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Just a few days ago I coincidentally heard of something that made me quite stunned. I have wondered that there is a kind of stagnation of the amount of patrons supporting me and that for several months, the bigger the surprise that the cause for this is already known at Patreon, for more than a year's time!

A horde of pirates is undermining Patreon’s financial structure, reposting paywalled pornographic images on an illicit website for free. The makers of these images are furious that internet denizens are putting their livelihoods in jeopardy to score free porn.

In other words, why should anybody support me, when he could have all the stuff for free? Well, I know that I have a lot of good people supporting me, kind-hearted people who are not interested in new material only, they want and will support me, they want to help me primarily and I'm very, very grateful for this.

There is not much that I could do about this, it's on Patreon to protect their creators, but if they haven't been able within a year's time to do anything against this, my days her are numbered, on one or the other way.

As far as I know it's about the $1 tier patrons. One of them is a robot, but I don't know who it is. That means all that will be posted for $1 tiers will be free available seconds later, even the password for the special folder of my 'secret lair'. That's why I had to remove all stuff that is older than a month from there. I'm sorry for this, but as long as Patreon has no solution I don't know what to do about it. I even couldn't send all new stuff by eMails, because that robot would get it as well.

There always have been leechers coming here, promising one dollar, downloading all there is and vanishing again, some even with false data, paying nothing at all, they don't care getting a bad status. Today there is an amount of 145 patrons with the status of 'declined' and 4 patrons with the status of 'fraud' in my patrons list. But now, that anybody can get everything ($1 patrons) for free, why should any new patron support me? I'l tell you. Only the good guys do.

I can't do more than to carry on, but if Patreon doesn't find a soon solution for this, they force me to leave this place. Hearing that Patreon passes $1 billion paid out to creators from more than 3 million patrons, but they are unable to protect the minority of NSFW creators from theft, that p****s me off, mildly said. I'm only a tiny creator, the money I get from honest patrons is just enough to make a living. I'm not a high class artist that gets a monthly five-digit income. My car is 15 years old by now and if a big repair comes one day, I'm quite doomed. I even can use it only once, up to twice a week, this is called living on the poverty line.

So I say to the hard core of my patrons that have decided to stay with me through thick and thin: I really appreciate your support. Thank you very much for your ongoing help, you still make my livelihood. Thanks for your endless patience and understanding that a disabled creator, living in daily pain, can't work as fast as he would like to. You are awesome, stay that way! Bear hug!

Yours truthfully



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