatcher tonight - wanted to say hello but it just didn’t work out; that was only time I saw you. Hope you enjoyed the show and so sorry you had such a fright earlier this week...

adam conroy

Hope your okay mate