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So I had this artwork planned awhile ago, like two months rattling around in my mind.
It's inspired by a sad update from a cat charity I follow of an abandoned cat that a rescuer found her too late as she died from injuries trying to survive.
Star Card reversed means a lack of faith, and disconnect. I  also how I often read it is that you want to trust but trauma and your past make it difficult.

I did this on 7X10 stillman and brin zeta paper that is  270 gsm  in Aqua Ink with Stoneground watercolour pearlescent as the accent. I'm always mildly amused this blue is called 'hudson bay blue'
I'll try to take photos as the metallic is reaaaallly metallic.

Also I'm running a charity raffle on twitter that is only $5 to enter for either a ink wash like this or a watercolour headshot.

I actually was always planning on doing charity with art invovling social media, the original plan was to be after I move to Germany but hey that probably will take till after summer and I can do something positive with my art in the mean time.  



Zack Loup

This is gorgeous and heartbreaking. Excellent work


Thank you. Since I read about that cat few months back I've been really meditating a lot about the star card and it's reversal. Making art relating to some of the symbol the card has help me sort out why I am needed to fixate on it. If this makes any sense. ;P

Zack Loup

Totally makes sense. Sometimes a small story or symbol affects us in ways we can’t even imagine. Compassion is a beautiful thing, but can definitely lead to heartbreak. Last night we “rescued” a squirrel that was injured in the road. All the rescues were closed, so we set him up in a comfy box on our porch with water out of the rain. And when we woke up to take him to the rescue earlier, he was dead. It sucks. I like to think we at least made his last moments slightly less shitty, but it’s always a huge bummer when your help feels like it did nothing. That’s that reversed Star energy for sure