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But because I supported the GWSN MAKESTAR, I got an invite to go to the Secret fan meeting. But it’s like...SOON. And in...KOREA. Frankly I thought I’d have more time to save up and go but...I could go. I COULD but I’d have to dip into some of the money I was saving to buy a new computer. A flight is like 1K. But...should I do it? SHOULD I DO IT?!

I need to RSVP by THIS Thursday.




Rose C

i’d say go for it tbh cause who knows when you’ll have this opportunity again



Tyler De Asis

I mean, a computer could wait. It will always be there, but how often will this fan meeting pass you by.

Frank Ardolino

Is it worth it? What are the perks of going? I mean the opportunity alone is cool AF.


Id say if the ticket takes up more than 30% of your savings then dont go but if its less? go for it.

Dylan Hall

An invite like that doesn’t happen often, I think you should go

Frank Ardolino

I guess what I'm saying is do it.

김 영주 Kim Yeong-Ju

Do it. Computers can wait. I still edit Red 8k footage on a 6950X and it still performs great 3 years later. It's not even on custom water cooling

김 영주 Kim Yeong-Ju

Here's the bottom line: It's a once-in-a-lifetime opprotunity vs a piece of hardware that will be obsolete in 3-5 years. Which one is more fulfilling?


Go PD, enjoy yourself! ☺ Don't pass this once in a lifetime opportunity!!!!! ☺ 🙋 💪

Jacob Peter Bankel

Do you emagine GWSN to be your favourite group for the next year? Because if not, you might look bad at it as dumb money... Will it benefit you personally? Do you need a break? Creative inspiration or whatever it might be. Will it benefit your channel? Can you interview different people etc. Film things exclusively possible in Korea? If not, is it worth it to go only for GWSN? Devils advocate at your service. But the opportunity seems cool AF, I support whatever decision you make, love your work.


It could also open doors for other events for you. Maybe even lead to breaking down some LGBTQ barriers you have been having troubles with. All that aside, I think you should go if your really can and want to.

mel Q

Honestly? Think about it this way, is it worth it? Is your pc still working fine? What are your priorities? If the pc will do the job fine for a while then you can save that money again in the future. BUT, to be honest if it were me, i probably wouldn’t go unless gwsn was one of my top 5 groups but that’s just me and the way i sort out my priorities, especially when it comes to saving. Anyway, just go with your guts and have no regrets later.

Eva Kung

IMO, If i am going to make a spontaneous trip (not in a bad way) for something especially if i have to drill into my savings for something else i had originally planned to do, then ill really have to want it enuff to forgo or delay wut i wanted to do initially with the money. it depends wat ur intentions of either event is. I think the level of satisfaction (not just emotionally) and what u want to get out of either spend determines your choice. Are you hoping to get something out of the trip, or is it simply just to meet them in person? Becuase I'm sure theyll have more fan events they host down the line. Is it worth the spend? Are you hoping to meet the people there and plan to network with people? Maybe potentially wanting to strike some more opportunities in the kpop industry? Will delaying the PC upgrade effect your ability to edit videos, create content, video upload frequency now? Does the upgrade provide u something u absolutely need at this moment in time that you cannot progress without etc.? If it isnt gonna effect anything your doing now other than maybe luxurious or efficiency purposes, then honestly i think u can afford delaying it and hit up the secret meeting. but alas, we all support u whatever decision u make. Its not like ur never upgrading, its just gona take a lil longer than expected since your not in a hurry, then you can get the best of both worlds with no regrets if the fanmeet means just as much to you, so dont stress so hard over it! :D ps: sry i know this is unecessarily long, i just suck with words and explaining efficiently :c


Speaking of GWSN... red sun performance video 👀