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Hello, I'll be brief...

Again, thanks for all the support so far.

We reached the $1500 goal last month but we are below it now, but it doesn't mean we will act like that, we will work like we still at that point and we think is port to say that to you.

Team is working on the update, maybe it takes a couple weeks.

We are here to clarify your doubts and keep you up to date.

If you're new here you can download the demo game HERE and play it for free.

SM Team


Mr. Gabit

You still have my support, keep on rocking!


same here keep up the good work!


Hey can I help you guys out with the english grammer? I'll do it for free because I love your game and I wana see it perfect


Hey I just wanted to ask if you had run anti-virus checks on your game. The exe pop up as a Variant.Zbot.17 on my computer and on virustotal it gets quite a lot of alerts.


The game is written in game maker studio 2.0, contains only game maker language files and nothing else. No any external files. Since the official launch of game maker studio 2.0 was March 2017, I suspect some of its files are not recognized by some anti-virus software yet.


how come his body doesn't change?


So any new updates scheduled?


next release?


So just finished the game in its current state, eagerly awaiting next update.


And thanks for putting this game out there. Great work.